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DWW zapped herself to the Other Realm where she quickly found Turtle.

“We should help them,” Turtle said after DWW told her the situation.

“But witches have never been involved in a Mortal Realm war before,” DWW said.

“You wanted witches and mortals to get along,” Turtle reminded her. “Just because Ebulon is a different world that doesn’t change the fact that mortals live there. Don’t you want to have a good relationship with all mortals, no matter where they are from?” Turtle paused before saying, “Helping these mortals in a large war like this could only help.”

“You’re right,” DWW said slowly. “I do want to help them, but…”

“I know,” Turtle answered softly, “It’s a part of war that can’t be helped, but this doesn’t mean you have to take part in the killing. There are other ways you can help. Besides death, war comes with injuries, some of which a witch can fix. You can help everyone as a healer.”

“I could do that,” DWW said thinking it over. “Okay, I will tell Asantra that we will help Ebulon.”

After DWW returned to the Mortal Realm, before following her, Turtle’s familiar, a Labrador Retriever, asked, “Do you want my help?”

“Yes,” Turtle replied. “But not in battle.”

“Then what do you want me to do?” He asked.

Before answering him Turtle went to her friends, a witch and her familiar. “I need you two to cover for me while I am in the Mortal Realm,” She said.

Both agreed to do this. After they did so, Turtle turned to her familiar and said, “I need you to make sure someone stays out of trouble.” When she said this she was looking at her friends familiar.

Her own familiar saw who she meant and dutifully said, “Got it.”

Now in the Mortal Realm, Turtle said, “Because Ebulon will need strong fighters, I am going to release Sampson from his fish prison and allow him to become human until we return home.”

Because DWW had once allowed Sampson to return to his human form with disastrous results she said, “Why would you do that after what he did last time?”

“Because,” Turtle said, “He was one of our best fighters during the witch/witch hunter battle. He was a big help to us.”

“Yes, but he had alternate reasons for helping!” DWW insisted, “The last thing we need is for him to turn traitor again!”

“Again?” Asantra asked confused, “When was the first time?”

DWW and the others stared at her. “How could you forget?” DWW asked.

Sampson laughed. Something in the way he did this made Asantra suddenly remember. “Oh, yeah. I was there!” Asantra said.

Answering DWW, Turtle firmly said, “We need him.” Not waiting for any kind of reply from anyone, Turtle transformed the fish into a man. The next thing Turtle said was, “Now that everyone who is going is here, Asantra, lead everyone to the observatory to meet with Heroes United!”

As everyone started leaving, DWW noticed that Turtle wasn’t following them. “Aren’t you coming?” She asked.

“Yes, I will be there,” Turtle said. “But you won’t see me.” With that Turtle used her magic and disappeared.

Confused, DW followed the rest of the group as they headed to the observatory.

At the observatory the members of Heroes United were impatiently awaiting Asantra’s arrival.

“You’re finally here!” Wonder Wolf said as Asantra and her group entered, “Where were you?” Her question was answered when she saw the rest of the group.

“I’m sorry,” Asantra apologized. “Trom made me fetch them to go with.”

“The important thing is everyone is here and ready to go,” Black Cat said. Then to be sure this statement was really true she asked, “Is everyone ready?” When everyone confirmed that they were Black Cat said, “Star Power, lead the way into Ebulon!”

“But, the voice hasn’t returned.” Star Power said.

“Well, get it back,” Spy Girl said impatiently. The Spy Girl was one of the only human member of the team with no superpowers. She was just a regular, but well trained, girl with gadgets.

“How?” Star Power asked.

To avoid any in group fighting, Black Cat said, “What were you doing when the voice came to you the first time?”

“Sleeping,” Star Power said.

“I doubt Ebulon has the time to wait for Star Power to get to sleep,” Asantra said.

“You’re probably right,” Black Cat said thoughtfully. “Star Power, try calling out to the voice with your mind. This has always worked with your teammates and enemies.”

“Yes, but I know who they are so I can send them thoughts. I don’t know who the voice is attached to,” Star Power said.

“Try anyway,” Wonder Wolf said gently.

“Just focus on how the voice sounded as you send your own thoughts,” Chihuahua suggested. “Maybe that will help.”

Star Power did this. <Great voice> Star Power thought, <If you hear me, tell me how to get to Ebulon> There was no response so Star Power tried again. Once again he got no response. Getting frustrated Star Power unintentionally thought out loud, <Do you want help or not>

<I hear you, you don’t need to yell> The voice said.

<Sorry> Star Power apologized.

The voice then said, <To get to Ebulon, just follow my voice>

<But how will I know when I am getting closer?> Star Power asked.

<My voice will get louder> It replied.

Looking at his teammates and giving a quick nod to them, Star Power began following the voice in his head. The voice led them to the other end of Fountain City and right into the Fountain City graveyard. <Dig at stone 23> The voice instructed.

“We have to dig,” Star Power informed his teammates.

“In a graveyard?” Chihuahua whimpered.

“Yes,” Star Power said. “And at a grave.”

“If that’s what the voice says to do, then that’s what we do,” Black Cat said.

Star Power then led everyone to gravestone number 23 and began digging. Chihuahua, although reluctantly, helped, as did Trillman. When they had dug a deep enough hole for everyone to fit through they noticed a staircase leading down. “Let’s go,” Star Power said.

At the bottom of the stairs was a small room and two tunnels. <Now where> Star Power asked the voice.

<Take the tunnel on the right> It answered.

Indicating with his tail the direction they would be going, Star Power led the group through the tunnel on the right. As they got to the end they were very confused, for at the end of the tunnel was a wall. The wall was made of stone. <Now what> Star Power asked.

<Just beyond the wall you will find Ebulon> The voice answered.

<But how do we get past the wall> Star Power asked. The voice did not answer, this was a problem they would have to figure out for themselves.

“Well, how do we get past the wall?” Spy Girl asked.

“The voice didn’t tell me,” Star Power replied. “We are on our own now.”

“Oh, that’s great,” Spy Girl said, “The voice asks for our help then won’t tell us how to get to the other side of the wall! There has to be a way though.”

“I agree,” Black Cat said. “If there wasn’t a way into Ebulon, the voice wouldn’t have called for our help.”

“Maybe the wall isn’t real,” Wonder Horse suggested. “Like that one time.”

Wonder Wolf knew what time Wonder Horse was referring to, even though no one else did and said, “Maybe.” She went up to the wall and checked it everywhere. “It’s solid stone,” She reported.

“My claws can cut through anything,” Black Cat said. “I could probably cut through it.”

“Yes, but that would still take a long time,” Spy Girl said. “We need a faster way. Maybe Wonder Horse can break it down.”