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“Really?” Chihuahua asked. His eyes were shining with excitement, “I’m now a hero…like you?”

“Yes,” Black Cat said, her eyes shining equally as bright.

“But how did you know?” Chihuahua asked in confusion, “I didn’t think anyone noticed.”

“I know I didn’t say anything earlier, but I did notice,” Spy Girl said. “I told Black Cat because I felt you deserved more than just a thank you.”

Before Chihuahua could say anything else something caught his attention. Chihuahua stood rigidly for a couple seconds sniffing the air.

“What is it?” Black Cat asked unsheathing her claws in case another army of Orcs was nearby.

Suddenly Chihuahua’s stub tail began wagging. Excitedly he said, “I smell cookies!” He then ran off towards the scent. Black Cat relaxed and followed him at a slower pace. The rest of the heroes then followed her. While most of the heroes were beginning to celebrate in the market, one was busy with something else.

Sampson was performing a spell over the entire, recently killed, army of Orcs. During the battle he had noticed just how good of fighters the Orcs were and with Spy Girl having used up all her exploding corn, if he had control over this Orc army Sampson wondered if enhanced with his magic, he could take over this world. Now of course was as good a time as any to try he figured.

Just as his zombie Orcs began to rise, DWW noticed and quickly alerted the other heroes. The heroes complete with DWW, approached Sampson, whose army had now fully risen. Sampson’s zombie army was now ready and awaiting his command.

The heroes treated Sampson as any other villain and waited until he made the first move to attack them.

“Zombie Orcs attack!” Sampson called. The zombie Orcs didn’t move. “Attack!” Sampson said again. Still he got no action. “Zombies, come on! Attack! Attack now!” Sampson was getting very frustrated and feeling very confused. Why were his zombie Orcs not listening to him?

Suddenly Turtle materialized in between Sampson and the heroes. Quickly she conjured up a fishbowl then using her magic she turned a confused and surprised Sampson back into a fish.

“What just happened?” Wonder Wolf asked confused.

“In order to prevent an attack from Sampson, as I had expected,” Turtle began looking at DWW as she said that last part. “I used my magic to join with him so that I would be in him the entire time.”

“He should have been able to sense your magic then, shouldn’t he, or at least have known someone else was using his body?” Grizzly Girl asked.

“I was never using his body exactly,” Turtle said. “He never knew I was there because I allowed him complete freedom right up until that last moment, or last spell he performed. During that last spell I made it so that instead of using his magic, he was using mine which meant that the zombie Orcs would not be loyal to him…but to me.” Upon explaining this Turtle released the zombie Orcs from the spell and the Orcs resumed being dead.

“I should have known you would have a plan,” DWW said apologetically.

Turtle looked back at her thoughtfully, but didn’t say anything for a few moment. When she eventually did say something, it was to all the heroes. What she said was, “Now that all the enemies really are gone, let’s go celebrate!” And that’s exactly what they did.

This Entry Point features a character or characters from:
The Mortal Realm Witch series by Jennifer Priester
Now Available
Heroes United by Jennifer Priester

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Blog: http://animalsandmagic.wordpress.com/

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6607975.Jennifer_Priester

Websites: http://www.mortalrealmwitch.com/home.html

Entry Point 13- by Kate Porteous

Teardon knelt and placed her hand on the ground to feel the beat of the war drums as she glanced towards the night sky. The voice that had called her here still seemed to echo in her mind. The war drums seemed to be the only thing other than the shadow of her beloved left in all the worlds that brought a true smile to her scarred face. She glanced towards the icy cave behind her that had led her to Ebulon and watched as the shadows that followed her grasped at the edges pulling themselves free. Darkness followed her as it always did as she stood up and made her way towards the Orc torches that shone through the trees in front of her.

It had been so long since this warrior had felt like this, the anticipation of battle and the smell of blood in the air made the long trip from Karpagne seem all the more worth it. Teardon was dressed in a dark purple hooded cape that was just a smidgen too big and had seen better days, her black iron handled claymore was sheathed across her back and was nearly as tall as her. She wore red clothe pants and shirt under her iron plated plain armour.

The torches drew closer as the shadows caught up to her taking on their own forms. A small shadow whirled around her and landed on her shoulder in the form of a gothic fairy. “Will we be spilling blood tonight?” the fairy spoke with multiple voices and an eerie eagerness. “Patience Aylen, soon” Teardon answered with a voice so quiet sometimes the wind could not hear her. The Darkness behind her had started taking its own form one of a wolf, one of a gargoyle and one of a hooded man that was dressed the same way Teardon was. The rest of the darkness took to the sky and whirled above them staying in shadow waiting to take its true form.

Aylen looked towards the hooded man “More souls Maliki,” Maliki nodded in acknowledgement.

“I have never tasted Orc blood before, do you think I will like it.” The wolf said in an angelic voice that seemed to have its own echo.

“I’m sure you will my dear Wynter, you will have your fill tonight,” Aylen answered the wolf as Teardon raised her hand bringing the party to a stop at the edge of a cliff that overlooked the Orc army.

The gargoyle through a sinister laugh said, “They will all die tonight, they… will… all… die”

“They shall Kastion, this will be fun,” Aylen said clapping her tiny hands.

As the party looked upon the Orc army they noticed that it was not just one breed of Orc that stood ready to march to battle but many. There were three distinct groups with about forty members which were large warrior type Orcs that had either a pig or a lizard face and had a sword or axe in one hand and a fire torch in the other. There were several groups of about twenty to a cluster of medium sized Orcs whose faces resembled a rotting corpse and who were waving daggers above their heads as they screeched. There were also about thirty smaller Orcs that had white faces with no features but a set of glowing red eyes who were wielding war axes and swords in a group in the middle of the horde. Scattered through the army mostly at the head of the horde were about fifty heavily armoured Orcs with horns on their helmets and wielding large two-handed war axes. Teardon had estimated this army at about three hundred warriors including the half breed Orcs that seemed to have no real formation playing the war drums all ready to march in the opposite direction to the cliff face. Teardon noticed that at the front of the horde was an Orc that was much taller than the rest whose armour appeared to be made of gold wielding a large claymore that also shone of gold against the torches held by his brethren. On this Orc’s head were two large horns, what appeared to be ratty shoulder length hair and a gold jewel encrusted crown.