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So most men wandered aimlessly to and fro, with their weapons ready to their hands, glancing at their fellows out of the corners of their eyes.

To the surprise of all, Steve Corcoran was noticed at several bars, drinking heavily, though the liquor did not seem to affect him in any way.

The men in the jail were suffering from nerves. Somehow the word had gotten out that the vigilante organization was a reality, and that they were to be tried before a vigilante court. Joel Miller, hysterical, accused Middleton of double-crossing his men.

--hut up, you fool!--snarled the sheriff, showing the strain under which he was laboring merely by the irascible edge on his voice.--aven't you seen your friends drifting by the jail? I--e gathered the men in from the hills. They--e all here. Forty-odd men, every Vulture in the gang, is here in Wahpeton.

--ow, get this--and McNab, listen closely: we--l stage the break just before daylight, when everybody is asleep. Just before dawn is the best time, because that-- about the only time in the whole twenty-four hours that the camp isn't going full blast.

--ome of the boys, with masks on, will swoop down and overpower you deputies. There--l be no shots fired until they--e gotten the prisoners and started off. Then start yelling and shooting after them--in the air, of course. That--l bring everybody on the run to hear how you were overpowered by a gang of masked riders.

--iller, you and Letcher and Barlow will put up a fight--

--hy?----hy, you fool, to make it look like it's a mob that-- capturing you, instead of friends rescuing you. That--l explain why none of the deputies are hurt. Men wanting to lynch you wouldn't want to hurt the officers. You--l yell and scream blue murder, and the men in the masks will drag you out, tie you and throw you across horses and ride off. Somebody is bound to see them riding away. It--l look like a capture, not a rescue.-- Bearded lips gaped in admiring grins at the strategy.

--ll right. Don't make a botch of it. There--l be hell to pay, but I--l convince Hopkins that it was the work of a mob, and we--l search the hills to find your bodies hanging from trees. We won't find any bodies, naturally, but maybe we--l contrive to find a mass of ashes where a log hut had been burned to the ground, and a few hats and belt buckles easy to identify.-- Miller shivered at the implication and stared at Middleton with painful intensity.

--iddleton, you ain't planning to have us put out of the way? These men in masks are our friends, not vigilantes you--e put up to this?----on't be a fool!--flared Middleton disgustedly.--o you think the gang would stand for anything like that, even if I was imbecile enough to try it? You--l recognize your friends when they come.

--iller, I want your name at the foot of a confession I--e drawn up, implicating somebody as the leader of the Vultures. There-- no use trying to deny you and the others are members of the gang. Hopkins knows you are; instead of trying to play innocent, you--l divert suspicion to someone outside the gang. I haven't filled in the name of the leader, but Dick Lennox is as good as anybody. He-- a gambler, has few friends, and never would work with us. I--l write his name in your--onfession'tas chief of the Vultures, and Corcoran will kill him--or resisting arrest,--before he has time to prove that it's a lie. Then, before anybody has time to get suspicious, we--l make our last big haul--the raid on the Hopkins and Bisley cache!--and blow! Be ready to jump, when the gang swoops in.

--iller, put your signature to this paper. Read it first if you want to. I--l fill in the blanks I left for the'shief----name later. Where-- Corcoran?----saw him in the Golden Eagle an hour ago,--growled McNab.--e-- drinkin'tlike a fish.----amnation!--Middleton't mask slipped a bit despite himself, then he regained his easy control.--ell, it doesn't matter. We won't need him tonight. Better for him not to be here when the jail break-- made. Folks would think it was funny if he didn't kill somebody. I--l drop back later in the night.--

Even a man of steel nerves feels the strain of waiting for a crisis. Corcoran was in this case no exception. Middleton't mind was so occupied in planning, scheming and conniving that he had little time for the strain to corrode his will power. But Corcoran had nothing to occupy his attention until the moment came for the jump.

He began to drink, almost without realizing it. His veins seemed on fire, his external senses abnormally alert. Like most men of his breed he was high-strung, his nervous system poised on a hair-trigger balance, in spite of his mask of unemotional coolness. He lived on, and for, violent action. Action kept his mind from turning inward; it kept his brain clear and his hand steady; failing action, he fell back on whisky. Liquor artificially stimulated him to that pitch which his temperament required. It was not fear that made his nerves thrum so intolerably. It was the strain of waiting inertly, the realization of the stakes for which they played. Inaction maddened him. Thought of the gold cached in the cave behind John Middleton't cabin made Corcoran't lips dry, set a nerve to pounding maddeningly in his temples.

So he drank, and drank, and drank again, as the long day wore on.

The noise from the bar was a blurred medley in the back room of the Golden Garter. Glory Bland stared uneasily across the table at her companion. Corcoran't blue eyes seemed lit by dancing fires. Tiny beads of perspiration shone on his dark face. His tongue was not thick; he spoke lucidly and without exaggeration; he had not stumbled when he entered. Nevertheless he was drunk, though to what extent the girl did not guess.

-- never saw you this way before, Steve,--she said reproachfully.

----e never had a hand in a game like this before,--he answered, the wild flame flickering bluely in his eyes. He reached across the table and caught her white wrist with an unconscious strength that made her wince.--lory, I-- pullin'tout of here tonight. I want you to go with me!----ou--e leaving Wahpeton? Tonight?----es. For good. Go with me! This joint ain't fit for you. I don't know how you got into this game, and I don't give a damn. But you--e different from these other dance hall girls. I-- takin'tyou with me. I--l make a queen out of you! I--l cover you with diamonds!-- She laughed nervously.

--ou--e drunker than I thought. I know you--e been getting a big salary, but--

--alary?--His laugh of contempt startled her.----l throw my salary into the street for the beggars to fight over. Once I told that fool Hopkins that I had a gold mine right here in Wahpeton. I told him no lie. I-- rich!----hat do you mean?--She was slightly pale, frightened by his vehemence.

His fingers unconsciously tightened on her wrist and his eyes gleamed with the hard arrogance of possession and desire.

--ou--e mine, anyway,--he muttered.----l kill any man that looks at you. But you--e in love with me. I know it. Any fool could see it. I can trust you. You wouldn't dare betray me. I--l tell you. I wouldn't take you along without tellin'tyou the truth. Tonight Middleton and I are goin'tover the mountains with a million dollars--worth of gold tied on pack mules!-- He did not see the growing light of incredulous horror in her eyes.

-- million in gold! It-- make a devil out of a saint! Middleton thinks he'sl kill me when we get away safe, and grab the whole load. He-- a fool. It--l be him that dies, when the time comes. I--e planned while he planned. I didn't ever intend to split the loot with him. I wouldn't be a thief for less than a million.----iddleton--she choked.

--eah! He-- chief of the Vultures, and I-- his right-hand man. If it hadn't been for me, the camp would have caught on long ago.----ut you upheld the law,--she panted, as if clutching at straws.--ou killed murderers--saved McBride from the mob.----killed men who tried to kill me. I shot as square with the camp as I could, without goin'tagainst my own interests. That business of McBride has nothin'tto do with it. I-- given him my word. That-- all behind us now. Tonight, while the vigilantes and the Vultures kill each other, we--l vamose! And you--l go with me!-- With a cry of loathing she wrenched her hand away, and sprang up, her eyes blazing.