Islamic University
Islamists, Islamist organizations; in Afghanistan; in Saudi Arabia; in Sudan; transnational jihad and; in Yemen
Israel; Arab boycott against; Azzam’s death and; creation of; Lebanon invaded by (1982); Palestinian conflict of; Saudi relations with; U.S. relations with
Italy, Italians
Jabal Al-Qala (Castle Mountain)
Jalalabad; Jamaat Islami
Jamal, Ahmad Mohamed
Jamjum, Ahmed
JB&A Associates
Jeddah; Abdulaziz’s conquest of; airport of; Al-Musharifah neighborhood of; Bakr in; banks in; Bath in; Bechtel’s work in; Bin Laden vault in; British mission in; Carmen in; Carrie in; Christine in; courts in; dating in; education in; electricity in; end of boom in; Eve shrine in; extremes of wealth and poverty in; Fahd in; Faisal’s publicity campaign in; as gateway to Mecca; Great Depression in; Griffin in; Hadhramis in; housing industry in; Hunnewell in; Ibrahim in; Khalid in; Khalil in; “Miss Arabia” in; modernity in; Mohamed’s compound in; Mohamed’s daughters in; Mohamed’s death and; Mohamed’s work sites near; money lenders in; mosques in; mujaheddin in; newspaper in; 9/11 in; Osama in; Osama’s attorney in; Osama’s phone contact with; Osama’s sons in; Osama’s wives in; palaces in; Philby in; port of; Randa in; Regina Frisaura in; Robert Freeman in; Salem in Sara’s wedding in; Saud in; Sheikha in; Sibba in; soccer in; Toyland in; university in; U.S. embassy in; Yeslam’s departure from; Yeslam’s return to
Jeddah Chamber of Congress
Jeddah to Mecca road
Jeddah to Medina road
Jerusalem; Al Aqsa Mosque in; Al Quds mosque in; Dome of the Rock in; Faisal on jihad for Osama’s awareness of father’s work in
Jerusalem (Peters)
Jews; of Arabia; Hasidic; Jerusalem and; Osama’s views on
jihad; financial; Jerusalem and; Osama’s creation of militia for
jihad; Osama’s philosophy of; Sudan and; transnational; in Yemen
Johansson, Bengt; on Osama; on Salem-Randa relationship; on Salem’s legs; on Salem’s marriage plan; in Sweden
Johns Lake
Johnson-Todd, Sheryl
Jones Day
Jordan; Hejaz Railway and
Jouvenal, Peter
Jubeir, Adel Al-
Judicial Watch
Kabeltan Corporation
Kane, David
Karzai family
Kashmimi, Awadh Saleh
Kateb, Suleiman Al-
Kayajanian, Jack
Kazanjian, Michael
Kazemzadeh, Hossein
Keaton, Darius
Kenda tribe
Kennedy, John F.
Kennerley, Paul
Kessler, Don
Khaled Al-Faisal, prince of Saudi Arabia
Khalid Bin Abdulaziz, king of Saudi Arabia
Khalifa, Jamal; CIA concerns about; legal troubles of; Lion’s Den visited by; on polygamy
Khalifa, Sheikha Bin Laden
Khalil, Khalil A.
Khalis, Younus
Khamis Mushayt
Khan, Anwar
Khartoum; Al Qaeda in; CIA in; LeVine’s visit to; missions to
Khashoggi, Adnan
Khashoggi, Jamal; on Afghan war; Muslim Brotherhood and; on Osama’s fear of secularization; on Peshawar; on Salem-Osama relationship; Sudan visits of
Khatib, Walid Al-
Khattab, Omar Bin Al-
Kherchtou, L’Hossaine
Khost province
Kilo; Bin Laden compound at
King Abdulaziz Air Base
King Abdulaziz University; Hajj Research Center in
King Abdullah Economic City; Kissinger, Henry
Kitty Hawk Field of Dreams; Kitzbühel
Koran; inheritance and; instruction in; Judgment Day in; memorizing of; multiple marriages and
Korean Air Lines Flight 007
Kulsum, Umm
Kuwait; Iraq’s invasion of
Lackland Air Force Base
Ladin International Company
Lake, Anthony
Lansdowne Limited; Las Vegas, NV
Lawrence, T. E. (Lawrence of Arabia)
Lebanon, Lebanese; civil war in; education in; Israeli invasion of (1982); U.S. hostages in
lend-lease aid
LeVine, Steve
Lewis, Mary Ellen
Lion’s Den
Logan, Sam
Logan International Airport
London; Abdullah-Edwardes meeting in; Bakr’s driver in; Bin Laden office in; Osama in; Osama’s considering of move to; Osama’s office in; “Painting and Patronage” in; power surge in; Salem in; Saudi exiles in; stock market in; terrorism in
Long March Rockets
Lormel, Dennis
Los Angeles, CA; Ibrahim’s mansion in; Khalil in; Najiah in; Salem in; Yeslam in
Los Angeles County Superior Court
Los Angeles International Airport
Los Angeles Police Department; Love, Ben
Love, Mark
McBride, Robert
McCarthy, Miller
McCartney, Paul
McDonald, Larry
MacDonald, Marianne
McFarlane, Robert
McKim, Steven
McManus, John C.
Maenna, Khaled Al-
Magnum Aircraft International
Majid, Prince
Major, John
Makhtab Al-Khadamat (Services Office)
Marconi wireless network
Margarita (Bergin’s girlfriend)
Marina, the
“Martin” (Bakr’s London driver)
martyrdom, martyrs
Masari, Mohammed Al-
Mason, J.C.M.
Massoud, Ahmed Shah
Mawdudi, Sayed Abdullah Al-
Mayfield, Earl
MBO Investments, Inc.
Mead, Syd
Mecca; Afghan rebels in; Azzam in; Bin Laden projects in; collapse of pilgrimage to; condo projects in; Fahd’s project in; Hajj and; Hashemite Sharifs in; improvements in; Jeddah as gateway to; Ka’ba in; Mohamed’s sons in; Osama as manager in; Osama’s visits to; palaces in; road from Jeddah to; Salem’s girlfriends in; Wahhabi destruction of; Zamzam well in; see also Grand Mosque
Mecca to Taif road
Medina; Afghan rebels in; Arab volunteers from; Bin Laden projects in; cost of government project in; difficulties of travel to; Hajj and; Mahrouz in; Osama in; Osama’s missing of; Prophet Mohamed’s exile in; Prophet’s Mosque in; railway to; road from Jeddah to; Salem’s burial in; Salem’s girlfriends in; Saud in; Turkish garrison in
Medina, University of
Medina, water pipeline into
Mello Yello
Metro West
Metz, Timothy
Miami, FL
Miami, University of
Miami-Dade Community College
Michael Baker, Jr., Inc.
Middle East Broadcasting
Middle East Policy Council
Mihdhar, Khalid Al-
Mihdhar, Sayyid Hamid Al-
military, Saudi
military, U.S.; Saudi bases for
Military Construction Agreement
Millfield School
Mishairi, prince of Saudi Arabia
Mishal, Prince
“Miss Arabia,”
missiles; anti-aircraft
Moawalla, Akbar
modernity: attacks on; Faisal’s drive for
Modernity on the Scale of Islam (Al-Qarni)
Mohamed, Prophet; Abdulaziz compared with; burial place of; Dome of the Rock and; earliest companions of; hadiths and; home of; Osama compared with
Mohamed and Abdullah, sons of Awadh Bin Laden: Abdullah bought out of; annual revenue of; foreign engineers used by; palace projects of; reorganization of; road building of