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After that, I began to think we could trust him.

At any rate, we did find out the information we needed. They never transferred more than a quarter of a million at a time.

"That's what dictates the scheduling. And that's the beauty of it," he said. "There's no way somebody can get onto our schedule, because there isn't one. Different employee takes it each time, different vehicle, different route. No way to even know how much we've got onboard. Works."

"Cool." I thought it was.

"We were going to use an armored car service," he said, "but there isn't one available, except the one that services the banks. They can't fit us on anything like the schedule we'd need, and they aren't about to buy a new truck just for us. We really don't want to keep much more than five hundred thousand on the boat, anyway. And even that is divided up by a cash cage on each of three gaming decks, and a counting area under the waterline. A hit on one of them, and all of them are notified and close down. Piece of cake." He had a glimmer in his eye. He knew. Or, rather, he suspected. Either way, I had the feeling that things were going to tighten up on the boat for the next while.

"And," he said, "we transfer coins once a week. Lots and lots of quarters." He grinned broadly. "They accumulate around our slot machines the same way they do on your dresser at home."

As we left, I purloined another chocolate-covered mint.

They sure seemed to have it covered on the boat. Security at the bank, though… a different question altogether. As with most banks, they relied on structures, not people. Structures, and lots of alarm functions that were going to alert law enforcement.

The guessing game was going on when we got back to Hester's office.

"Why Sunday?" Art was saying. "Why not Friday or Saturday?"

"More money." Point to Lamar.

"If Gabriel is still around after all this excitement," added Hester.

"He's here," said Volont. "Don't worry about that."

"Well, now, just a minute," said Lamar. "Let's clear this up right now. Do you actually know he's here, or are you just guessing?"

Volont, I'm sure, wasn't accustomed to being talked to in quite that manner. He handled himself well, I thought.

"He's here, Sheriff. What we do is use several things. Elimination is one of them. We have informants in three or four places he is most likely to be if he isn't here. He's not at those places. We use deduction based on knowledge gained over a long period of time. He's invested heavily in this operation, with the heaviest investment being the two Colson brothers that he killed. He doesn't like to do that. He's got plans. Accomplices. He needs the cash. He's not the type to let a subordinate run the main operation. He's here. All the indications are, he's here." He looked at Lamar.

"So," said my boss, "you boil it down, and skim off the fat, you're still guessing. I'm not saying it's not a good guess. But it is a guess."

"That's right. But it's a truly good guess, and it's right." Volont flicked out one of those tight little grins of his. "Let's see what to do with the bank."

"Good guess" my ass. Volont was lying through is teeth, and if I hadn't had that conversation with George, I'd have bought it hook, line, and sinker. He was good. As it was, I was now certain that he knew exactly where Gabriel was. And he really was close.

In the end, we decided to go really light on the other four banks. Whichever ones they might be. The main forces, so to speak, were to be concentrated on Frieberg. The "daylight, bank open" plan was to set up around the bank, at enough distance to ensure they would be well clear of the place before we hit them. Roadblock vehicles, surveillance teams, chase cars. All concealed. Manned mostly by FBI and DCI SWAT team members.

Our "nighttime, bank closed" plan was very similar, but brought the ring in a bit closer. Both plans included a helicopter on standby at Maitland Airport. We felt we had to use Maitland, because the only other airport with gas and any sort of facility was just across the Mississippi from Frieberg, in Jollietteville, Wisconsin. A Huey sitting there, so close to the Frieberg bank, would possibly be spotted by the bad guys. Tip time. We did send a delegation across the river, to meet with their people, and let them know they might have a bank robbery on Sunday, too. Just being neighborly.

For our cohorts in Conception County, this was a definite "need to know" situation. They were just across the Mississippi bridge, a trip of 1.6 miles without a turnoff. The actual width of the Mississippi there was about a mile, but the approaches on both ends of the bridge extend the trip. The Iowa and Wisconsin spans met on a small island in the middle. I really mean small. No structures, just a lump of dry ground about halfway across. Once on the bridge, a bank robber either had to cross, stop, or come back. No exits. Besides, if we actually got into a pursuit, crossing the bridge was as good a route as any for flight. The 1.6 miles would go by in a minute, literally, in a high-speed pursuit. Without forewarning, it was very possible that Wisconsin wouldn't be able to get the bridge blocked in time.

Covered on that one.

Lamar was still skeptical of the entire plan. "Don't forget, we want him for murder. Two counts, at least. Maybe more if we reopen an old case. What's wrong with, we see him, we grab him?" He addressed Volont directly. "Is it good if we let him commit a bank job, too?"

"No, it isn't. Not at all. But," said Volont, "it is important that we be sure we have him. If we go to take down a suspect in a car, based on a glimpse of somebody, we might get the wrong man. We might tip off the right man. We can be sure," he said, emphatically, "that he'll be with the bank team. I have good information on that. Very good."

"Wait a minute," said Lamar. "You keep pullin' this information out of your hat every time you need it, and we're supposed to buy it." He looked around the room. "Doesn't it seem that way to you all?"

Before any of us could answer, Volont spoke rapidly. "My rules keep me from telling you certain things until you demonstrate a 'need to know.' When you ask the question, I can sometimes give an answer under those rules."

Lamar sighed, and stood up. "I gotta get back to the office." And he walked out. Just like that.

Well. There was a pretty thick silence after he left. I broke it with "Looks like you better be right on this one." I could say that. I'd been shot the last time Volont had made a mistake. In the vest, admittedly. What the hell, it's the thought that counts.

"Confidence," he said, blandly, "is high." I thought of what Hester had said about a psychic. I caught her eye and grinned at her, but she was too worried to catch it.

We made tentative assignments, and the call went out to begin gathering reinforcements. I headed back to Maitland. Tomorrow was Sunday. Sunday was Bank Day. Time was getting short.


Saturday, January 17, 1998, 1358

Volont stuck his head in the door. "TAC team commander will meet with you out here in a few minutes. He just landed." He was gone as quickly as he'd appeared.

George had hardly had time to "pop to." "We gotta plan, I guess."

"Yeah." I rummaged through the box, looking for another doughnut with little sprinkles on it. "I think this is as close as Volont ever gets to orgasm."

George started to laugh, caught it, but still had a dribble of coffee on his chin. "Don't say those things!"

"Oh, yeah, before I forget… Remember Nola Stritch?"

He sure did.

"Well, Cletus Borglan's hired man and his family? The Grossmans?" He nodded. "Turns out that she's Nola's sister. Half sister, anyway. Neat, no?"

"Well," he said, "I'm glad Volont finally told you."