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Got no time to fuck around anymore. It was a steadfast thought, and a calmly determined one. It was dark now, and the main drag stretched on in vacant silence. Good . . . Pam got off duty at five P.M.; then the Agan’s Point police channel was taken over by the county dispatcher.

In other words, there was no one else in the station house right now. No one else except . . .

Good ol’ Ricky, Trey thought. He came in through the back with his key. Killing people wasn’t really that big a deal. Trey couldn’t say he enjoyed it—he just didn’t mind, not if it served his own best interest.

Killing Ricky Caudill was definitely in his best interest.

Big dumb redneck’s gonna spill the beans, Trey thought. Can’t have that. I’ve put too much work into this gig to lose it all because a’ that fat fool’s big mouth. He’s just scared. Well, in a few minutes he won’t have anything to be scared about . . .

Unless, a ‘course, there really is a hell, ’cos he sure as shit ain’t goin’ to heaven.

Such were the limits of Sergeant Trey’s theological perceptions. He was like most folks: just wanted his share plus a little more, and if Felps’s plan worked, Trey stood to walk away with a lot more.

The Squatters were already hightailing it off the Point. In another month or so they’d all be gone, and that was when things would really pick up. But with Dwayne gone—and Ricky and Junior, too—that would leave all the dirty work up to Trey.

I’ll just have to get the job done.

He didn’t turn the lights on in the station when he slipped in. A radio was playing; Pam must’ve left it on for Ricky before she clocked out. Shouldn’t be too hard, Trey thought. Ricky was a big guy—but soft. It’s simple. I jack the fucker out and hang him. Earlier that day Trey had pinched one of the fresh sheets that they used for the jail cots; then he’d cut it into fat strips and made a noose. He’d hang Ricky in his cell and throw out the sheet already on his cot.

Yes. Very simple.

“Take this job and shove it,” the radio crooned very softly. The only light on was down the hall, in the cell corridor. Trey had his blackjack in his pocket already, which he could slip out in an instant. But he’d have to distract Ricky first, and open the cell.

“Hey, Ricky, ya big dolt. You awake?”

Ricky didn’t answer.

“Wake up, moron. Sutter told me to stop by ‘n’ check up on ya. Ya need to take a piss before beddy-bye time?”

Still no answer. Trey walked up to the cell, looked in.

“Hey! Redneck! Wake up!”

Ricky lay on his back on the cot, one arm dangling. Good. The fucker’s sound asleep. Easier to take him out. Trey, as quietly as possible, unlocked the cell and eased open the door.

The cell light itself was turned off; only the light from the hall bled inside. But even in the weak light Trey could tell something wasn’t right when he was several steps inside, blackjack poised in his hand. The arm hanging off the side of the cot looked oddly pale, blue veins almost black against white skin.

“You sick?” Trey leaned over. He shined his flashlight into Ricky’s face—or, it should be said, Ricky’s very dead face.


It was a corpse that lay on the cot now.

The fat face seemed thinner now, and the flesh appeared a translucent white, like a fresh cod fillet.

There was no pulse. The body felt cool.

Trey couldn’t have known it at that precise moment, but Ricky Caudill had lost all of his blood.

Not even one irreducible fraction of a drop remained in his body.



The feeling made Patricia think of the few times in college she’d smoked pot. A warm buzz, a mental lightness, as though an aspect of her persona were floating. She’d been at the cookout for only an hour before it plainly occurred to her that she was not herself, and this—to a high-strung D.C. attorney—was not necessarily a bad thing.

It must’ve been that stuff I was drinking, she decided rather giddily. Aid or whatever they call it, kicked up with Judy’s booze.

But . . .

So what?

It was a party, and there was no reason why she shouldn’t have a good time. She picked at more food off and on, and drank more ald. Judy was already drunk, but that was to be expected. Everybody seemed to be fading off into the darkness tinged by firelight. Patricia found herself chatting happily with townsfolk and Squatters she didn’t even know, and several times, when she noticed Ernie talking to some Squatter girls, she felt some pangs of trifling jealously, after which she just laughed at herself.

Eventually she lost track of Judy entirely, and when she couldn’t make out Gordon Felps anywhere in the crowd, she had to wonder, but that just caused her to laugh too. I’m getting hammered! she realized next, but with Judy not around to top off her ald with vodka, where was the inebriation coming from? Had somebody else spiked the Squatter concoction and not told anyone? That had to be the answer.

“How come we never dated in high school?” Ernie appeared out of the dark to ask right up front. He looked a little crocked, too. But what would compel such an overt question?

Maybe the fact that I practically pulled his pants down in the woods the other day? she chided herself. Suddenly, though, she seemed remorseful. “I don’t know, Ernie. I guess it was all me. I didn’t care about anything except getting an education and getting out, after . . . well, you know. What happened at Bowen’s Field.”

Ernie nodded, probably not expecting his question to cause such a dark note. He just nodded, then thrust a plate at her. “Try a mushroom stuffed with crab roe. They’re great.”

Patricia laughed. She ate one, then said very quickly, “I wish we had, though, Ernie,” and wandered off.

“Wish we had what?” he practically shouted after her.

She giggled and wended through more people, sensing him behind her. “Where’s Chief Sutter?” she asked to change the subject. “I haven’t seen him in a while.”

“I think I saw him leave earlier.”

Patricia stopped, peering between some shoulders toward the woods. She grabbed Ernie’s arm. “Is that Everd Stanherd out there?”

“Can’t be,” he said, squinting himself. “He’s wanted by the police.”

Even now she could see the figure standing between some trees, firelight from one of the cooking pits shifting across the thin, old face. For a moment it appeared as though his intensely bright eyes looked right at Patricia. “Don’t you see him? He’s right . . .” But before she could point, a pretty Squatter girl stepped right in front of them. Her ripe young body filled the skimpy shorts and makeshift top. A trinketlike cross dangled about her swollen cleavage, and the smile on her face seemed wanton, mischievous. Squiggles of some kind of dark face paint adorned her cheeks—like a child at a carnival. More bizarre lines curved down her bare belly and around her navel, while still more traveled down voluptuous legs.

Patricia was taken aback when the girl kissed both her and Ernie on the cheek, then placed pendants around their necks, after which she scurried away into the crowd.

“What is this?” Patricia touched the object about her neck, a furry preserved animal foot of some kind. “A rabbit’s foot?”