But honestly... as determined as I was, Nehro's threat was cryptic. I couldn't handle more fights if he demanded them. Did we need to take my savings and create a god damn rotating roster of fighters?
It would drain my finances, but... I'd do it.
Nehro didn't grasp how far I would go for Zoe. He was eager to claim her body, he thought we were similar.
He was dead wrong.
In front of us, Nehro was helping Reese to his feet. “Come on,” the man grunted. “We need to get you patched up.”
Reese shivered, like his muscles wanted to constrict and strangle anyone touching him. Pushing Nehro away, he stumbled towards the edge of the ring. The owner of the Dog House followed, swearing under his breath. “What the hell, Reese? You need to sit down, you're hurt!”
Curling down to the floor, he glared at Nehro. His black centers were a liquid abyss. “Fuck you! You think I want your help? You fucked this all up!” The knife glimmered, rusty-red in the lighting. “You said once she belonged to you, I could finally have her again, and you couldn't even make that happen! Fuck your help, Nehro!”
Reese didn't move fast, but I believe that Nehro never expected the attack. Grunting as the blade sank into his chest, the lanky man held his palms in the air, hovering just outside Reese's wrists. It was the first time I'd seen him look scared.
Instinctively, I put my arm in front of Zoe. “Back up!” I hissed.
Reese let the knife go, his attention rising—finding us. My ribs struggled to keep my heart and lungs from expanding too far. Fuck, we had to get away. Reese was a man with nothing to lose.
I was a man afraid to lose everything.
The walls of bodies surged, a new energy crossing the room. To my surprise, the crowd rushed forward, swarming onto the two men. Whether it was to stop Reese, to hurt him, or to help Nehro... I didn't know.
My skull was too small, it couldn't hold my thoughts and the growing darkness. Moaning, I saw myself falling—saw the ceiling, saw her worried eyes.
Stay awake, I commanded myself. You have to save her.
I was the only one who could.
In the end, my body and mind didn't obey. With screams in my ears, I lost myself to the heaviness of unconsciousness. I had nothing more to give.
- Chapter Seventeen -
I dreamed of stars and comets. A woman who flew through the sky with fire trailing behind. Once, I'd teased her by saying I'd waited an eternity for her.
It was no longer a joke to me.
Black water rushed around, drowning me—I woke with a gasp. Something cool was on my forehead, my body swaddled in warmth and cotton.
“You're awake, thank goodness.”
Blinking, I turned my head. Zoe was sitting next to me, holding a damp cloth to my face. There was concern swimming in her eyes, but I just wanted to stare at her—into her—and enjoy that this wasn't part of my dream.
Her smile weakened. “What is it, what's wrong?” she asked.
Reaching across, I brushed my fingers over her cheek. “Nothing. I've just never woken up next to someone so beautiful before.”
Blushing furiously, she pulled the cloth away. “You sound like yourself. How do you feel?”
Grunting, I sat up in the bed. “I'm sore as shit.” Looking around, I saw my familiar walls. “Is this my bedroom? How did we get here? Last I remember, we were at the Dog House.”
Digging into her pocket, Zoe handed me something small and smooth; my apartment key. “You don't remember the ride?”
Holding the key up, I shook my head.
Zoe's face smoothed, voice going soft. “I got you on your bike. You were awake enough to hold on. I drove us here, used your key to let us in. I would have taken you to my place, but...”
“Eliza doesn't need to know,” I said, understanding her worries. “If you ever want to tell her about the ring, showing up with my busted-ass isn't the best method.”
Chuckling, her eyes warmed with her new smile. “I'm seriously glad you're awake. When you slept all day yesterday, I was worried something was wrong. Jean said you had no serious injuries, but I wasn't positive.”
“Jean?” I'd missed so much.
She nodded and said, “Jean helped at the ring. He handled the guys when they got hurt. He's not a doctor, but he's good enough.” She heard what she'd said, turned red as a beet. “I mean, uh, not that you don't deserve the best, but...”
I laughed, then stopped as the pain seared my chest. “I'm alive, that's 'good enough' for sure.” I was reminded of everything I'd endured—of Reese. My mood was muddled by the news I had for her. “Listen. When I was fighting Reese, he let something slip.” I linked my fingers with hers. “Zoe, the night your grandmother was hurt, Reese was the one driving. He crashed that car, not her.”
Blood drained from her face. “What? Reese was—he was driving?” Her eyelids fluttered, I worried she might faint. “I thought she'd been the one to cause the crash, and he'd pulled her out. All this time, I blamed myself for her injuries. But he... he never told me he'd been driving. He must have hoped she'd never recover enough to say what happened.”
Firming my grip, I reminded her I was there. Zoe blinked down at me, the ghost of a smile starting to show. “Are you okay?” I asked.
“Not totally, but I will be. This changes so much. My heart feels lighter, is that weird?”
“Not at all.” Ruffling my hair absently, I hissed. There were many bumps and bruises.
Zoe saw what I was doing. She moved to sit beside me on the bed, her hands gentle on my scalp. “Does this hurt badly?”
Curling my arm around her middle, I pulled her on top of me. “Not anymore. I think you're better than medicine.”
She chewed her bottom lip, resting her nails in my hair. The feeling was glorious. “I have a confession. I slammed your head on your stripper pole when I was getting you in here. That thing is a hazard.”
That time, I laughed even though it hurt. God, that felt great.
Snuggling into the blanket, I rolled my hands down to her waist, holding her—just lavishing in the ability to do so. “I'm in bad shape, so I can't imagine Reese and Nehro are any better off. Has he called yet, threatened us anymore?”
Zoe locked up, her blue eyes going a shade darker; duller. “Huck... Nehro is dead.”
I stopped blinking.
The idea was... remarkable. I hadn't even considered it. I wrestled with my memory, trying to dig up every detail of the fight from last night. No, not last night. She said I slept a whole day.
Everything was blurry, my head was mush. Finally, I said softly, “How do you know that?”
“The news. The cops were called, the whole place was cleaned out. Reese is being charged with murder.” Hugging herself, Zoe looked torn between joy and sickness. “He really killed him. Just like that, in front of everyone.”
Don't blame me too harshly, but this news sent thrills of relief into my aching body. I couldn't believe it. If Nehro was dead, then...
“You're free.” I said the words, tasted them. Looking up at the wonderful angel who sat in my lap, I repeated myself. “You're free, Zoe.”
Full strength, forgetting about my wounds, she collapsed on me and held me close. The embrace had the aura of being held at bay, and I pictured her sitting at my side, simply waiting for me to open my eyes so she could share the news.
New wetness tickled my cheek. Clasping her chin, I lifted her up. “You know,” I whispered, wiping the corners of her eyes. “For a girl that doesn't cry, you sure do water up a lot.”
Sniffling, she scrubbed her face and smiled. “I don't know how to tell you how happy I am right now. Can you even understand?”