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“Much better, right, little one?”

“Wow.” Jax moved to stand beside me. “Burping him... interesting.”

“What’s his name?”

“Tyson. His name is Tyson.” Sadness rolled across the handsome man’s features in front of me and I couldn’t help but wonder what the rest of his story was. A bachelor with a six-month-old baby and no one had taught him to burp the boy?


4 - Jax

Incredible. The baby wasn’t crying and for the first time in a long time, I genuinely wanted to hug him. It had been a long few weeks, trying to get over Alice’s death and figure out what was wrong with Tyson. I was almost at the edge of taking him to the doctor for an additional checkup. Something had to give.

And then you showed up.

I walked to the couch and plopped down with this newfound information. Burping him was the key. Who knew it?

All it took was a pretty girl with a great smile and fantastic rack to come in and tell me. I turned my attention back to her, half expecting her to be staring down at me. She wasn’t. She was whispering something soft and low to Tyson as she rocked him back and forth. I was almost jealous for her attention, which was surprisingly out of character for me.

“Tell me how you did that.”

“I told you.” She glanced up, the innocence in her gaze causing my stomach to tighten. “You just have to burp him. His tummy was upset.”

“Yeah, but how did you know to do that?” I patted the couch beside me. “Come take off a load and let’s talk a little. It’s supposed to be an interview, so consider that my first question.”

“I don’t know. I’ve helped with other kids before and worked in a family clinic for a while before moving to a convalescent home. I just know how to take care of people. Maybe it’s inherent for women.” She shrugged and sat down gracefully beside me.

The scent of her body filled my senses and I stifled a groan. Strawberry soap and coconut shampoo. The girl was a treat to the eyes and the palate.

Her blond hair was pulled up into a tight bun, but I could tell it was long and appeared silky. Sinking my fingers into it became a quick lived fantasy in my head. I jerked a ‘looking-at’ pillow from beside me and pulled it into my lap as my libido sprung to life. It had been a few days since I’d taken a woman to my bed. Far too long in my book.

Her outfit was tight where it should be and yet flowed beautifully over her tanned shapely legs. The material slipped off the side of her thighs and gave me a great view. She had to have been in athletics of some sort. She was too fit and lithe not to be. My eyes moved up the length of her body, resting for a moment on the swell of her breasts. How nice it would be to strip her out of her pretty outfit and spend the evening teasing her.

She might stop Tyson from whimpering, but I’d love to see if I could make her do a bit of her own.

“Tell me about your background, Kendra. Why do you think you’d make a good nanny for Tyson?” I forced myself to lock onto her face, though I was once again pleasantly surprised. Her sea-blue eyes pulled me in fast and I couldn’t help but imagine the look of ecstasy that might roll over her girl-next-door features when I made to come. She was breathtaking, but in a way I hadn’t paid attention to before.

The other women in my life were loud and boisterous, needy for attention and their attire and make-up made that quite apparent. Kendra had on nothing more than a soft golden eye shadow, mascara and pink lip gloss. She reminded me of the sexy nerdy girl at school who had so much more to offer than most men would get the chance to see.

Fuck. I wanted her. Keeping my own desires at bay for the greater good was going to be a struggle. The fact that she had Tyson asleep within minutes left me with the resolve to at least try.

Women were deceiving by nature. She was probably looking to score a sugar daddy and I was the next chump in line for the job.

No. Hunter wouldn’t have suggested her. You know that.

“Well, like I mentioned a few minutes ago. I was a nurse’s assistant and have babysat several of my friend’s little ones. I tutored when I was younger and I work regularly for the shelter in town to feed the homeless.” She reached up and tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. “You’d be amazed at the number of women who have kids on the streets. I usually let the other volunteers feed the crowd and I snuggle babies or play games with the toddlers.”

“I like it. Shows that you have empathy and that you’re loving.” I turned to face her a little, my knee brushing by hers. She subtly shifted her position to ensure we weren’t touching anymore. I let it go, but her actions weren’t lost on me.

One point for you, sexy girl.

“So tell me more about your attire.”

She glanced down at herself as her cheeks colored a little. “My dress? Is it too much?”

I laughed softly and reached toward her, brushing the back of my fingers over Tyson’s back. I wanted to touch her so bad my fingers tingled, but I held back.

“I like it a lot. It’s elegant, powerful and innocent all in the same moment. It doesn’t fit the style of your humanitarian background or your willingness to interview for a nanny position. It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Her shyness melted as a large smile slid across her pretty features. I had to force myself not to lean in to get closer to her. She was intriguing and the look on her face told me that she had made the outfit. That was why the card Hunter had given me earlier in the day was for a seamstress. The card was all wrong and didn’t at all speak to her abilities, but I let my business advice die down as I tried to remain present in the moment with her.

“It’s mine. I mean... I made it. I’ve always been drawn to patterns and creating new things, so a few years back, I decided to pick up sewing and this was the result.” She glanced down the length of her body before turning her attention back to the small boy sleeping soundly against her. “I think Tyson likes it. No?”

I smiled in response to her expression. “It’s incredible. What an awesome talent. Is it made of silk or cotton? I can’t tell.”

“It’s a blended material.” She tugged at a long strand of the material that had dropped from the side of her leg, and extended it toward me. I took it and ran my fingers over it, glancing up and enjoying the mere fact that she was studying me.

Is she as intrigued as I am? I certainly hope so.

“Do you want to lay him down?” I stood and offered her my hand.

She took it and I hoisted her up, sliding my free hand over her back to make sure she didn’t fall. She smiled shyly at me and nodded toward the small spray of stairs. “This has two levels?”

“Yes. His bedroom is at the top of the hall on the right. Do you want me to take him?”

“No. I’ll put him down and then we can wrap up the interview. I’m sure you have plenty of things to do tonight.”

“You’re my only thing to do.” I winked and turned, a smirk lifting my lips but hidden from the girl. If she was half as clever as she was benevolent, my comment would hit home perfectly.

Stop it. You need a nanny. Sex is available everywhere. Don’t fuck this up.

I waited until I heard her descending the stairs to turn. She looked like something out of a magazine. She had to have a boyfriend or a husband.

“I have a few more questions.” I nodded to the kitchen. “Let me show you around while we talk.”