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Wonder Horse went over to the wall and gave it the hardest kick he possibly could. The wall didn’t even move, much less break. It should have, but it didn’t.

“Anyone else have any ideas?” Black Cat asked.

“Well, the voice called to Star Power. Maybe there was a reason he specifically got the message,” Asantra said.

“What do you mean?” Star Power asked.

“You aren’t the only member of Heroes United to have psychic powers,” Black Cat said quickly catching on to what Asantra was thinking. “So maybe you have the power to break this wall.”

“What can I do?” Star Power asked.

“Use your powers, it’s all you can do,” Spy Girl said.

“Well, okay,” Star Power said. As he said this the star shaped marking on his head began to glow, and as his the glow got brighter they were able to see something happening to the wall. Unexpectedly an image began to appear on the wall. The image was of the sun. Then images of a star and the moon also began to appear. Underneath Star Power saw these words: Shine a light on that which has the most. <What does that mean> Star Power wondered.

“Has the most what?” Grizzly Girl asked.

“The most light, I’m guessing,” Cosmo said.

“Well that would be the sun,” Spy Girl replied.

Star Power was about to use his powers to light up the sun when Black Cat stopped him. “Wait,” She said. “I think this is a trick question.”

“Why?” Star Power asked, “The sun always shines brighter than either the stars or the moon.”

“Yes, but think about it,” Black Cat said. “What is the sun?”

“A ball of gas?” Asantra asked.

“Well, yes…” Black Cat answered, “But what else is it?”

“My powers come from starlight but are often most effective in the daytime,” Star Power said thinking he figured it out.

“Exactly,” Black Cat said. “And how is that possible.”

“Because the sun is also a star,” Star Power replied.

“Right.” Black Cat praised him, “Which means…”

“I need to light up the star!” Star Power exclaimed. This is exactly what Star Power did next. As his light shone on the star the wall began to fade and eventually disappeared completely. The heroes stepped past where the wall was and as they did, they entered Ebulon. As soon as everyone had gone through the wall suddenly reappeared, but now that they knew what to do, this wasn’t going to be a problem.

Upon entering Ebulon, the first thing they noticed was how cold it was. Black Cat observed that it must have snowed recently. Luckily besides fur, the animals were all in their superhero costumes so they were warm enough. The humans were a little cold but aside from Spy Girl, all of them could turn into some kind of animal. Spy Girl’s costume was weather adaptable so she quickly changed it into a winter suit. The witches and Sampson all had the ability to magically head themselves internally so they didn’t feel the cold either. Trillman and Screetche were the only two that would remain a little cold, but they weren’t freezing so they were okay with it. Besides they were here to help Ebulon and nothing was going to stop them from doing this.

After the weather the next thing they noticed was that they were in a market area. For a moment Wonder Horse wondered if anyone was selling apples, but was quickly reminded by Wonder Wolf that they were here to fight if needed. But what were they here to fight?

The question was answered when a large creature was seen approaching. As it came closer they noticed that besides being large, it was well muscled, had green skin, red eyes, mustard yellow armor, and was carrying large and sharp looking weapons in each hand.

“It’s an Orc!” Sampson exclaimed gleefully.

Immediately, the heroes got ready to fight. DWW quickly set up a medical area using her magic, where she would be if anyone needed her. To make it blend in with the other structures she saw in the area, she made it out of stone.

Chihuahua growled a warning at the approaching Orc, but as he did so he backed up. Black Cat unsheathed her claws and waited for it in the hunters crouch as if awaiting prey. Next to her, Cosmo did the same. Wonder Wolf mounted Wonder Horse and prepared to signal him into action. Grizzly Girl changed into her Grizzly Bear form, Trixie and Asantra changed into wolves, Star Power prepared his star, Miles and Screetche awaited their humans signals, Spy Girl drew a sword from her utility belt, and Sampson just stood coolly waiting for the enemy to arrive.

As the Orc got nearer, Black Cat began commanding her team, “Wonder Wolf and Wonder Horse, you two are the most indestructible of the team. You will lead the battle from the ground. Fly if you need to. I will lead an air attack with Chihuahua. Asantra you will be in charge of orders for your team! The rest of you, follow me and Chihuahua!”

Considering her team was just her and Sampson, Trillman was going to help DWW, and Sampson was not about to let himself be ordered around, knowing this Asantra simply said, “Sampson, fight!”

“I can do that!” Sampson said eagerly. He was impatient for the fight to begin. Although she wouldn’t admit it, Asantra was also impatient for the fight to start.

Black Cat observed the Orc as it moved towards them. Being a superhero she wasn’t about to lead her team into a fight until the enemy threatened them first. To her surprise the Orc walked right past the heroes and into the marketplace, where it immediately began smashing things.

“I don’t think we were supposed to let it past us!” Spy Girl said.

Although not attacking her team, it was threatening innocent people. For this reason Black Cat said, “Team, attack! Don’t let it do any more damage!”

Sampson used his magic to make his hands flame. He began creating a large fireball.

Black Cat, took to the sky and aimed her attacks at the Orcs head. The rest of her aerial comrades did the same. The more grounded members of her team went for the Orcs heels. Together Black Cat and her team managed to surprise the Orc with their strength. It had not expected them to be much of a threat. The Orc aimed some strikes at the members of Heroes United with its weapons, but they were able to stay behind him, which made it harder for him to hit and easier for the heroes to dodge the attacks at themselves. Together Heroes United, and Asantra, managed to get the Orc on the run. Not paying attention the Orc ran towards Sampson, who looked up just in time, from creating his fireball, for the Orc to run right into him. To his surprise and delight the Orc caught fire and began to burn.

When the Orc was dead, Sampson looked at it proudly. “I just killed my first Orc,” He bragged. Sampson caught a look from DWW as he said this. “What?” He asked defensively, “He ran into me! Besides magic can’t be used to kill anyone directly, only hurt them. What I was doing wouldn’t have killed him if he hadn’t been dumb enough to run into my fireball.” This was true, magic only worked to kill if the killing was indirect or unintentional.

DWW didn’t answer him. Although she didn’t like killing, this wasn’t her problem with Sampson, it was his attitude to killing that bugged her. It was hard for her to believe that she had ever liked this guy and had been friends with him. Rather than argue with him, DWW looked away.

“So, that’s it? We won?” Spy Girl asked.

“It can’t be,” Asantra replied.

“Why not?” Grizzly Girl asked.

“First, that battle was too short,” Asantra said, “And second…” Asantra noticed something in the distance. The rest of the heroes looked at what Asantra saw. More Orcs were on their way. “Orcs never come alone,” Asantra finished.

“Everyone get ready!” Black Cat called, “And this time, let’s keep them away from the market! On my signal we attack!”