There's pain on Viola's face still but it ain't all her ankles.
"Never mastered his Noise," the Mayor continues, looking at Davy, whose Noise--
I can't say what his Noise is like.
"Never followed an order he couldn't get out of. Couldn't capture you. Couldn't take care of Viola. Only ever showed improvement because of your influence, Todd."
"Pa--" Davy starts. But his pa ignores him.
"You are the son I want, Todd. Always you. Never this waste of space."
And Davy's Noise-
Oh, Jesus, Davy's Noise-
"LET HER GO!" I shout so I don't have to hear it. "I'll shoot him, I'll do it!"
"You won't," says the Mayor, smiling again. "Everyone
knows you aren't a killer, Todd." He pushes Viola forward again-She calls out from the pain of it-Viola, I think- Viola-
I grit my teeth and raise the rifle-- I cock it-
And I say what's true-
"I would kill to save her," I say.
The Mayor stops edging forward. He looks twixt me and Davy and back again.
"Pa?" says Davy. His face is twisted and crumpled.
The Mayor looks back at me, reading my Noise.
"You would, wouldn't you?" he says, almost under his breath. "You'd kill him. For her."
Davy looks back at me, his eyes wet but anger rising there, too. "Don't, Todd. Don't do it."
"Let her go," I say again. "Now." The Mayor's still looking twixt me and Davy, seeing that I'm serious, seeing that I'd really do it.
"Just put the gun down," I growl, not looking at Davy's eyes, not looking at his Noise. "This is over."
The Mayor takes in a long breath and lets it out.
"Very well, Todd," he says. "As you wish."
He steps away from Viola.
My shoulders relax.
And he fires his gun.
"TODD! " I shout, the sound of the rifle shot blasting past my ear, erasing everything but him, the whole world reduced to not knowing if he's all right or not, if he's been hit, if-
But it's not him-
He's still holding up his gun-
Standing next to Davy-Who falls to his knees-Sending up two small clouds of dust as he hits the rubble-
"Pa?" he asks, his voice pleading, like a little kitten-And then he coughs, spilling blood down his lips-- "Davy?" Todd says, his Noise rising like he's the one that's been shot-
And I see it-
A hole high in Davy's chest, in the fabric of his uniform, just below the base of his throat-A nd Todd runs to him, kneeling down beside him- "Davy!" he shouts-
But Davy's Noise is staring at his father-Asking marks sent everywhere-His expression shocked-His hand reaching up to the wound-He coughs again-And gags-
Todd's looking at the Mayor, too-
His Noise railing-
"What did you do?" he shouts-
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I shout.
"I removed him from the equation," the Mayor says calmly.
"Pa?" Davy asks again, holding out a bloodied hand toward him-
But his pa is only looking at me.
"You were always the truer son, Todd," the Mayor says. "The one with the potential, the one with the power, the one I'd be proud to have serve by my side."
Pa? Davy's Noise says--
And he's hearing all of this--
"You effing monster," I say. "I'll kill you-"
"You'll join me," the Mayor says. "You know you will. It's only a matter of time. David was weak, an embarrassment--"
"SHUT UP!" I shout.
Todd? I hear-I look down-
Davy's looking up at me--
His Noise swirling-
Swirling with askings and confuzhun and fear-
And Todd?-
I'm sorry-
"Davy, don't-" I start to say-But his Noise is still swirling-And I see-I see-
I see the truth-Here at the last-He's showing me the truth-The thing he's been hiding from me-About Ben-All in a messy rush-Pictures of Ben racing up the road toward Davy-Pictures of Davy's horse rearing-Pictures of Davy firing his gun as he falls-Pictures of the bullet hitting Ben in the chest-Pictures of Ben staggering out into the bushes-Davy too scared to go after him-Davy too scared to tell me the truth after-After I became his only friend--
I didn't mean it , his Noise is saying-"Davy--" I say--
I'm sorry, he thinks - And that's the truth all over - He is sorry--
For everything-For Prentisstown-
For Viola-For Ben--
For every failure and every wrong-For letting his pa down-
And he's looking up at me-
And he's begging me - he's begging me -
Like I'm the only one who can forgive him-
Like it's only me who's got the power-
And all I can say is "Davy-"
And the fright and the terror in his Noise is too much
It's too much--
And then it stops.
Davy slumps, eyes still open, eyes still staring back at me, eyes still asking (I swear) for me to forgive him. And he lies there, still. Davy Prentiss is dead.
"You're insane," I say to the Mayor behind me.
"No," he says. "You've been right all along, both of you. Never love something so much it can be used to control you." The sun is down now but the sky is still pink, the Noise of the town still ROARs there's another Boom! in the distance as the Answer approaches, and the ship must have landed by now. Its doors must be opening. Someone, probably Simone Watkin or Bradley Tench, people I know, people who know me, must be looking out, wondering what sort of place they've landed in.
And Todd kneels over the body of Davy Prentiss. And then Todd looks up-
His Noise is boiling and burning and I can hear the grief in it and the shame and the rage- And he gets to his feet-And he raises his rifle--
I see myself in his Noise. I see the Mayor there, too, behind me, rifle pointed, eyes glinting with triumph.
And I know exactly what Todd is going to do.
"Do it," I say, my stomach dropping but it's right right right-
And Todd raises the rifle to his eye- "Do it!"
And the Mayor shoves me hard, sending lightnings of pain up my legs, and I can't help it and I scream out and fall forward, forward toward Todd, forward toward the ground-
And the Mayor does it again-
Uses me to control Todd-
Because Todd can't help it either-
He jumps to catch me-
To catch me when I'm falling-
And the Mayor attacks.
My brain explodes, burning and raging with everything he fires at it and it ain't nothing like a slap at all, it's like fiery metal poked right into the center of who I am, and as I jump forward to catch Viola, it hits me so hard my head snaps back and here it comes again, the Mayor's voice but somehow my voice, too, somehow hers as well and all of 'em saying yer nothing yer nothing yer nothing yer nothing--
Our bodies are still moving together and I feel us tumble into one another, feel the top of her skull crack into my mouth, and yer nothing yer nothing yer nothing she falls into my chest and my fumbling arms and we twist down onto the rubble together, a siren ripping off the roof of my head yer nothing yer nothing yer nothing and I feel the rifle fall and bounce away and I feel the weight of her against me and I hear her as if from the other side of the moons and she's calling my name and yer nothing she's saying "Todd" yer nothing yer nothing she's saying "Todd!" and it's as if I'm watching her from under water and I see her try to rise up on her hands to protect me but the Mayor's above her and swinging his rifle by the barrel and smacking her across the back of her head and she's falling to one side--