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“Ava,” she whispered back, “And yes, I thinkit may be true.”

“Wow. You’re lucky then. The rest of us haveto fuck those monsters downstairs.”

“He’s a monster too!” Ava exclaimed, “And hesaid he wants me to also have sex with the monsters in the Lair, sodon’t feel too jealous.”

Colette raised her eyebrows.

“There was another new girl with me,” Avasaid, remembering Michelle. “Her name is Michelle. She’s a knockout brunette.”

Colette nodded knowingly. “You missedlunch.”

“What happened?”

“Your friend was sent to the Lair thisafternoon. Word has it that she ended up screwing the dragon andshe got burned. Literally.”

Ava’s eyes widened in disbelief. “PoorMichelle,” she moaned, feeling sick.

“Don’t feel bad for her. I heard she lovedit. She’ll be healed in no time. I’m sure she’ll be back atbreakfast.”

The women had to stop speaking as dinner wasserved and they didn’t want the servers to overhear them. A fewwomen were summoned for the Lair after the meal and Ava had toadmit she was relieved not to be one of them. After their bellieswere filled with food, the women were excited to head down to thedungeons.

Ava went back to her room and found a note onher bed.

"I hope you like the new clothes. They suityou better. I learned of your interest in fashion. If you continueto please me, I will allow you to practice your fashions."

— Master.

Ava wasn’t sure what to make of it. Knowingthat she was now locked in for the night, she took the opportunityto shower. As she came out from the steamy bathroom she saw a pieceof paper on the floor.

Realizing that it must have been slippedunder the door while she was in the shower, she reached down topick up the piece of heavy cardstock. It was cream with formalhandwriting. It was titled 'Ava’s Itinerary' and it was for thefollowing day.

It depicted breakfast as usual, but thenafter breakfast she was scheduled to attend a poolside luncheonwith The Overlord and then a Pleasure Session.

“What the fuck?” she asked herself, sittingon the bed. She wasn’t sure what shocked her the most, the factthat she was invited to a pool hidden away in the creepy castle,that it was considered a “luncheon”, or that she was laterscheduled for a Pleasure Session. It was too much to take and shethrew the piece of paper on the floor before climbing into bed andturning the lights out.


The alarm woke Ava and she knew the drillthis time, she got herself ready and then waited for the door tounlock. She chose to wear an emerald Maxi dress today and when thedoor unlocked and she stepped into the hallway, the other womenshot her dirty looks as they teetered past her dressed inridiculous clothes and stilettos.

“She gets to dress like a queen while we looklike trash,” one woman hissed. Ignoring the comment, Ava rushedpast her when she saw Michelle emerge from her room. Ava threw herarms around her friend, and Michelle hugged her back tightly. Shelooked no worse for the wear and Ava wondered if perhaps Colettehad gotten her story wrong.

“Are you okay? I heard that you were sent tothe Lair?”

Michelle nodded and when Ava pulled away, shesaw the bruises and pale burn marks on Michelle.

“I liked it,” Michelle whispered. Ava noddedand hugged her friend. Breakfast passed without incident and thewomen were sent off in different directions, depending on whattheir days held. Ava still had a couple hours until she was tovisit The Overlord and she was allowed back to her room in themeantime. When she entered her room, she saw Marcello loungingacross her chaise.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded.

Marcello raised his eyebrows and smiled asickeningly charming sneer. “It’s good to see you too, dolce.”

“I’m serious. Why are you here?”

“Oh, you silly Americans are always in such arush, so many important things to do,” he paused, his eyes rovingacross her body appreciatively. “What is it that you have to donow? You have nothing but free time in between your meetings withThe Overlord.”

Ava stood in the doorway, eyeing Marcellocarefully. “I don’t need you here to help me pass the time,” shesnapped.

Marcello stood and walked over to her closet,pulling the doors open. “Mmmm. He really does like you. Somehow youhave managed to receive a new wardrobe.”

Ava still didn’t budge.

“Come in and close the door,” Marcellohissed, “I won’t bite.”

Not wanting to stand in the hallway anylonger, she stepped into the room and pulled the door shut behindher.

“That’s better,” Marcello purred. “Now, tellme, what do you think of The Overlord?”

Ava sat on the bed and studied Marcelloshrewdly. “Who wants to know?”

“I do.”

“He didn’t send you?”

“No. I’m curious. You’re the first human I’veever seen him take such an interest in.”

Ava shrugged and stared out the window. Shestill felt incredibly confused about her encounter with TheOverlord. She was repulsed by how she acted, and yet she rememberedher overwhelming desire for him at the time. In fact, she was stillfeeling some of the effects of breakfast and she felt herselfeyeing Marcello. He was a bastard but he was also incrediblyhandsome.

“Why are you here? Why do you do hisbidding?” she asked sharply, trying to change the topic ofconversation.

Marcello didn’t answer her and instead movedtowards the window. “It doesn’t matter,” he said softly, and Ava’sinterest was piqued by the change in the tone of his voice; healmost sounded wounded.

“I’m curious. You asked me questions. I can’task you any?”

Marcello whipped around angrily and Avashrank back on the bed, surprised by his vicious mood change.

“I am no better than you!” he cried. “Do youthink I want to be here? I’ve made the best out of mysituation!”

Ava jumped off the bed and quickly moved tothe door. Marcello was faster than she and he blocked her fromopening the door. He was so close that Ava could smell hisaftershave and she could see the gold flecks in his brown eyes.Marcello was nearly panting and his eyes searched Ava’s.

“Leave,” she whispered.

“Not yet.”

Marcello suddenly looked vulnerable andboyish, his cruel bravado was gone.

The energy changed between them and Ava knewnothing good could come from the sexual tension that now vibratedbetween them.

“You need to leave, Marcello,” she saidquietly. Marcello came even closer; his breath warm and sweet onher face.

“You don’t want to make love to him. I knowyou don’t.”

“What choice do I have? I’m being held aprisoner here and I’ve been claimed as The Overlord's pet!”

Marcello’s eyes were suddenly sad and weary.“I was rewarded greatly for finding you.” He hung his head inshame.

Ava felt foolish at her sudden wave ofrealization. Of course, Marcello was responsible for thisnightmare. He had handpicked her and Michelle in Milan.

“Get out!” she screamed in anger, trying towrench the door open. “This is your fault!”

“No!” Marcello yelled back, pressing his bodyagainst her. He was strong and solid and Ava nearly moaned from thesensation of having a full-blooded human male pressed against her.She was still aroused from breakfast and she had to summon everyounce of self-control to not reach between Marcello’s legs.

“Please,” she said hoarsely. “I don’t likeyou, Marcello, and I don’t trust myself now.”

Marcello broke away as if burned. “You justate,” he said. “It’s not real.”

He yanked the door open and stormed out ofthe room.

Ava slammed it behind him and sank to thefloor, she held her head in her hands as she began to cry. She wasso confused. In the span of five minutes, she had felt fear, anger,arousal and confusion with Marcello.

Ava wasn’t sure how long she sat on thefloor, but a loud knock on her door brought her back to thepresent. It wasn’t yet time for her to visit The Overlord, and soshe timidly opened the door a crack, worried that it might beMarcello again.