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Jess tried to crawl back into bed, but Smitty swept her up in his arms.

“Put me down, you cretin!”

Smitty carried her into the kitchen with her flailing all the way until he sat down in a chair at the kitchen table and fixed Jess onto his lap facing him. That’s when she realized he already had a big plate of leftover cold fried chicken, a pitcher of iced tea, a big bowl of barbeque potato chips, and a cherry cobbler laid out on the table.

Jess stared at the mini-feast in confusion until she felt Smitty push his way inside her. She gasped in surprise, looking away from the food and at Smitty. Whether he’d been wearing the condom already when he walked her over here or had one sitting at the table, she didn’t know. All she did know was he took his time burrowing his way inside her pussy, his eyes focused on where they were joined. Once he’d seated himself completely inside her, he looked up and repeated, “Feed me.”


His hands, tightly gripping her hips, raised her up and quickly slammed her back down. Her toes curled at the feel of him inside her, her breath coming out in hard little pants.

“Feed. Me.”

“Okay, okay,” she said between breaths.

Jess reached over to the plate of fried chicken and grabbed a drumstick. She held it in front of Smitty’s mouth and, his eyes never leaving her face, he took a bite. He chewed and motioned to her with a slow lift of his chin. It wasn’t until she ate that first bite of chicken that she realized exactly how hungry she was. Starving actually, since she’d barely touched breakfast and had missed lunch altogether.

She fed him chicken while he slipped her chips. They both drank their own tea. And the entire time he stayed inside her. Sometimes he’d use hands messy with chip grease to rock her on top of his cock. Other than that he didn’t say a word. She found that strangely erotic. Maybe because most of those around her, including herself, never really shut up. Smitty didn’t talk while he ate, though. He barely spoke while he fucked. The combination of the two practically made him a mute.

Yet, she had to admit to herself that never before in her entire thirty-two years had she ever been this turned on.

Sure, Smitty could have just fed her and taken her back to bed to fuck once they were done. That’s what most people did. But waking up and finding her gone had annoyed him more than he’d admit. Then immediately feeling relief when he realized she’d only gone to the bathroom did nothing but piss him off. There were few wolves who didn’t wake up to find the She-wolves they’d bedded long gone. Most females didn’t stick around unless physically tied to the bed, which often led to all sorts of enjoyments and trouble. Smitty, however, never bothered with that because he never really cared much if they were still there when he woke up.

To be honest, he avoided most full-human females because he usually woke up with them hanging on to him like a capsized boat after the Titanic went down. He’d wake up feeling smothered and annoyed.

Finding Jessie gone had annoyed him more than if he’d found her wrapped around him like a blanket.

He wouldn’t think about that, though. He definitely wouldn’t worry about it. He had her right where he wanted her. In his lap, on his cock, feeding him chicken. A man, any man, couldn’t ask for much more.

They finished most of the chicken and chips, leaving only the cobbler.

Jessie examined the table. “You forgot plates and forks.”

She had yet to realize he never forgot anything. Not with his training.

Smitty used two fingers to dig into the cobbler, raising them to Jessie’s lips. She stared at his hand in surprise, the most adorable little smile on her lips.

“Open,” he growled.

A soft almost-laugh, almost-moan slid from the back of her throat as she slowly licked her lips before opening her mouth. He placed his fingers inside and she closed her mouth around them. First her tongue cleaned off the pieces of cherry and cobbler crust; then she sucked hard to rid his fingers of the filling.

He didn’t know what got to him more: the suction with which she sucked his fingers, the little sounds she made while she did it, or the way her eyes closed and her entire body rocked against him. Probably the last because it showed him how much this was turning her on.

Her pussy pulsed around his cock, making it harder than Smitty could ever remember it being.

She finished cleaning off his fingers and leaned back a bit. Holding his gaze, she licked her lips and said, “Yum.” Then she smiled. That big, goofy Jessie Ann smile. It was silly and ridiculous and innocently sweet.

And made him want to fuck her so bad, he couldn’t even see straight.

One second she’d been sitting on his lap, jokingly debating with herself whether she should go into porn with her fabulous new techniques. The next she was slammed to the floor with a growling Smitty on top of her.

Wow, she briefly thought as Smitty powered into her again and again, I am good. Then she stopped thinking altogether when Smitty kissed her, his forceful thrusts never stopping, the merciless rhythm never changing.

He felt so good inside her, filling her completely. Maybe even a tad too much. But she didn’t care. She simply wrapped one arm around his neck, the other around his back, and held him tight against her as he fucked her. She groaned into his mouth during that first orgasm. Screamed into it during that second. And blacked out for a few seconds during that third one.

When she snapped back into the moment, Smitty was groaning into her hair, his body shaking and shuddering until he collapsed into her arms.

They stayed like that for a long while until Smitty slowly got to his feet, Jess tight against him. He stumbled across the room and back to bed. Together, they dropped onto the mattress and Jess fell right back to sleep, enjoying the scent of the wild wolf lying next to her.


When the alarm blared to life at five, Smitty quickly shut it off and stumbled out of bed. No matter how many years he spent in the service, he never seemed to be able to grasp the whole early to bed, early to rise logic. He glanced back at Jessie Ann. She was still out cold, her head buried into his pillow, her naked ass peeking out from under the sheets she’d tried to kick off in the night.

One eyebrow raised, he debated about going back to bed and getting some more of that ass. Then he realized he couldn’t do a damn thing without his coffee. So, he made his way into the kitchen, ground up his beans, and started the machine. Stopped by his bathroom and took care of some necessary functions and then went back out to the coffee machine to watch and wait.

He’d just poured himself a hot cup of coffee, his mouth already watering as he brought the mug to his lips.

“Oh, thanks, sweetie.” And like that, the cup was gone.

He glared down at the female who dared take his coffee. The life-giving elixir was his! Then he noticed she was fully dressed.

“You’re leaving?” Damn. And he really did have plans for that adorable little ass.

“Oh, yeah.” She sipped the coffee and grimaced. “Geez. Battery acid.” It suddenly occurred to him... She was perky. Who was perky at five-thirty in the morning?

Good Lord! Morning people were perky at five-thirty in the morning!

“I’ve got meetings all morning. I need to get to the office.”


“Yup. In fact, I’ve gotta go.” She gave him the half-full mug and shrugged into her coat, then hauled that nightmarish backpack onto her shoulders. “I had a great time. I have to say all those slutty She-wolves were right. You’re amazing.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “And I really needed that. Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” he murmured with all honesty.