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Being a superhero, Star Power knew that it was his duty to help, but how? What was Ebulon? This is the question he felt needed answering first. Luckily the young terrier mix was expected at the Fountain City Observatory, where he and a group of other superheroes called Heroes United, met weekly and in emergencies.

At the observatory, when all members of Heroes United had arrived, the team leader, Black Cat, began the meeting. As usual the cat began by saying, “If there is anything that needs immediate attention, please bring it up now.”

“I received a telepathic message this morning and was alerted by a mysterious voice that someone or something was in danger and needs help,” Star Power reported.

“Did it have a name?” Black Cat asked him.

“I don’t know about the voice, but someone or something called Ebulon is in danger,” Star Power replied. When Black Cat didn’t respond right away he said, “We have to help. We are heroes, it’s our duty.

“I agree,” Black Cat said, “But does anyone know who or what Ebulon is?”

“It sounds like a world to me,” a human with the power to shape shift into a Grizzly Bear called Grizzly girl said, “And I should know, I come from one.” The Grizzly Girl was from The World of Shape Shifters in the Other Realm.

“If that’s true then Asantra should know about it.” Wonder Wolf said. Asantra was a witch who came from the Other Realm. Her mom, DWW, had been the Head of the Witches Council, which is the person in charge of all magic users in both the Other Realm and Mortal Realm, as well as all the worlds in the Other Realm. Because of this Asantra knew about all the ones in existence and as a kid, had explored many of them.

“You mean the original Wonder Wolf?” Black Cat asked.

“Yes,” Wonder Wolf said. Before her days as Wonder Wolf began, Wonder Wolf was a girl called Dillon who had superpowers but hero identity until she met Asantra. In order to stay out of trouble with DWW, Asantra had asked Dillon to become Wonder Wolf, after creating the hero and going on an adventure with Black Cat and Chihuahua, which she wasn’t supposed to do.

“Do you know where to find her?” Black Cat asked.

“I’m pretty sure I can find her at the school,” Wonder Wolf replied confidently.

“I don’t think we should waste any time responding to the distress call,” Trixie said. Trixie was a shape shifter who could turn into any animal and look however she wanted. She could even become an exact duplicate of any animal or human in looks. Because she had this ability Trixie didn’t feel she needed a superhero costume to hide her identity and so she and her two sidekicks, a Golden Eagle called Miles, and a magical white Bengal Tiger cub, Cosmo, where the only members of Heroes United to use their real names full time.

“I agree,” Black Cat said, “Wonder Wolf, take Wonder Horse and find Asantra as quickly as you can.”

“Okay,” Wonder Wolf agreed, quickly mounting her horse. “We will be back soon!”

Black Cat’s sidekick, the little brown Chihuahua, Chihuahua, then quickly pushed a button on the wall, opening up a large hole in the observatory ceiling so that Wonder Wolf and Wonder Horse could fly out of the building without any delays.

Asantra was in the middle of class when Wonder Wolf rushed in with Wonder Horse.

“Dillon! I mean…Wonder Wolf!” Asantra exclaimed in surprise, “What are you doing here?”

“We need your help!” Wonder Wolf said hurriedly, “Have you ever heard of a world called Ebulon?”

“No,” Asantra replied. “That isn’t a world in the Other Realm. Why?”

“Star Power got a distress call saying Ebulon needed help,” Wonder Wolf explained.

“And you think Ebulon is a world?” Asantra asked.

“We did,” Wonder Wolf said disappointedly.

“It still could be,” Asantra replied thoughtfully. “It could be a dimension.”

“A dimension?” Wonder Wolf asked.

“Dimensions are worlds in the Mortal Realm,” Asantra explained. “It’s a recent discovery. Mortals sometimes just call them worlds. Sometimes they are also known as alternate realities or alternate Earths. Until my discovery witches didn’t know that they really existed. We always thought the only worlds in existence were those connected to the Other Realm. Although we now know of a few, we don’t know all of the dimensions in existence.”

“How would I find Ebulon?” Wonder Wolf asked.

“Follow the voice,” Trom said walking into the room.

“What voice?” Wonder Wolf asked the old warlock confused.

“Didn’t you hear a voice in your head from Ebulon requesting your help?” Trom asked.

“I didn’t,” Wonder Wolf said. “Star Power did, but he didn’t hear the whole thing.”

“Hang on a minute,” Asantra said. “Trom? You received a help request from Ebulon?”

“Yes,” Trom confirmed. “The voice said to follow it to Ebulon.”

“Why didn’t you follow it?” Asantra asked.

“Because, I can’t just leave,” Trom said, “I have duties here.”

“Well, Sky and Jill can cover for me.” Asantra said quickly.

“What are you talking about?” Wonder Wolf asked.

“I’m going with you!” Asantra said determinedly.

From atop her shoulder Asantra’s familiar, a Double X Bird called Screetche, said, “I’ll go too.”

“But you guys aren’t superheroes,” Wonder Wolf said, “And from what I can gather from the call, is if out world is being contacted from another dimension, then there must be a big war or something happening.”

“I have been in fights before,” Asantra said stubbornly. “And I am a witch.”

“Asantra definitely knows how to fight,” Screetche said, “I have seen her in action. She once took on and almost won against a whole wolf pack!”

“Well…okay,” Wonder Wolf said hesitantly. “I guess Ebulon does need as much help as it can get.” Upon saying this Wonder Wolf and Wonder Horse turned to leave. “Meet us at the observatory as soon as you can!” Wonder Wolf said to Asantra.

As the heroes were leaving Trom called, “Remember, tell Star Power to follow the voice!” Then to Asantra he said, “Tell DWW and the others back home about this!”

“Why?” Asantra asked confused.

“Ebulon needs them!” Trom replied offering no further explanation.

Not wanting to waste time Asantra changed into her wolf form and sped home with Screetche flying as fast as he could behind her. Just before she left the school she called back to Trom, “Tell Sky and Jill to cover for me here!”

Once home, Asantra changed back into a human and ran inside where she immediately ran into her mom’s familiar, a Golden Retriever called Trillman.

“Asantra!” Trillman said in surprise, “What…?” He began.

“I need to talk to you, DWW, and even Sampson quickly!” Asantra interrupted.

Sampson, who was a goldfish that had once been a warlock, upon hearing his name looked at Asantra expectantly and eagerly.

DWW had been in a room nearby. Upon hearing Asantra’s urgent request she came into the room. Asantra quickly told them everything. DWW was the first one Asantra would have expected to agree to help so she was surprised when DWW reluctantly said, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“But Trom said…” Asantra started.

“I know,” DWW said, “And for this reason I will talk to Turtle. If she agrees then we will go help.” Turtle was a witch living in the Other Realm who was now in charge of making most of the decisions regarding magic users.

“Okay,” Asantra said, “But hurry!”