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“Please state your business” The armed guard said.

“We were called to defend Ebulon, I was told an army of ocrs are on their way.” Zelphan answered.

“Yes, they are follow me and I will take you to be fitted for protection, although it won’t help you much if we face hand to hand combat.”

“Thank you… I’m sorry I don’t know your name.”

“My name is Robert; these men in here will help you find something that fits.”

The soldiers found suitable pieces of metal and fur to help protect Zelphan, for Xazaz they found a metal breast plate, and the giant there were scads of metal clumsily tied to various parts of his body. Smalls was the only one who remained unprotected, but he was okay with that. He was so tiny he was sure that he would be able to flutter through battle virtually unharmed. After all who would expect an insect to be the enemy?

The four left the armory and prepared for the night. Zelphan was exhausted from the day’s events. They said goodnight to Oren and left him in Tinzy’s backyard, then they retired to their room in the tavern. Zelphan was looking forward to a full night’s sleep full of what he hoped would be good dreams. Xazaz sat next to him on the bed and sang to him a beautiful melody until the boy was asleep. The three slept peacefully and dreamed of good things. Xazaz about his long lost tropical island, Smalls of the forest and Zelphan of home with his mother and father who were lost to the dragons of Ellandra.

All four jolted awake, people were screaming, horns were blowing and it appeared chaos was ensuing. Zelphan looked out the window, grey blobs that were men ran about in the street. “We’re under attack!” He heard someone yell. “Where are they at?” Another one asked. “They’re attacking all sides, they have us completely surrounded!” Someone answered. Zelphan felt his heart drop into his stomach. He was hoping he would have more time to explore Ebulon but that wasn’t the case now. He scrambled to put on his armor and helped Xazaz with his and they were out the door. Zelphan wanted to find Oren before they got overwhelmed by battle. He looked at the sky, it was grey with a glimmer of dawn. He looked towards the mountains and stopped in his tracks in surprised. It was as if the mountains were alight with fire flies, but they weren’t fire flies, he knew those dancing lights were torches held by the Orcs. He knew there was an army coming, but he didn’t think there would be this many. Judging by the size of the town Zelphan felt almost certain that the Orcs outnumbered them and for a second he began to doubt the success of Ebulon. Then he remembered that the wind called him to the task and the wind hasn’t failed him yet. He’s been in dark places before when he felt there was no hope only for something to come through for him at the very last second. He knew not to doubt his call and to trust the people of Ebulon. The three found Oren, he wasn’t hard to spot since he was so tall. The poor giant looked confused. “What do we do?” he asked.

“We join the battle of course.” Zelphan answered.

“I’ve never fought a battle in my life,” Oren said. Zelphan thought he detected just a slight quiver in the giant’s voice.

“Oren, I’m sure we’ll be okay. We came here to fight for Ebulon and we will do just that.”

“Maybe we should come up with a plan.” Smalls suggested.

“That’s a good idea.” Zelphan agreed and Xazaz nooded.

“Oren, you can take out the Orcs by kicking and hitting them with something. Throw rocks at them, anything to make them lose numbers. Xazaz, what can you do?”

“I can let out a sound so shrill I can deafen or even make their heads explode.” Xazaz answered.

“That sounds great but one thing, what about our ears and the ears of those around us that fight with us?”

“It will only hurt the Orcs.” Xazaz answered.

“That’s perfect. I can blind them, but you’ll have to look away. Unlike your noise, Xazaz my light is not subjective. I can let off a small series of flickers and you will have to warn the others to look away, then Oren can lay into them again, along with everyone else. Zelphan, what do you have?”

“I have the sword.” He answered.

“You mean the one that can summon dragons?”


“Well it’s obvious then. You’ll summon the dragons and we’ll fight until they come.”

“Alright, so now that we have the plan worked out where do we need to go?” Oren asked.

“We’re surrounded, does it really matter where we go?” Zelphan asked.

“I don’t think so as long as we’re helpful,” Xazaz answered.

“Then let’s go.” Smalls said fluttering into the air.

They followed him forward, weaving around buildings and people until they reached the wall. They heard shouts, and the whiz of arrows, some of the tips were lit on fire and they had to doge them. The four worked their way to the wall and found an entrance. Zelphan found a guard and explained to him what their plan was. The guard was more than happy to have the help and wasted no time telling the others. Once they were set up on the wall Smalls gave the signal flashes before releasing his bright green light. Xazaz’s mouth was open, but no one could hear anything except for the Orcs who put their hands to their ears and screamed. Zelphan held his sword up in the air and began reciting the words that would bring the dragons. It was a long complicated stream of words that were in a different language. He was trying to concentrate on what he was saying but was distracted by the Orcs. He had never seen creatures such as these. They had grey flesh, sharp jagged teeth, pointy ears, clawed fingers and no hair. Their limbs were long and bony and while they looked spindly and weak they were stronger than Zelphan first thought. He kept slipping on the words as he watched the Orcs try to climb the wall. A lump in his throat formed and he began to feel afraid. When Xazaz said they were creatures that nightmares were made of he wasn’t joking. These were the most vile things he had ever seen. With a shaky hand he held the sword up into the air. Closed his eyes and began to yell the words at the top of his lungs. He wanted to shut everything else out so he could bring the dragons. He was certain that once he was able to get them to come the battle would be won. He was betting on the fact that no one in Ebulon would have a weapons made of unicorn horn, for it was the only thing that could kill the dragons he was trying to summon.

Oren stomped around on the ground killing as many Orcs as he could. The Orcs shot at him and slashed their swords against his legs, but his skin was tough and the metal held. He only received a few scratches and nicks from their attempts.

Between Oren, Xazaz, and Smalls they had managed to put a dent in the in the massive crowd of Orcs, but more were still coming and Zelphan was still summoning the dragons. Smalls was beginning to tire, the use of his light was draining his energy and he would need to rest soon otherwise he would faint. Xazaz was feeling his voice become raspy, and Oren was starting to slow down. His feet felt heavy and he was going to need a break. The men that stood in line with them have been fighting bravely, but they seemed tired as well. The seemingly endless assault was beginning to take its toll and they began to wonder if the fighting was ever going to end and if they were going to see an end in sight.