King Peter and Queen Estarra continued strengthening the Confederation. Seeing the King and Queen as potential allies against the Klikiss and the faeros, Mage-Imperator Jorah announced that he would travel to Theroc and publicly proclaim an alliance between the Ildiran Empire and the Confederation. Nira accompanied him, as well as Anton Colicos and Rememberer Vaosh. Standing together under the worldtrees, the Mage-Imperator and the King swore a firm alliance. This was truly the death knell for the few remnants of the Hansa still loyal to Chairman Wenceslas.
Upon learning of Jorahs announcement, the Chairman took drastic measures. He ordered Admiral Esteban Diente to take a powerful EDF battle group to intercept the Mage-Imperator after he departed from Theroc. Admiral Diente was appalled at the orders, but he could not refuse, because the Chairman had taken his family hostage.
After Mage-Imperator Jorah made his promises to King Peter, he felt that he had strengthened the Ildiran Empire. However, Rusah and the faeros had just begun their worst ravages. They tracked down Denn Peroni and Caleb Tamblyn, who were flying a water tanker filled with wentals, and destroyed the ship near the icy planetoid Jonah 12. Denn was killed, but Caleb escaped in a lifepod and was marooned. The faeros also went to the primary wental planet of Charybdis and overwhelmed the living seas with their flames. Jess and Cesca could feel the agony of the dying wentals, but by the time they arrived the oceans had been scorched, the planet burned. The faeros had declared war on the wentals.
An armada of fireballs emerged from the dead Ildiran sun of Durris-B, reigniting the star and flooding out like a meteor shower. When Tabitha Huck took a newly built warliner on a shakedown cruise, the faeros were able to sense her presence because of her conversion to the telink/thismreligion. They destroyed her and the new warliner, then flew toward Ildira, where they also targeted Kolker and all his converts there. Mijistra began to go up in flames.
Prime Designate Daroh, left in charge of the Prism Palace, was forced to flee as the faeros incarnate Rusah came for him, demanding to know where the Mage-Imperator was. Osirah and her siblings used their unique powers to protect the Prime Designate and Yazrah; they all escaped through water channels beneath the Prism Palace.
Returning from his rescue of the human colonists on Klikiss worlds, Adar Zannh found the burned warliners of Tal Onhs septa. As soon as Onh and Designate Ridekh warned him about the impending holocaust on Ildira, Zannh raced off with his ships. When they arrived, the Solar Navy warliners attempted to battle the fireballs, but they had no effective way to combat the living fire. The Adar did, however, rescue Daroh, Yazrah, Osirah, and the other half-breed children. But they needed the leadership of the Mage-Imperator.
On his flagship warliner, Jorah could sense the horrific events unfolding on Ildira. Through her treeling, Nira received news that the faeros were burning Mijistra, but her contact abruptly ended when the lone treeling in the Prism Palace turned to ash. Desperate to get back, Jorah ordered his warliners to increase speed only to run into Admiral Dientes EDF battleships. Diente fired upon the warliner, damaged its engines, and captured the Mage-Imperator. Despite Jorahs urgent pleas about the disaster on Ildira, Diente escorted him and all the Ildiran captives to the EDF base on Earths Moon. Chairman Wenceslas came to see the prisoners, pleased at his easy victory, and told the Mage-Imperator that he must remain a guest of the Hansa until he abandoned his alliance with the Confederation and denounced King Peter.
The faeros had conquered Ildira, and Rusah installed himself in the Prism Palace. Now that he had discovered the telink/thismpathways through his other victims, the faeros incarnate was able to follow them back to the worldforest. Suddenly, green priest converts on Theroc burst into flame. From there, the hungry elemental fire spread to the towering worldtrees. The forest on Theroc began to burn.
Admiral Sheila Willis
Ten Mantas and one giant Juggernaut cruised across empty space, leaving Earth behind possibly forever, as far as Admiral Willis was concerned. Though her ships still bore the markings of the Earth Defense Forces, their crews no longer served the Hansa. No, not after everything they had seen.
Chairman Wenceslas would have called them mutineers.How could anyone not feel bitter about that?
Thered been a time when Willis was young and naive (or perhaps just insufficiently jaded), when she had thought all decisions were clear-cut, all answers black-and-white. She had believed that the good guys were fundamentally different from the bad guys. Well, shed left that attitude behind on Rhejak when General Lanyans brutality had forced her to make a previously unthinkable decision.
By seizing a whole battle group and turning her back on her beloved EDF, she had set wheels in motion wheels that might well run her over. After dumping Lanyan, Conrad Brindle, and a handful of hard-line loyalists on the outskirts of Earths solar system, she was taking her ships to Theroc, to join King Peter and his Confederation.
No matter how many times she tried to rationalize her decision, though, it still felt like desertion. Her brain was simply wired that way. She scanned the people on her bridge for signs of uneasiness. Willis was surprised at just how many of them had volunteered to burn their bridges and join her. Abandoning their homes, friends, families, and possessions was not a decision to make lightly. Obviously, she wasnt the only one who had smelled something rotten in the Hansa.
The last time she had brought these particular Mantas to Theroc, Willis had been under orders to arrest Peter as an outlaw ruler.
Approaching destination, Admiral, said her helmsman.
Make sure you announce our arrival politely. We dont want them to pee their pants when all these warships show up. She took a few moments to adjust her posture, her uniform, her expression. Ready to go meet the new boss.
As soon as the eleven ships entered planetary orbit, however, Willis saw that something was wrong. A flurry of mismatched Roamer ships had been launched into erratic orbits. Cargo craft, fast scouts, lumbering barges all lifted off from the forested continent and raced away from the planet in all directions. Two of the larger Roamer ships nearly collided with each other.
Her young comm officers skin turned prominently pink. Admiral, its total pandemonium down there! Frantic distress calls, screams Theroc is being attacked, but I cant see how.