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“No, thank you, sir,” Drake said. “I’ve had all the coffee I need for a day or so.”

Secretary Rallings settled into his chair and met the eyes of his old friend, Senator Hazelton, for a long moment before he spoke.

“When I took this job, after 9/11, I thought it was about protecting the country from all manner of terrorist attacks, from WMDs smuggled in to be exploded in one of our largest cities, from suicide bombings in our subways, shopping malls or even schools. This week has opened my eyes to a much larger threat, a homegrown fifth column willing and able to fight along with our enemies in ways we hadn’t anticipated.

“Richard Martin came to your father-in-law asking for help, because he didn’t want to go to the FBI with his suspicions. He has shareholders he knew would knee-jerk if they learned the FBI was investigating a security breach. So he decided to approach us through a back door, using his relationship with his state’s senior U.S. Senator. And we didn’t react as we should have. His research, and the research of hundreds of our other contractors is vital to us and to the security of this country. We need to react to our contractors’ concerns, and do so in a way that protects their companies, as well as the country. If they’re afraid to come to us, attacks on these companies will someday be successful. The attacks are happening more and more, from attempts to steal weapons and defense secrets to cyber attacks. A lot of them are made by people living here, Americans who don’t believe in this country anymore and support our enemies.”

The Secretary leaned back in his chair and looked intently at Drake.

“I’ve concluded that I need someone to investigate situations like this when they’re reported. Someone I can send out, who will quietly investigate and know when to call in the cavalry. Like you did when we asked you to help Richard Martin. I’d like you to be my private troubleshooter. These companies will hire you, you’ll be their attorney. You can investigate their concerns. If you feel there’s a security risk we need to know about, we’ll provide whatever assistance you need. Liz will serve as your liaison. She’ll make any intelligence you need available, when you ask for it. Interested?” Secretary Rallings asked.

Drake thought about the offer. He knew it was something he wanted to do, but he had unfinished business.

“Mr. Secretary, I’m honored that you feel I can help, I truly am. Before I say yes, there’s something I have to do. The man or men who targeted you for assassination also tried to kill me and my family. That makes this personal for me. If you’ll help me track them down, I’ll agree to be your troubleshooter.”

Secretary Rallings and Senator Hazelton exchanged looks. Both were pleased that Drake had volunteered to work with them, and to deal with a problem they didn’t want to read about in the papers.

“Agreed. I’ll have Liz get you everything we know about ISIS and its missing CEO. Good hunting Drake,” the Secretary of Homeland Security said.