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MAL - A feeling of being watched from within

MAN NAIZ TH - Being aware of electricity in wires concealed in the walls

MUR ON TIG WON - The disagreeable experience of listening to oneself in the middle of a long speech and neither understanding what one is saying nor enjoying the manner in which it is being said; a foreign accent; a lion breaking wind after the evening repast

NAM ON A - The remembrance, in bed, of camp fires

NO LEE LE MUN - The love of a wife that becomes especially vivid when she is almost out-of-sight

NU CROW - Dying before strangers

NU DI DIMU - Dying in a low place, often of a low fever

NU HIN DER VLAK - The invisible stars; forms of death

NUN MUM - Dying before either of one's parents; ceasing to fight just because one's enemy is winning

NUT LAP ME - Dying of laughing

NUT LA POM - Dying laughing

NUT VATO - Managing to die standing up

NUTVU BAG RACK - To be born dead

NU VALK - Dying deliberately in a lonely (high) place

OBI DAKT - An obstruction; three or more machines talking together

ORAN MUDA - A change of government; an old peasant saying meaning, 'The dirt in the river is different every day'

PAN WOL LE MUDA - A certainty that tomorrow will much resemble today; a line of manufacturing machines

PAT O BANE BAN - The ten heartbeats preceding the first heartbeat of orgasm

PI KI SKAB WE - The parasite that afflicts man and Tig Gag in its various larval stages and, while burrowing in the brain of the Tig Gag, causes it to speak like a man

PI SHAK RACK CHANO - The retrogressive dreams of autumn attributed to the presence in the bloodstream of Pi Ki Skab We

PIT HOR - Pig's cheeks, or the droppings of pigs; the act of name-dropping

PLAY - The heightening of consciousness that arises when one awakens in a strange room that one cannot momentarily identify

SHAK ALE MAN - The struggle that takes place in the night between the urge to urinate and the urge to continue sleeping

SHAK LA MAN GRA - When the urge to urinate takes precedence over the urge to continue sleeping

SHAK LO MUN GRAM - When the urge to continue sleeping takes precedence over all things

SHEAN DORL - Gazing at one's reflection for reasons other than vanity

SHE EAN MIK - Performing prohibited postures before a mirror

SHEM - A slight cold afflicting only one nostril; the thoughts that pass when one shakes hands with a politician

SHUK TACK - The shortening in life-stature a man incurs from a seemingly benevolent machine

SOBI - A reverie lasting less than twenty years on cosmological themes; a nickel

SODI DORL - One machine making way for another; decadence, particularly in the Cold Continents

SODI IN PIT - Any epithet which does not accurately convey what it intends, such as 'Sober as a judge', 'Silly nit', 'He swims like a fish', 'He's only half-alive', and so on

STAINI RACK NUSVIODON - Experiencing Staini Rack Nuul and then realising that one must continue in the same outworn fashion because the alternatives are too frightening, or because one is too weak to change; wearing a suit of clothes at which one sees strangers looking askance

STAINI RACK NUUL - Introspection (sometimes prompted by birthdays) that one is not living as one determined to live when one was very young; or, on the other hand, realising that one is living in a mode decided upon when one was very young and which is now no longer applicable or appropriate

STAIN TOK I - The awareness that one is helplessly living a role

STA SODON - The worst feelings which do not even lead to suicide

SU SODA VALKUS - A sudden realisation that one's spirit is not pure, overcoming one on Mount Rinvlak (in the Southern Continent)

TI - Civilised aggression

TIG GAG - The creature most like man in the Southern Continent which smiles as it sleeps

TIPY LAP KIN - Laughter that one recognises though the laughter is unseen; one's own laughter in a crisis

TOK AN - Suddenly divining the nature and imminence of old age in one's thirty-first year

TUAN BOLO - A class of people one only meets at weddings; the pleasure of feeling rather pale

TU KI TOK - Moments of genuine joy captured in a play or charade about joy; the experience of youthful delight in old age

TUZ PAT MAIN - (Obs.) The determination to eat one's maternal grandfather

U - (Obs.) The amount of time it takes for a lizard to turn into a bird; love

UBIA - girl who lifts her skirts at the very moment you wish she would

UDI KAL - The clothes of the woman one loves

UDI UKAL - The body of the woman one loves

UES WE TEL DA - Love between a male and female politician

UGI SLO GU - The love that needs a little coaxing

UMI RIN TOSIT - The sensations a woman experiences when she does not know how she feels about a man

UMY RIN RU - The new dimensions that take on illusory existence when the body of the loved woman is first revealed

UNIMGAG BU - Love of oneself that passes understanding; a machine's dream

UNK TAK - An out-of-date guide book; the skin shed by the snake that predicts rain

UPANG PLA - Consciousness that one's agonised actions undertaken for love would look rather funny to one's friends

UPANG PLA - Consciousness that while one's agonised actions undertaken for love are on the whole rather funny to oneself, they might even look heroic to one's friends; a play with a cast of three or less

U RIRHI - Two lovers drunk together

US ANA NUTO - A novel all about love, written by a computer

US AN I NUT - Dying for love

USAN I ZUN BI - Living for love; a tropical hurricane arriving from over the sea, generally at dawn

UZ - Two very large people marrying after the prime of life

UZ TO KARDIN - The realisation in childhood that one is the issue of two very large people who married after the prime of life

WE FAAK - A park or a college closed for seemingly good reasons; a city where one wishes one could live

YA GAG - Too much education; a digestive upset during travel

YA GAG LEE - Apologies offered by a hostess for a bad meal

YA GA TUZ - Bad meat; (Obs.) dirty fingernails

YAG ORN - A president

YATUZ PATI - (Obs.) The ceremony of eating one's maternal grandfather

YATUZ SHAK SHAK NAPANG HOLI NUN - Lying with one's maternal grandmother; when hens devour their young

YE FLIG TOT - A group of men smiling and congratulating each other

YE FLU GAN - Philosophical thoughts that don't amount to much; graffiti in a place of worship