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He got up gingerly and sidled past the radio to the bookshelf. One eye on the combination, he took down the detective novel he had tried to read on the preceding night. As he had expected, the radio took it from his hand and replaced it on the shelf. Kerry, remembering Fitzgerald’s words, glanced at his watch. Reaction time, four seconds.

He took down a Chaucer and waited, but the radio didn’t stir. However, when Kerry found a history volume, it was gently removed from his fingers. Reaction time, six seconds.

Kerry located a history twice as thick.

Reaction time, ten seconds.

Uh-huh. So the robot did read the books. That meant X-ray vision and superswift reactions. Jumping Jehoshaphat!

Kerry tested more books, wondering what the criterion was. Alice in Wonderland was snatched from his hand; Millay’s poems were not. He made a list, with two columns, for future reference.

The robot, then, was not merely a servant. It was a censor. But what was the standard of comparison?

After a while he remembered his lecture tomorrow, and thumbed through his notes. Several points needed verification. Rather hesitantly he located the necessary reference book-and the robot took it away from him.

“Wait a minute,” Kerry said. “I need that.” He tried to pull the volume out of the tentacle’s grasp, without success. The console paid no attention. It calmly replaced the book on the shelf.

Kerry stood biting his lip. This was a bit too much. The damned robot was a monitor. He sidled toward the book, snatched it and was out in the hall before the radio could move.

The thing was coming after him. He could hear the soft padding of its-its feet. Kerry scurried into the bedroom and locked the door. He waited, heart thumping, as the knob was tried gently.

A wire-thin chum crept through the crack of the door and fumbled with the key. Kerry suddenly jumped forward and shoved the auxiliary bolt into position. But that didn’t help, either. The robot’s precision tools-the specialized antennae-slid it back; and then the console opened the door, walked into the room and came toward Kerry.

He felt a touch of panic. With a little gasp he threw the book at the thing, and it caught it deftly.

Apparently that was all that was wanted, for the radio turned and went out, rocking awkwardly on its rubbery legs, carrying the forbidden volume. Kerry cursed quietly.

The phone rang. It was Fitzgerald.

“Well? How’d you make out?”

“Have you got a copy of Cassen’s Social Literature of the Ages?”

“I don’t think so, no. Why?”

“I’ll get it in the University library tomorrow, then.” — Kerry explained what had happened.

Fitzgerald whistled softly.

“Interfering, is it? Hm-m-m. I wonder…”

“I’m afraid of the thing.”

“I don’t think it means you any harm. You say it sobered you up?”

“Yeah. With a light ray. That isn’t very logical.”

“It might be. The vibrationary equivalent of thiamine chloride.”


“There’s vitamin content in sunlight, you know. That isn’t the important point. It’s censoring your reading-and apparently it reads the books, with superfast reactions. That gadget, whatever it is, isn’t merely a robot.”

“You’re telling me,” Kerry said grimly. “It’s a Hitler.” Fitzgerald didn’t laugh. Rather soberly, he suggested, “Suppose you spend the night at my place?”

“No,” Kerry said, his voice stubborn. “No so-and-so radio’s going to chase me out of my house. I’ll take an axe to the thing first.”

“We-ell, you know what you’re doing, I suppose. Phone me if-if anything happens.”

“O.K.,” Kerry said, and hung up. He went into the living room and eyed the radio coldly. What the devil was it-and what was it trying to do? Certainly it wasn’t merely a robot. Equally certainly, it wasn’t alive, in the sense that a colloid brain is alive.

Lips thinned, he went over and fiddled with the dials and switches. A swing band’s throbbing, erratic tempo came from the console. He tried the short-wave band-nothing unusual there. So?

So nothing. There was no answer.

After a while he went to bed.

At luncheon the next day he brought Cassen’s Social Literature to show Fitzgerald.

“What about it?”

“Look here.” Kerry flipped the pages and indicated a passage. “Does this mean anything to you?”

Fitzgerald read it. “Yeah. The point seems to be that individualism is necessary for the production of literature. Bight?”

Kerry looked at him. “I don’t know.”


“My mind goes funny.”

Fitzgerald rumpled his gray hair, narrowing his eyes and watching the other man intently. “Come again. I don’t quite—”

With angry patience, Kerry said, “This morning I went into the library and looked up this reference.

I read it all right. But it didn’t mean anything to me. Just words. Know how it is when you’re fagged out and have been reading a lot? You’ll run into a sentence with a lot of subjunctive clauses, and it doesn’t percolate. Well, it was like that.”

“Read it now,” Fitzgerald said quietly, thrusting the book across the table.

Kerry obeyed, looking up with a wry smile. “No good.”

“Read it aloud. I’ll go over it with you, step by step.”

But that didn’t help. Kerry seemed utterly unable to assimilate the sense of the passage.

“Semantic block, maybe,” Fitzgerald said, scratching his ear. “Is this the first time it’s happened?”

“Yes-no. I don’t know.”

“Cot any classes this afternoon? Good. Let’s run over to your place.” Kerry thrust away his plate.

“All right. I’m not hungry. Whenever you’re ready—”

Half an hour later they were looking at the radio. It seemed quite harmless. Fitzgerald wasted some time trying to pry a panel off, but finally gave it up as a bad job. He found pencil and paper, seated himself opposite Kerry and began to ask questions.

At one point he paused. “You didn’t mention that before.”

“Forgot it, I guess.”

Fitzgerald tapped his teeth with the pencil. “Hm-m-m. The first time the radio acted up—”

“It hit me in the eye with a blue light.”

“Not that. I mean-what it said.”

Kerry blinked. “What it said?” He hesitated. “Psychology pattern checked and noted,’ or something like that. I thought I’d tuned in on some station and got part of a quiz program or something. You mean—”

“Were the words easy to understand? Good English?”

“No, now that I remember it,” Kerry scowled. “They were slurred quite a lot. Vowels stressed.”

“Uh-huh. Well, let’s get on.” They tried a word-association test. Finally Fitzgerald leaned back, frowning. “I want to check this stuff with the last tests I gave you a few months ago. It looks funny to me—damned funny. I’d feel a lot better if I knew exactly what memory was. We’ve done considerable work on mnemonics-artificial memory. Still, it may not be that at all.”


“That-machine. Either it’s got an artificial memory, has been highly trained or else it’s adjusted to a different milieu and culture. It has affected you-quite a lot.”

Kerry licked dry lips. “How?”

“Implanted blocks in your mind. I haven’t correlated them yet. When I do, we may be able to figure out some sort of answer. No, that thing isn’t a robot. It’s a lot more than that.”

Kerry took out a cigarette; the console walked across the room and lit it for him. The two men watched with a faint shrinking horror.

“You’d better stay with me tonight,” Fitzgerald suggested.

“No,” Kerry said. He shivered.