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Not now, damn it! she cried out.

But then it happened. Alex Reeve’s legs gave way and she fell to the floor like a marionette puppet with its strings cut.

“Jesus, no!” Scarlet said, running over to her. “Are you okay, Alex?”

The former SAS woman grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into the cover of the ridge. Bullets and dirt danced around them like fireflies.

“No!” she wailed in agony. “I can’t move my legs.”

“Shit — seriously?”

Alex nodded her head, tears of pain running from her eyes.

Scarlet said nothing, but heaved her up over her shoulder. “Well if you think you’re going to get out of fighting that way you can think again you lazy cow.”

Even with the pain, Alex gave half a smile as Scarlet pounded across the gravel and got the two of them to safety. Empty shell-casings from the GPMGs rained down on their helmets. The short recoil-operated Browning M2s were a good choice by Wade, and now they were spitting .50 BMGs into the dirt and concrete all around them.

“The place is defended like Omaha Beach!” Kim yelled.

“I’ll buy that for a dollar!” Camacho screamed, and loosed a savage volley of fire from his weapon. Cultists tumbled over the edge of the ridge and crashed down behind them, but above their heads, the Sixth Sun members were still crawling all over the top of the ridge, almost playing with them. On the eastern slope of the island Camacho saw one of the SWAT teams had broken through a line of the cult’s defenses in the old residential building.

“This way!” he screamed, and they began to file up to the top past the residential building. The fighting grew less fierce as they gradually overwhelmed the cult and pushed inside the old prison building.

Inside was a vast cavernous space lined with cells stretching up several storeys, but the target destination was obvious. On the next floor of the west wing were the last survivors of the Order, including Aurora Soto, Jorge Mendoza and Juana Diaz. They were guarding the last frontier — a decrepit prison cell which now housed Morton Wade’s Hummingbird, the cobalt bomb capable of hundreds of times more destruction than any bomb ever detonated in history.

“Bastards are on the next floor!” Camacho yelled, reloading a fresh mag and giving more orders through the comms.

“How the hell did they get it up there?” Scarlet asked, gasping with the effort of running while holding Alex. She lowered her to the floor. “Just give me a second.”

“Leave me here…” Alex said.

“Are you kidding?” Camacho said. “This island is crawling with these crazies. You’re coming with us.” He heaved her over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift.

“Otis Traction freight elevator,” Kim said. “Saw it when I was a kid.”

“Huh?” Camacho said.

“They got the bomb to the next floor on an elevator.”

“Well, we’re going up the old-fashioned way,” Camacho said.

They moved to the next floor on the south side of the building while the SWAT team fanned out and climbed the northern staircase. A burst of savage fighting saw the two teams cut through the last remaining members of the Order until they could see only Jorge Mendoza and Juana Diaz defending the cobalt bomb.

“Where’s that mad bitch, Soto?” Scarlet asked.

Camacho shrugged his broad shoulders. “Gone AWOL.”

“Give it up, Jorge!” Jackson shouted through a megaphone. “It’s over.”

Jorge grabbed Diaz and pulled her inside the cell with a gun at her head. Now he seemed to be striking the side of the bomb with his gun.

“What’s he doing?” Alex asked.

“I think he’s trying to set the thing off early,” Kim said.

“Not possible,” Camacho said. “I think.”

Scarlet gave him an incredulous look. “You’ve reassured me, thanks.”

Across the other side of the cavernous prison, Jackson raised his submachine gun and fired, but in the chaos he missed. Jorge dived for cover, and dropped his gun as he scrambled under the bunk.

Scarlet watched as Juana Diaz picked up his gun and pulled the slider to push a round in the chamber.

“Put the gun down!” Jackson yelled.

Juana ignored him, and instead pointed the gun at Jorge.

He shielded his panicky eyes with sweaty, greasy hands. The same hands he had beaten her with a thousand times. “No! Espera! Por favor!”

But the girl with the black eye didn’t wait. With a look of pure hatred on her tortured face she fired the gun at Jorge, point blank, brutally unloading the entire magazine into the monster under the bed. When she was finished, all that was left was a smoking gun and the echo of gunfire fading into the evening.

Knowing the gun was now empty Jackson and his men rushed her and a second later she was on the concrete floor of the cell with half a dozen SWAT men on her, pulling her hands into a pair of cuffs and dragging her from the cell.

“All yours,” Jackson said, staring at the monstrous device sitting inside the cell.

Jack Camacho stuffed his gun in his holster and ran a shovel-like hand over the stubble on his head. One yard in front of him was the most dangerous bomb on the planet, and the timer said they had less than ten minutes to live.


Hawke and Lea advanced into the underground Aztec labyrinth, only dimly aware of Reaper and Lexi disappearing into the south side of the maze in their pursuit of Garza. The Mexican gangster was making a spirited attempt to flee the complex, but Hawke had a hunch Lexi and Reaper would put an end to that.

The tunnel ahead of them was longer and steeper than anything they had ever seen before. He marvelled at the length of time it must have taken the Aztecs to carve it all those centuries ago… if it was in fact the Aztecs, he thought with a shudder. Lea was at his side, gun raised and not taking any chances.

“I think they must be through there!” Lea cried. She pointed the barrel of her gun at the familiar green radiance of Wade’s glow sticks as it emanated through a low arch carved in the rock.

When members of the cult burst through the arch and began firing at them, Hawke knew she must be right, and the two of them returned fire with a ferociousness he had rarely seen.

Members of the Sixth Sun fell like bowling pins as they kept up a relentless barrage of fire at the enemy — two highly trained former soldiers against Wade’s ragtag army of cultist loonies and undisciplined gangsters — but still the fight was hard.

Lea loosed another volley of fire, but was mindful now of her diminishing stock of bullets. She struck another member of the cult who had been trying to seek cover behind some kind of crude pillar, and they advanced another few yards toward the enemy lines.

As they moved deeper, Lea noticed what looked almost like crude batteries stacked in the dust. “What the hell are these?” she yelled at Hawke as the flying lead zipped around the chamber.

Hawke finished his magazine and turned to look. “What?”

“Those weird things over there.”

He glanced at them, and ducked his head to dodge another incoming bullet. “How the hell should I know?”

“Just a friggin’ question… Jesus.”

“Sorry, but, as you can see…” he ducked his head again as a bullet ricocheted off the wall beside his head and pinged into the dirt at his boots. “I’m kind of busy right now.”

“They look like they’re as old as everything else around here. I’ll ask Ryan — he’ll know.”

This did the trick, and seconds later Hawke rolled over in the dirt and collided with her on the other side of the tunnel. “Let me see — keep them busy for me while I look, yeah?”

He looked at what Lea had found while she covered him and saw she was right — they seemed as old as the underground complex, but they looked like something much more modern — the ultimate out-of-place artefacts. “No idea,” he said, shaking his head. “Ask Ryan — he’ll know.”