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Henry nodded agreement.

‘In his attitude towards them Philip Augustus has behaved with a wisdom which must be admired, applauded and emulated by every statesman. He never submitted to Rome, was never subservient, yet managed to keep on good terms with the Vatican without losing one iota of his independence. In a statesman’s eyes it was a masterly performance, but then Philip Augustus is a great ruler. That is why what happened is so astonishing. There will come a time, my lord King, when it will be necessary for you to marry. Not yet, you are over young. But when that time does come we shall have to choose your bride with the greatest care. A king must marry in a manner which best suits his country – and it does not always happen that his duty and his inclination run side by side.

‘I know this well, Hubert.’

‘Of a certainty you do. All royal princes know this. But to return to Philip Augustus. He was married to Isabella of Hainault who gave him his son Louis. Isabella died and after three years of widowhood Philip Augustus decided he must marry again. The Princess chosen was Ingeburga of Denmark. He did not see her until the ceremony was about to be performed but his ministers had assured him that the alliance with Denmark was necessary. The ceremony went off as such ceremonies do and the royal pair were left together in the state bed. No one knows what happened during that night or what Philip discovered about his bride, but in the morning he was white and shaken and declared that he would have no more of her, that she must be returned to Denmark, the marriage must be dissolved and he would take a new wife – and this would be one whom he knew and loved before the ceremony took place.

‘And being King he could do this?’ asked Henry.

‘No, my lord, no. In spite of his happy relationship with the Pope he could not defy the laws of the Church so blatantly. There is a lesson to be learned here. The Pope had the power to apply the sentence of the Interdict, and this is to be dreaded by all – king or commoner. If a king is excommunicated all religious ceremonies and forms of Church practice are banned. In the case of a king, he and his country are cut off from all benefits of the Church. You can imagine the people’s feelings over this.’

Henry nodded gravely. ‘And did he rid himself of her?’ he asked.

‘He brought up the time-honoured excuse: consanguinity. His blood and that of his Queen Ingeburga were too close and as it is against the laws of the Church that people with close blood ties should marry, so the marriage was null and void.’

‘And was this proved to be?’

‘Philip Augustus was a king much feared by his people. If he told the council he had called together that the marriage was null and void it would need a brave man among them to declare otherwise.’

‘So it was agreed.’

‘In France, but of course there was Rome and Ingeburga herself had appealed to the Pope. Philip tried to send her back to Denmark, but Denmark would not receive her and the poor Queen was taken from the palace crying aloud: “Oh naughty France. Naughty France. Help me, Rome, against naughty France.” Which showed, of course, that she was not going to give in easily. While the decision was being awaited she was taken from castle to castle until Philip had the idea that she might be happier in convents and to these she was sent with the hope that she might develop a taste for the life, in which case she would be ready to relinquish her rights as wife to the King of France.’

‘And did she?’

Hubert shook his head. ‘Meanwhile Pope Celestine, who reigned at this time, studied the relationship of Philip and Ingeburga, and partly because there could be said to be a closeness but more because he did not wish to antagonise the powerful King with whom Rome had been on such good terms, he decided to annul the marriage but he added the injunction that Philip must not remarry. This did not suit Philip, who immediately ignored it and looked for a bride, finally choosing Agnes of Moravia with whom he became infatuated.’

‘And the Pope said he must not marry again … yet he did!’

‘Ah, that is why I tell you this, my lord. Kings and Popes have been in conflict through the ages. It is always well to live in peace with Rome. Philip realised this but on this matter of his marriage was determined to have his way no matter at what cost.’

‘And this was unwise.’

‘No doubt Philip thought that he could placate Celestine who was eager to be on good terms with France and that he could come to some arrangement with Celestine. But this is a matter on which kings must be wary. Popes change, and what can be done with one cannot be with another. Innocent III had taken the place of Celestine, and Innocent immediately wrote to the Bishop of Paris saying that although Celestine had been unable to put a stop to the scandal, he was determined to obtain the fulfilment of God’s law.’

‘And so the King had to give way.’

‘Philip Augustus was not the man to give way without a struggle. He would not wish his subjects to witness such weakness. Moreover he was becoming more and more enamoured of Agnes and declared he would rather lose half his domains than separate from her. Whereupon the Pope told him that if Philip did not give her up he would pass the dreaded sentence of the Interdict which should be pronounced throughout the kingdom of France.’

‘And then?’ cried Henry, who as one King considering another saw himself in the role of Philip Augustus, and was clearly hoping for royal victory.

‘Philip stood firm, though the Interdict was pronounced in the churches throughout France. Philip remarked that he would rather turn Musselman than agree to the Pope’s commands. He added ominously that Saladin was a happy man and had got along very well without a Pope. He then turned all the prelates out of their sees because they had agreed with the Pope and had proclaimed the Interdict.’

‘So the King won,’ cried Henry well pleased.

‘Nay, my lord. The country was plunged in gloom. When anything went wrong – as it did continuously – it was said that God had turned his face from the King of France because of his insults to the Church. For four years Philip held out and then he realised what was happening in the country and that his subjects believed he was ruining France. If he went to battle his armies were sure of defeat because they believed the hand of God was against them. Agnes, who truly loved the King, said that she would go into a convent and Ingeburga must return.’

‘So the King lost the battle.’

‘As all must against God. Your father realised that when he suffered the Interdict. So do all that is possible to remain on good terms with Rome while preserving your independence, which is what all kings must learn.’

‘Poor Agnes,’ said Henry. ‘So she truly loved the King.’

The Pope was impressed by her virtue and although she must leave the court, His Holiness declared that the two children she had borne Philip should be considered legitimate. So she went away to a convent in Poissy and in a short time she died there.’

‘And lngeburga?’

‘The King continued to hate her and banished her to Étampes. And there she stayed for eleven years. But while he would not have her at court, the Pope continued to show his displeasure and finally Philip decided that peace with Rome was more important than his prejudices, so Ingeburga was brought back to court and given all the state of a Queen.’

‘But Philip does not love her.’

‘He is older now and doubtless feels that peace with Rome is more important to him than revenge on a wife who displeases him. I tell you this, my lord, because you must know of these matters. You must watch above all things your relations with Rome. There have been constant conflicts between the Heads of States and the Head of the Church. You know the story of your grandfather and Thomas à Becket, which ended in the murder of Thomas and his becoming a martyr. You know that your grandfather did penance for that murder, although it had not been committed by his own hands but by knights who misguidedly mistook his words. Never forget. Keep peace with the Church. We are fortunate in Stephen Langton. And another reason why we have talked at length is that you must know and understand always what goes on at the Court of France, for ever since William the Conqueror came to England and took the land he brought those two communities close; and since your grandmother brought Aquitaine to the crown, France has been important to us. We shall talk often of what is happening in France.’