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I wasn’t sure if the smell of the food or the dark scent of his cologne turned me on more. Not having many boyfriends and not caring about the lack of them, I conceded that it was the food. I helped him unpack everything as he hummed something softly under his breath. I wanted to ask about his wife and their situation, but he seemed rather withdrawn from such a conversation.

We made small talk during dinner, the food far more spicy than I was used to. I downed my bottle of water and two more while he simply nursed one beer, barely drinking any of it.

He glanced up after giving me a few thoughts on my business cards that would prove helpful. “Kendra. Your face is flushed. Are you okay?”

I reached up and wiped my forehead, the light sheen of sweat covering me less than surprising. “Yeah. It’s the heat of the food.”

The soft cry of the baby was a welcomed sound. I stood up and nodded toward the living room. “Tyson’s up. I’ll grab him and change his diaper.”

“Okay. I’ll fix him a bottle.” He moved from the table, reaching out and grabbing my wrist as I stood and took a shallow breath. “Hey. You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine.” I tugged my arm away and walked toward the stairs, wiping at my face as I started to feel faint. By the time I made it to the little guy’s room, I was drenched in sweat. The chili they used in Chinese food must have been completely different from what the Thai people used. I was on fire.

I picked him up and pressed him to my chest, almost feeling sorry for the baby. I was drenched and now had to head back down for my sexy new boss to catch a glance of me at my worst.

“So damn embarrassing.” I lifted the little guy up and smiled at him. “You won’t judge me, will you?”

He cooed a little before wiggling as if he weren’t feeling too good. He started to cry, and I moved out of the darkness of his room and walked down the stairs. Jax lifted the bottle toward me as he stood at the base of the staircase. His smile faded as his eyes moved down the length of me.

“Shit, Kendra. You’re sweating horribly. Are you allergic to certain foods?” Panic rolled over his features and he turned, jogging back to the kitchen.

“I need that bottle.” I moved toward the kitchen as I tried to keep my senses about me. There was no point in trying to impress my boss. The job was mine and we weren’t going to be anything other than friends, if even that. He was a playboy and I wasn’t interested in getting played—ever.

He turned and handed me the bottle. “Actually, give him to me. You need to get a bottle of water and sit under the fan.”

“No. I’m fine. It’ll stop soon.” I let out a soft growl and tugged the bottle from him.

Jax picked up a hand towel on the table beside him and wiped it across my forehead, his actions far more intimate than I would have normally allowed. “Give him to me.”

I relented and handed the baby over. He cried out loudly as I shifted him from my arms into Jax’s. “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me. I’ve never gotten this overheated.”

The scent of his cologne lifted again as he moved to me and pressed his fingers to the front of my head. “You’re burning up. Go get in the shower and turn the water on cold.”

“What? No. I’m fine.”

“Yes. Go do it now. I’ll wash your clothes and you’ll be good to go.”

“You can’t wash these.” I glanced down at them before turning a heavy stare onto him.

“Go. Now.”

6 - Jax

Tyson squirmed in my arms as Kendra finally relented and half-stormed to the bathroom. The smile on my face was simply caused by the small victory. I had hoped to leave the house for a while, just to have a break from everything, but it just wasn’t in the cards. Staying with her and having a low-key dinner had actually been more restful than I imagined possible. She didn’t seem interested in me at all, which was oddly refreshing. I couldn’t pinpoint in my memories the last girl that didn’t come barreling after me, but let me approach her.

“She’s not going to be one of them. Period. Nanny. Nothing else. Right, buddy?” I glanced down at Tyson and walked into the living room as the sound of the shower spray reached me.

She might not be on my list of available asses to tap, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t fantasize about it. I sunk down into the couch and shifted the baby to one arm, resting his chunky little body on the couch beside me.

“She’s pretty, huh, boy?” I winked at him and let my head drop back as my eyes closed.

The idea of her in the shower forced my cock to twitch. I could almost see her naked and wet, her long blond hair down and strung across her soft, pliable skin. I groaned and brushed my hand over the top of my pants, lifting my hips and pressing into my palm. It wouldn’t take much to have her pressed against the cool wall of the shower, her pretty face resting against the wall while I brushed my cock over her thick curves.

“Damn that dress,” I grumbled and opened my eyes as I tugged at my erection, pinching the head of my cock a few times as my heart began to race. I couldn’t see the curve of her ass in the dress at all. It was perfect for a proper business woman, the design causing her to appear incredibly feminine, but not sexual or drawing unwanted attention.

I couldn’t sit there much longer or I would forgo my desire to stay hands off with the pretty blond in my hallway bathroom. I moved past the door, cuddled Tyson against my chest and paused briefly, breathing in deeply and wishing like hell she would have invited me in to wash her back.

Get a t-shirt. Stop dicking around and get the woman something to wear.

I shook my head and walked into the bedroom to get something for her. Digging through my dresser drawers, I found an old cotton t-shirt that was soft and smelled good. She would like it; most girls seemed to. I didn’t have any panties, but I could offer her a pair of my boxer briefs.

Not happening unless she asks.

I plucked the bottle from the baby’s mouth and turned him up on my shoulder like I’d watched Kendra do earlier. “Time to burp, little guy. Do it for me like you did for the pretty girl who’s going to wreck my world. Hum?”

The shower stopped and I continued to pat a firm rhythm against the baby’s back as I walked toward the door. “Hey, I got a shirt for you to wear. Throw your clothes out here and I’ll put them in the washer.”

The door opened as Tyson burped and I let out a whoop of victory and glanced down at him. “There you go, man. Good job.”

“Good job to you too.” She opened the door a little farther, a large blue towel covering the front of her. Her thick wet hair sat heavy around her shoulders, and her skin almost glistened with small drops of liquid.

“Thanks to you.” I handed her the shirt and shifted a little, unable to help myself from trying to capture every part of her. The mirror behind her was fogged over about halfway up, blocking my view of her back, but her ass sat on full display for me. Thick and round, tanned and far too incredible for me not to worship it sometime soon. She was magnificent.

I might have to ask her to stay for a little while so I could run out for a bootie call. My cock needed to be served by someone, but if she refused to let me go, then I’d resort to the old college way of things—masturbation.

“Thanks.” She tugged on the shirt hard as I turned my attention back toward her pretty face. “Jax. Let the shirt go.”

I laughed. “Oh, right. Sorry. You would think I hadn’t seen millions of hot women naked in the shower before.”

Her eyebrow lifted and she shook her head before closing the door. “Right.”