In the intervals between meals we used to rush about the museums and exhibitions in continual anx- iety for fear we should le late for dinner or lunch. I was bored at the sight of the pictures ; I longed to be at home to rest; I was exhausted, looked about for a chair and hypocritically repeated after other people: " How exquisite, what atmosphere I " Like overfed boa constrictors, we noticed only the most glaring objects. The shop windows hypno- tised us ; we went into ecstasies over imitation brooches and bought a mass of useless trumpery.
The same thing happened in Rome, where it rained and there was a cold wind. After a heavy lunch we went to look at St. Peter's, and thanks to our replete condition and perhaps the bad weather, it made no sort of impression on us, and detecting in each other an indifference to art, we almost quar- relled.
The money came from my father. I went to get it, I remember, in the morning. Lubkov went with me.
" The present cannot be full and happy when one has a past," said he. " I have heavy burdens left on me by the psst. However, if only I get the money, it's no great matter, but if not, I'm in a fix. Would you believe it, I have only eight francs left, yet I must send my wife a hundred and my mother another. And we must live here too. Ariadne's like a child; she won't enter into the posi- tion, and flings away money like a duchess. Why did she buy a watch yesterday? And, tell me, what object is there in our going on playing at being good children! Why, our hiding our relations from the servants and our friends costs us from ten to fifteen francs a day, as I have to have a separate room. What's the object of it? "
I felt as though a sharp stone had been turned round in my chest. There was no uncertainty now; it was all clea-r to me. I turned cold all over, and at once made a resolution to give up seeing them,
to run away from them, to go home at once
" To get on terms with a woman is easy enough," Lubkov went on. " You have only to undress her; but aftrrwards what a bore it is, what a silly busi- ness I "
When I counted over the money I received he said:
11 If you don't lend me a thousand francs, I am faced with complete ruin. Your money is the only resource left to me."
I gave him the money, and he at once revived and began laughing about his uncle, a queer fish, who could never keep his address secret from his wife. When I reached the hotel I packed and paid my bill. I had still to say good-bye to Ariadne.
I knocked at the door.
" Entrez I "
In her room was the usual morning disorder: tea- things on the table, an unfinished roll, an eggshell; a strong overpowering reek of scent. The bed had not been made, and it was evident that two had slept in it.
Ariadne herself had only just got out of bed and was now with her hair down in a flannel dressing- jacket.
said good-morning to her, and then sat in si- lence for a minute while she tried to put her hair tidy, and then I asked her, trembling all over:
Why . • . why • . • did you send for me here? "
Evidently she guessed what I was thinking; she took me by the hand and said :
" I want you to be here, you are so pure."
I felt ashamed of my emotion, of my trembling.
And I was afraid I might begin sobbing, too I I went out without saying another word, and within an hour I was sitting in the train. All the journey, for some reason, I imagined Ariadne with child, and she seemed disgusting to me, and all the women I saw in the trains and at the stations looked to me, for some reason, as if they too were with child, and they too seemed disgusting and pitiable. I was in the position of a greedy, passionate miser who should suddenly discover that all his gold coins were false. The pure, gracious images which my imag- ination, warmed by love, had cherished for so long, my plans, my hopes, my memories, my ideas of love and of woman — all now were jeering and putting out their tongues at me. " Ariadne," I kept asking with horror, " that young, intellectual, extraor- dinarily beautiful girl, the daughter of a senator, carrying on an intrigue with such an ordinary, unin- teresting vulgarian? But why should she not love Lubkov? " I answered myself. " In what is he in- ferior to me? Oh, let her love any one she likes, but why lie to me ? But why is she bound to be open with me? " And so I went on over and over again till I was stupefied.
It was cold in the train; I was travelling first class, but even so there were three on a side, there were no double windows, the outer door opened straight into the compartment, and I felt as though I were in the stocks, cramped, abandoned, pitiful, and my legs were fearfully numb, and at the same time I kept recalling how fascinating she had been that morning in her dressing-jacket and with her hair down, and I was suddenly overcome by such acute jealousy that I leapt up in anguish, so that my neigh- bours stared at me in wonder and positive alarm.
At home I found deep snow and twenty degrees of frost. I'm fond of the winter; I'm fond of it because at that time, even in the hardest frosts, it's particularly snug at home. It's pleasant to put on one's fur jacket and felt overboots on a clear frosty day, to do something in the garden or in the yard, or to read in a well warmed room, to sit in my fa- ther's study before the open fire, to wash in my coun- try bath-house. . • . Only if there is no mother in the house, no sister and no children, it is somehow dreary on winter evenings, and they seem extraor- dinarily long and quiet. And the warmer and snugger it is, the more acutely is this lack felt. In the winter when I came back from abroad, the eve- nings were endlessly long, I was intensely depressed, so depressed that I could not even read; in the day- time I was coming and going, clearing away the snow in the garden or feeding the chickens and the calves, but in the evening it was all up with me.
I had never cared for visitors before, but now I was glad of them, for I knew there was sure to be talk of Ariadne'. Kotlovitch, the spiritualist, used often to come to talk about his sister, and sometimes he brought with him his friend Prince Maktuev, who was as much in love with Ariadne as I was. To sit in Ariadne's room, to finger the keys of her piano, to look at her music was a necessity for the prince — he could not live without it; and the spirit of his grandfather Ilarion was still predicting that sooner or later she would be his wife. The prince usually stayed a long time with us, from lunch to midnight, saying nothing all the time; in silence he would drink two or three bottles of beer, and from time to time, to show that he too was taking part in the conversa- tion, he would laugh an abrupt, melancholy, foolish laugh. Before going home he would always take me aside and ask me in an undertone : " When did you see Ariadne Grigoryevna last? Was she quite well? I suppose she's not tired of being out there ? "