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A different guard stood in the hallway.

“You’re being invited for a performance inthe Lair,” he said formally.

“Do I have a choice? Can I stay here?” Shehad no desire to go to the Monsters’ Lair.

“No. It is a request, not an invitation.”

Sighing, Ava left her room and followed theguard downstairs. There were a handful of women and other guardsmilling around and Ava saw that neither Michelle nor Marcello werepresent. She did however notice Franco. If Franco noticed her, hecertainly didn’t let on, and he looked around the dungeons withboredom. Ava hung to the outskirts of the group and she couldn’thelp but let her eyes wander as she studied some of the cagesnearby.

The monsters seemed to know that somethingwas about to take place and some nervously paced their cages, whileothers were hunched in the corners. Others seemed ready for sometype of sexual experience, and they rubbed their big and disfiguredcocks. Ava turned her head away with disgust.

A monster with thick chains around his neckand arms was brought out of a cage. He had the body of a man, buthe had a thick line of spikes from his tail up to the top of hishead. He reminded Ava of some sort of reptile. His eyes were blackand he had slits for a nose. Some of the women nearby began toshift on their feet, eagerly anticipating what was to come.

A woman was led from the group and she criedout with happiness as she was brought up to the stage. The beastmade a sound deep in his throat, and he began stroking his long,crooked cock. The woman dropped to her knees and wrapped her moutharound the monster’s organ. He moaned loudly and appreciatively asthe woman’s head bobbed up and down along his shaft.

Filled with repulsion, Ava wanted to lookaway but as she turned her head one of the guards forced her tolook back. For some reason, she was not aroused like the otherwomen. Now, the beast was bending the woman over a type of stumpand he was fondling her anus while he greedily rubbed his mouthagainst her pussy.

“You find it disgusting.”

Ava’s body stiffened at the sudden whisperfrom behind.

She turned slightly and saw Franco standingbehind her; apparently he had recognized her. She shruggedslightly, not wanting to draw attention to herself. First Marcelloand now Franco she thought…

“It’s repulsive,” he said quietly so only shecould hear.

The monster was now sucking on the woman’spussy and her wanton cries filled the dungeon. The other animals’lustful moans filled the air and it reminded Ava of something outof a horror movie. Her stomach turned and she wished desperately tobe back in her room. Even arguing with that jerk-off Marcello wasdecidedly better than this.

The creature's long, brown cock was hard as arock as he roughly shoved his length into the woman, making herscream loudly in pain — yet she begged for more. The monsterlaughed, a frightening guttural sound and he continued to slam intoher again and again.

Why was The Overlord forcing Ava to watchthis scene? What purpose was this serving? Clearly the other womenaround her were aroused because they were crying out with lustfuljealousy. Ava shut her eyes and prayed that it would end.

“Come on, let’s go,” Franco said roughly,grabbing Ava by the elbow and starting to drag her towards theelevators. Ava tried to resist, unsure what was happening.

“Let me drag you out,” he hissed. For somereason, Ava trusted him and she let Franco pull her towards theelevators. No one batted an eye, everyone was too immersed in thehorrific sex show that was unfolding. They entered the elevatorsand once the doors closed, Ava moved to the opposite wall.

“What is going on?” she asked.

“You were disgusted, weren’t you?”

“Yes. But I don’t understand. Why did youhelp me leave?”

“Because I felt bad for you. And I didn’twant to see any more myself.”

“What happened to your wife?”

Franco turned away from Ava and she felt thewall go back up. She had gone too far. “I’m sorry, Franco. It waswrong of me to ask.”

Franco shook his head bitterly. “She waschosen for The Overlord. But then he didn’t like her, at least,that’s what I’ve been told. Apparently, she is kept in one of thetowers and The Overlord allows his most faithful servants to havetheir way with her whenever they serve The Overlord particularlywell.”

Laying her head against the cool metal, Avatried to wrap her head around Franco’s story.

“I’ve heard that Marcello was the last tofuck her. I have no way to prove it though.”

“Franco, I’m so sorry," she saidtruthfully.

“It doesn’t matter. I like to help the womenwhenever I can.” Franco suddenly looked at her as if seeing her forthe first time. “Everyone has heard about how much The Overlorddesires you. You have quite a reputation for being so new.”

Ava couldn’t look at Franco, she felt tooguilty for some reason. “I miss my fiance,” she whispered.

Franco shook his head sadly. “You’re going tomiss a lot of things. It's best to forget and try to adapt.”

They were at the floor now and Franco tookAva by the arm and slowly walked her to her room. He opened thedoor and Ava turned and gave him a small smile of gratitude. Justas she was closing the door, Franco quickly stuck his hand in theway.

“Her name is Mia. If you see her, please tellher that I love her and I’ll find a way to get us out of here.” Hiseyes were wild with pain and promise.

“If I see her, I promise to tell her.”

Franco retreated and Ava closed the doorbehind her. It had been such a strange morning and she wantednothing more than to lie down and rest. One glance at the clocktold her that it was nearly time for her meeting with TheOverlord.

While rummaging in her drawers, she cameacross a number of bathing suits. She chose a white bikini and thendressed in a deep scarlet-colored dress with a boat neck. She foundmatching red heels and decided she was as ready as she could be.Right on time, a guard came for her. Without a sound, he led her tothe elevator and this time he pushed the button with the waves onit. The elevator moved upwards, though not as far as it had movedwhen she had gone to The Overlord’s private room.

Jolie met Ava when the door opened, and forthe first time in what seemed like hours, Ava smiled a genuinesmile at the familiar face. For some reason, she trusted Joliecompletely and she felt a strong sense of safety and comfort in herpresence. Jolie didn’t speak but instead led Ava down a long,winding hallway. They stopped in front of a large, brass door.

“Go ahead,” Jolie said encouragingly, and Avawalked through the door. At first, her senses had such a shock thatshe wasn’t sure exactly where she was. The first thing she felt wasthe thick, tropical air. The room was bright as if filled bynatural sunlight, and a long, lush pool spilled out before her. Theroom was filled with exotic plants and flowers and she could heartropical birds calling and squawking. She looked up and saw ahandful of bright, colorful birds flying from bush to bush. Acluster of rocks sat at one end of the pool and water spilled overthe edge.

Ava looked around quickly and then spottedThe Overlord sitting stiffly in a lounge chair by a table filledwith platters of food.

Of course.

He smiled at Ava and she moved towardshim.

“Ava, my dear. Welcome. I have sorely missedyou.”

“Thank you,” she whispered taking a seatacross from him.

“Do you like my pool? It is my favorite partof the castle.”

Ava nodded.

“Please, eat. You must be hungry.”

Ava hated the fact that she was hungry, butpart of her realized that she would need some help to get throughthe remainder of the afternoon. She took a small bite of a fruittart and The Overlord watched carefully.

“You asked me if I had a name,” he said, hisred eyes shifting. His wings fanned out and came back in as if hewere nervous.

Interested, Ava spoke up. “Yes.”

“I wanted to share it with you. My name isFlerian.”