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"Careful, Houseman. I don't want to have to carry you back…"

As we moved into the alley behind Alpha 2, Hester came up on her secure radio and informed them we were around, and might be strolling in the vicinity of the bank. They acknowledged.

The bank, in the thickening fog, appeared absolutely unremarkable. If you didn't already know, there was no way to tell what was happening inside. Even on a clear day, I suspected…

"Professional, real professional." I should learn, someday, not to overestimate the qualities of criminals. "Sure glad I'm not the agent in the bank."

There was a thump, more felt than heard. I looked at Hester.

"Beats me," she said, swiveling at the hips to look around.

Then the bank alarm went off. The audible. A heart-stopping steel bell and striker that I was sure could be heard for a mile or more.

That was a bit unexpected. We'd anticipated the silent alarm to go when they went into the vault. It should have, and it had. There was a safety on the vault, even though it was unlocked and half open during dropoff hours. You'd have to watch that vault for a long time before you caught on to the fact that the tellers tapped a button under their counters before they turned and walked to the vault. We got the silent alarm in the Sheriff's Department.

But now we had that damned audible.

The radios came to life. "Alpha Two had a… uh… loud report, from the bank. Just prior to the alarm."

"All units hold," said Sally, "until further." That had to be at Volont's direction.

"Gunshot?" wondered Hester.

"Sheriffs Department advises that it's the fire alarm in the Frieberg bank…" came Sally's voice, over the secure radio.


"Alpha Two second team is at ground level, and they say they can't see smoke…" came over the secure radio.

"Three's very close to the bank," I said, "and I have no smoke…"

"'Smoke'?" Hester grumbled. "In this fog, you couldn't see smoke if your nose was on fire."

Moments later, the team in the deputy's house announced that they'd come down the steps to street level, and were in their secondary position. "Alpha Three is at the little wall. We have no smoke, but there's something… uh… going on in the bank… stand by, One."

They were on the opposite side of the bank, with a much better view to the inside.

Radio traffic really started to pick up. "Alpha Foot is between Alpha Mobile and Two, going toward the bank, and we need instructions…"

"Alpha One is back on the roof… But we can't see much in the weather."

"Yeah, guys, Alpha Three sees some sort of activity on the inside of the drive-up window…"

"Alpha Two has the same. It looks like they're putting in insulation around the window."

I looked. Sure as hell. A man in a ski mask was holding what appeared to be multicolored clothesline around the edges of the teller's window, while another man was taping over it, all around the window frame of the thick, bulletproof glass. They were moving quickly, but clearly not attempting to hide their actions.

Hester and I stood by a parked car, which was between us and the bank. Less conspicuous, like we owned it. Watching, through the thickening fog, as the men at the drive-up window completed their task.

"What the hell are they doing?"

"Beats me," she said. "Sticking something around the inside of the window."

"Uh, Alpha Two thinks it might be det cord," crackled over my radio. "Inside the drive-up window."

The fire siren on top of the city hall began to sound. That could be activated in one of two ways; either by pager from the Sheriffs Department, or manually by somebody either at the fire station or the city hall.

Sally was on the radio in an instant. "Automated fire department pager and siren activation," she announced. "The firemen's personal pagers were activated first. The alarm's at the Frieberg Community Savings Bank."

So. While we had been standing there, volunteer firemen all over Frieberg were being automatically paged to go to the bank. But there were no indications of a fire.

Almost in slow motion, we could see three or four rotating blue dash lights, as individual volunteer firemen began driving to the fire station. I reached for my mike. "Three to Alpha Chase… when the firemen get there, tell them we have a robbery in progress, and have them stand by! Do not let them respond to the bank until further notice."

I can think fast on occasion.

"Right, right," said Volont, over the radio. "Good move. Right."

"Three," crackled Sally's voice, "the Sheriffs Department advises that the alarm was not, repeat not, activated in the auto mode. It's a manual activation." Information right off the screen at the Sheriffs Department. It could tell how the alarm was activated. The dispatcher up there had probably just noticed the mode, in all the activity. Strange. A real fire would have activated the auto alarm. Somebody at the bank had set it off manually.

As proud as I was of my warning to the firemen, sometimes even your best isn't enough. I watched in silence as three firemen went directly to the bank instead of the fire station. I could tell because of the little, flashing blue volunteer fireman lights on the dashes of their cars as they pulled into the lot. They obviously intended to make sure people were out and planned to don their equipment when the apparatus got to the scene. Standard procedure in rural areas, where some of the volunteers might drive right by the threatened location on their way to the fire station. I saw them head toward the bank. They started in, and I saw the last one put his hands in the air.

"Uh, Alpha Two believes we now have three firemen as hostages."

"Alpha Three confirms."

"Ditto Alpha Mobile."

Damn. Or, as Hester said, "Shit."

"Come on, come on," murmured Hester. "They can still get away. There is still time to get away. You don't need hostages, damn it."

"Maybe not," I said. "But they sure have 'em." I radioed Sally. "See if we can get a good guess as to how many people were in the bank when they went in."

Alpha 2 responded with "We believe five, plus the odd-hour teller, plus three firemen."

Nine people.

"Well," I said, disgusted, "that ought to be plenty."

As I spoke, a second vehicle approached the bank from out of the fog, pulled into the lot, made a turn, and backed toward the bulletproof teller's cage. A white panel truck with a potato chip logo on the side, it stopped about fifty feet away, and Hester and I watched in fascination while there was a puff of white and a loud crack and the drive-up window flew out of its mountings and slammed into the paving. I could see the shock wave hit her hair, making it fly back. Fascinating.

"It was," said Hester, even as we ducked down behind the car. "It was det cord he was putting up…"

"Alpha Two here… did you see that? They've blown the window."

Even as he spoke, the truck backed up toward the brand-new opening, and bumped into the wall.

"Well, I guess those windows are designed to resist pressure from the outside, not the inside," Hester mused. "Pretty slick."

"How long you think it takes to load a couple of million dollars?" I asked, cautiously raising my head to look over the hood of the car. "Ten minutes?"

"I'd estimate fifteen to twenty," said Hester, glancing at her watch. "And if they bother with the change, maybe as much as an hour."

A radio crackled again. "Three, it's Twenty-nine," said Sally, on the secure frequency. 29 was the local car, Frieberg PD. "He's going nuts, people keep running up to him and asking him what the hell he's doing just sitting there when there's an emergency at the bank."