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Josef misread her expression as concern for his well-being. “I’ll be fine,” he reassured. “You’ll see. All will be well.” Then he leaned in to kiss her.

Instinctively, Elsie turned her cheek and saw the hurt and disappointment in Josef’s eyes. Kind Josef who wanted nothing more than to protect and keep her safe; and yet, she did not love him.

He cleared his throat. “I’ll write to you.”

She nodded and didn’t turn to watch him go. They were on their own now.

* * *

Elsie went up to Mutti’s closed bedroom door and knocked. “Mutti?”

“Come in, dear.”

Inside, Mutti unpacked the suitcases, placing items into the cedar wardrobe; her face pin-straight.

“Did Julius get supper? The ham we bought wasn’t to his liking. Slightly rancid, I suppose, but what could we do? I made your papa eat it. Spoiled or not, it was something. He must keep up his strength. He’s not the young man he used to be,” she prattled on, folding one of Papa’s sweaters over and over. She looked up briefly at Elsie, the hollows beneath her eyes deeper than ever Elsie could remember. “We left in such a hurry,” she went on. “But like your papa keeps reminding me, you girls are all grown up. You can take care of yourselves. I’ve showed you how to make goulash a dozen times. At your ages, I can’t be worrying over feeding you or what clothes you wear or where you go.” She took a quick breath. “You aren’t children anymore and I haven’t the time with the bakery and customers and keeping up this drafty house, and now there is Julius who needs looking after. Of course, he isn’t an infant like the twins …” She fingered the fat cable knit of the sweater. “But he needs a mother. So, you see, you’ll need to help your papa more downstairs. I can’t be in the kitchen as often now that Julius is here and—”

“Mutti, please,” Elsie put a hand over Papa’s sweater. “Where’s Hazel?”

Mutti’s fingers slipped to her sides. “Hazel?” She blinked hard. “We don’t know. They only told us she is gone.”

“Who told you?”

“The Program administrators. Her roommates. They say she went to the market and never came home. She simply left.”

Mutti bit her bottom lip, fearful and confused. The story didn’t make sense to her, either. It wasn’t in Hazel’s nature to run away, but if she had, she’d have sent word to them. She’d have written Elsie first. Though Postmaster Hoflehner had assured Elsie that the mail was running routinely, they had not received anything from outside the Garmisch-Partenkirchen valley in weeks. Hazel’s January 4 letter to Papa was the last to arrive. What if Hazel had written and the letters had been intercepted? Perhaps she was hidden in someone’s safe house, like Tobias in hers, and could not contact them; but then she’d left Julius behind. Hazel would never have left her children without a significant reason—unless she had no alternative. Elsie’s scalp burned, as if her hair had been plaited too tight.

“Where are the twins?”

A furrow deepened between Mutti’s eyes. “They belong to the Fatherland.”

“So did Julius, but they gave him to us.”

“Julius is the son of Hazel and Peter.”

“And the others—aren’t they the blood of your daughter? Doesn’t that count for something!” Her voice pitched.

“Quiet,” Mutti hissed.

The tone chilled Elsie to the bone. She had never heard her mother speak in such a manner.

“You must always remember your place. We are women.” She locked eyes with Elsie. “We must be wise in our words and action. Do you understand?” Mutti pulled a crumpled blouse from the suitcase and smoothed it on the bed. “Josef was very helpful in getting Julius out. We almost had to leave him behind. Josef knows a woman who works inside the Nazi offices. He says she’s good at providing information. We’ll find Hazel. We’ll find my grandchildren.” She swallowed hard and nodded to the open suitcase. “Would you mind putting my brush and pins back in their place, dear?”

Elsie took the needle-thin hairpins and bristle brush and set them side by side on the dressing table.

“Flesh of our flesh. Blood of our blood,” whispered Mutti.

“What was that?” Elsie asked.

“That’s what the führer said in Nuremburg—it’s biblical—and we can’t forget. Before us is Germany, in us is Germany, and after us is Germany.” She lifted the gauzy blouse into the air.

Elsie watched the lace neckline flutter through the vanity mirror. “Germany has changed,” she whispered.

In the dim of the candlelight, Mutti sighed; a single tear eked out the side and she flicked it away with a finger. “Go help Papa lock up for the night,” she said and hung the blouse, her expression hidden by the shadow of the wardrobe.

Chapter Twenty-six




DECEMBER 27, 2007

The interior of the bakery was decorated from top to bottom with plastic garlands, silver tinsel, colorful nativity scenes, and fake snow sprayed foamy white along the edges of the glass windows.

“Merry Christmas week!” called Jane from behind a long line of customers. Despite the holiday having passed, she wore a Santa cap with a puffball dangling at the end. It bobbed up and down with each order request.

“Merry Christmas week,” Reba replied.

The bakery was packed. Schools were out on holiday; cherry-cheeked youngsters stood in line chatting and pointing at the chocolate and sugar-glazed sweets under the display case. Christmas carols jingled overhead and patrons hummed along absentmindedly, giving the store an altogether whimsical feel. Even the entry bell seemed jolly.

Reba was glad for the hustle and bustle. Deedee had arrived the day before and after nearly twenty-four hours together in the small condo, Reba craved external distractions. She wanted to avoid any circumstance that would provoke her sister into interrogation mode. She’d already had one close call that morning.

In a rarely used kitchen drawer, Deedee found a photograph of Riki and Reba in Mundy’s Gap on the Franklin Mountains. “Who’s the guy you’re with?” Deedee had asked.

Reba hadn’t lied. “Riki Chavez. He works for the Border Patrol.”

Deedee had nodded, slid the photo back in, and gone on hunting for coffee filters; but the whole thing put Reba on edge. She wasn’t ready to talk about Riki. She knew her sister would fly into a rage over the concealed engagement—even if it was off. As Riki had said, they were taking a break to come to decisions. She still had the ring. It was all far too complex to discuss at the moment. She could barely think about it without inciting a headache.

When Deedee searched the bathrooms for extra toilet paper, the suspense became too much. There was bound to be something of Riki’s hidden in the nether regions of the bathroom drawers: a wayward men’s razor blade, Old Spice deodorant, a condom.

“You want to get lunch?” Reba had called up the stairs, straining to keep her voice casual. “There’s this German bakery. My friends own it. They have the best bread in town for sandwiches.”

Deedee eagerly agreed after a breakfast of stale Froot Loops. It was the only thing left in the cupboard that didn’t require a can opener. Reba had cleaned out all the expired junk food before Deedee’s arrival but forgot to replenish it with typical staples. To add insult to injury, Deedee had to crunch the cereal sans milk. Reba had drunk it all before she had arrived.