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He closes the door behind him. It is very cold now the sun has gone, and as he walks away from the outside lights at the Dell, it is like wading into a deep pond; the playground is in total darkness. But his eyes slowly grow accustomed to the gloom, and out in the street he sees a figure dressed in a dark padded jacket and a black hood approaching from the bus stop.

The shadow is heading towards the pre-school. Towards him.

Jan moves instinctively to one side. He hides behind the playhouse, waiting and listening.

He hears the rattle of the gate as it opens and closes. The front door of the pre-school opens and closes.

Jan steps out. The playground is empty. To the left of the playhouse he sees the three swings, swaying gently in the night breeze. He goes over and sits down on the biggest one, which is made from an old tyre.

He pushes his hands deep in his pockets and waits. For what? He isn’t sure, but he is warmly dressed and he can sit here for a while.

He remains motionless on the swing, gazing across at the hospital and the illuminated fence. From time to time he glances over at the windows of the pre-school, and once he sees Lilian dashing past in the dining room. She is alone; there is no sign of a visitor.

Quarter past ten. Nothing is happening. The lights begin to go out in the houses on the far side of the field as weary mums and dads go to bed. Jan shivers and gives himself a shake, but remains where he is.

Ten minutes later he is too cold, and he is starting to get tired of this. He is just about to make a move when the front door of the pre-school opens. Jan freezes. He sees a figure step out on to the porch.

It isn’t Lilian; it’s the visitor in the padded jacket and hood. A lithe figure moving quickly away from the building. The figure does not look over in the direction of the swings, but walks straight down the path and out through the gate. Jan hears the sound of heels clicking on the tarmac.

He gets up slowly and takes a few steps towards the gate.

The figure in the padded jacket has reached the first street lamp. It turns its head and gazes up at the hospital, and at the same moment a cigarette lighter flares into life — and Jan sees that the figure is his colleague, Hanna.

Hanna Aronsson. The youngest member of staff at the Dell, and the quietest. Since the evening when they walked home from Bill’s Bar together, she has hardly spoken to Jan. And he has made a point of avoiding her, after telling her about Lynx and William that night when he’d had too much to drink.

Jan leaves his bike by the gate and silently follows Hanna down the street, staying out of the pools of light cast by the street lamps. She is heading for the bus shelter. She stops there, smoking her cigarette.

Jan stops too, fifty metres away.

What is he going to do? He needs to make his mind up before the bus comes, and eventually he walks up to the shelter, a tense smile on his face. ‘Evening, Hanna!’

Her blue eyes look up and lock on to him. There is no answering smile. ‘Jan.’

He stops a couple of paces away from her and lets out a long breath. ‘That’s it then — no more work for a few days!’

‘Right,’ says Hanna.

‘So what have you been doing this evening?’

She carries on staring at him, but doesn’t answer, so in the end he tries again: ‘Where are you off to?’

Hanna drops the cigarette butt and stamps on it. ‘Home.’

Jan lowers his voice, even though they are alone in the bus shelter. ‘Have you been visiting someone at the hospital?’

She doesn’t answer this time either. Jan hears a rumbling noise behind them; the bus into the town centre is approaching. When they get on, Hanna goes right to the back of the bus, glancing over her shoulder as if she wants to get away from Jan. But he follows and sits down next to her.

The bus is almost empty, but he speaks quietly. ‘Can we have a chat first, Hanna? Before you go home?’

‘What about?’

He jerks his head backwards, in the direction of St Patricia’s. ‘About what you do up there.’


Jan and Hanna end up at the Medina Palace, at her suggestion. The night club is in the cellar of the Tureborg, Valla’s only luxury hotel, a towering structure of steel and glass which seems to aspire to being a real skyscraper. As pre-school teachers coming straight from work they’re not exactly dressed for the occasion, and Jan actually has milk stains on his jumper after Matilda knocked her glass over during break. The suited and booted bouncer opens the door for them, but his expression is slightly dubious.

‘Do you come here often?’ Jan jokes.


Hanna has already smoked two cigarettes since they got off the bus; she answers him quietly, looking down at the floor as they walk into the club.

Into an enormous playroom.

Jan has never been to a real night club, not even in Gothenburg, and when he sees the high, black ceilings adorned with long, curved pipes, and the cold metal surfaces of the walls, he knows he shouldn’t be here. But there aren’t many people in the club this Thursday evening. The music is just right — quiet enough for them to be able to talk, but loud enough to stop anyone eavesdropping.

Jan chooses a glass table in the corner — a secluded table for sharing secrets. ‘What are you having?’

‘Something with orange juice in it.’

Jan goes over to the bar. The selection is more upmarket than at Bill’s Bar; there is a range of cocktails, champagne, cognac... He goes back with two glasses of orange juice, but when Hanna takes her first sip, she looks disappointed.

She nods in the direction of the bar. ‘I said something with orange juice in it... Can you go and get me a proper drink?’

‘Like what?’

‘Something to calm me down.’

Jan looks at her. ‘You mean vodka or something?’

‘Good idea.’

Five minutes later they are staring at their drinks in silence.

‘So you crept up on me this evening,’ Hanna says eventually.

‘Well, I don’t know about that... I thought Lilian seemed a bit tense when she arrived, so I waited in the playground to see if I could find out why.’

Hanna gazes down at the table. ‘Did you know I was up at the hospital?’

‘No, but I know someone has been there and then left via the school, so I’ve been wondering who it might be. Have you been up there often?’

Hanna takes a huge gulp of her drink, as if her vodka and orange juice was a health drink after a sauna. Jan takes a small sip of his.

‘A few times,’ Hanna says. ‘I haven’t kept count.’

‘And how long has this been going on for?’

‘Since May. I’d been working at the Dell for four months by then.’

‘And Lilian knows about this?’

Hanna gazes at him with her blue eyes; she seems to be wondering how much to tell him, and in the end she says, ‘Yes. I mean, we’re friends, so she keeps an eye out for me... I only go up there when she’s on nights.’

‘No,’ says Jan. ‘You were up there one night when I was working. I heard you coming down in the lift. Then you went out through the Dell.’

‘You’re right... I was late that night.’

‘And you were in the visitors’ room at the hospital tonight?’

Hanna nods without speaking.

‘What do you do up there?’

No reply.

‘Are you meeting someone? Is it one of the guards?’

Hanna takes a couple of sips and peers into her half-empty glass. Then she changes the subject. ‘I get so bloody tired of the kids sometimes. I enjoy the job most of the time, but when I’ve been with them for too long I start to get a bit panicky. They just want to do the same things, over and over again. Play the same games...’