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“I understand that, Kendra, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve been paying the rent for the last two months. I don’t mind carrying you because you’re my best friend, but you need to think about getting a real job.” He sat the plate of sausage and potatoes down in front of me.

“I know, but if I get a full time job, there will be no time for me to design the clothes and work on the website that will eventually sell them.”

“How many have you sold?” He sat down and reached for my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

“None.” I glanced down at my empty plate as tears filled my eyes. “I just keep thinking that...”

“Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. I hate that I’m forced to have this conversation, but I am. I’m trying to save up for a ring for Billy and I can’t because I’m paying too much in rent.”

“Does he still want to move in with us?” I glanced up and sniffled as Brian handed me a paper-towel.

“Yeah. We can talk about that later. I’m just telling you that you’re not looking at all the options available to you. Certainly, there has to be a job where you can work with people and still find time during the day to work on your website. At night, you can work on your designs. It’s about time management more than anything else.” He picked up his fork and began loading his plate. “Eat before it gets cold.”

I followed suit, though my stomach sat in terrible knots. He was right, but my last job as a nurse’s assistant was too demanding and not only didn’t leave time for anything during the day, but zapped my energy at night too. There was no reason in bringing it up with Brian. It wasn’t his problem. It was mine. His only problem at present seemed to be his slack-ass roommate—me.

“What about the nursing assistant job you had? You loved that.”

“It didn’t work well with my situation, Brian. I know it seems impossible, but I really believe in this clothing line. I just need to give it attention to get it off the ground.” I sighed and took a big bite of the sausage on my plate. “This is good, by the way.”

“Thanks.” He sat back and pinned me with a stare. “You’re good with people. Find something.”

“I get too attached. Don’t you remember how bad it was when Mr. Landes died and I was the one who found him? I didn’t think I was ever going to get over that.”

“I remember. There’s ways around that. You just need to focus on...” He droned on about all the things I needed to do as I sat there, nodding where appropriate. My resolve to remain calm and enjoy my day had been blown by the website hacker and now this...

My phone buzzed from the living room and I took it as a well-deserved escape. “Let me grab that, and I’ll be right back. Hold your lecture. I don’t want to miss it.”

“Sarcasm,” he muttered as I disappeared from the room.

“Hello?” I was happy to talk to anyone, a call center being included.

“Kendra. It’s Hunter. How are you?”

“Oh my goodness! It’s been forever. I’m good. You?” I hadn’t heard from Hunter in years, but every time I did, memories would assault me. We had been childhood friends, his father having helped me significantly to get over some of the demons in my younger life.

“I’m really good. I have something I wanted to talk to you about though. Do you have a minute?”

“Of course.” I moved to the couch and sunk down as worry rolled over me. Was his father sick or hurt?

“My boss is looking for someone to assist him with a new responsibility he has and I honestly couldn’t help but think of you. He’s looking for a female whose patient with people and has a good heart.”

I crossed my legs as I listened, not quite sure of what he was asking due to the vagueness of the request. “That’s it? Just patient with people?”

“Yep. It’s a nanny position for a little guy. He’s about six months old, I believe.”

“Oh.” Children. I loved children, but being responsible for one wasn’t at the top of my list of things to commit to.

“Just say you’ll meet him. The salary is handsome and he has the rest of the details waiting on you. It would be a simple interview and if you don’t want the job, just tell him.”

“No strings attached?” I couldn’t help but ask. Seeing the child would most likely bind me to him whether I wanted it or not. Plus, I needed money, and fast.

“Nope. Think about it?”

“I will. I’ll call you later today for the details. I just need to make sure it’s a good fit for my time and future goals.”

“I understand completely. We’ll talk soon.”

I hung up and stood as the idea rolled around in my thoughts. The smile on Brian’s face said that he heard most of the conversation.

“So. Give me the deets. I want to know what’s up.” He wagged his eyebrows.

“That was an old friend. His boss is looking for a nanny for his six-month-old son.” I shrugged and sat back down at the table.

“How much money and how much time?”

I lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know. I’ll call him back later. I need to think about it a little before making any sudden decisions.”

“Well, I think it would be great.”

“Maybe. I’m not sure if watching a baby all day is going to give me any free time at all.” I picked up my fork and moved the cold bits around my plate.

“Babies sleep half the day. This is actually perfect.” He stood and picked up his dishes. “Besides, word on the street is that your roomie is not going to be able to carry you for another month. Might want to remedy that.”

“You’d kick me out?” I glanced over my shoulder, forcing myself to look more shocked than I was. I deserved to be booted then and there.

He grinned. “Nope. I’d invite Billy to come in and you’d run screaming from the building.”

“This is so true...” I turned and realized that my options were limited. A nanny position couldn’t be too bad. I’d at least take the interview and check things out.

Besides, it was no strings attached.

3 - Kendra

After spending the day working on the website, I knew it was completely useless. I needed help far beyond what my own capabilities were. That help would demand to be paid, so being without any other options, I called Hunter and accepted the interview.

I figured it would be a few days until the father wanted to meet with me, but I had been wrong. It was a theme as of late. The man seemed to be in desperate need and wanted to meet that evening. Seeing as though I had nothing else to do... I agreed.

I pilfered through the dresses in my closet, trying to imagine what a nanny might look like. I had never applied to be a nanny, but wearing something comely seemed more fitting than anything that might make me look young and hungry for success.

Still... I was young and ready to succeed at life. Weren’t nannies older women with long black dresses and curly white hair?

“You’re being an idiot,” I muttered to myself and released my prejudices.

Tugging my favorite black and blue dress from the hanger, I held it up and turned to face the mirror. The color scheme was perfect for bringing out the blue in my eyes. I could wear my hair in a bun and add flats instead of heels to pull away from the attractiveness of the outfit. Besides, the best advertising was to actually wear the things I created.

I finished getting dressed and walked back into the living room as Brian turned the TV off. He glanced up and smiled.

“Don’t you look beautiful. Professional and sexy all in the same space.”

“Really?” I turned and smiled, enjoying the soft cotton and silk material I’d chosen for the pattern. “Think it’s nanny enough?”