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Instead of trying to block the falling sword, Ner spun lightly out of the way. Geth found himself open and off-balance as Ner’s own sword slashed down. He flung himself down and rolled, barely getting his armored arm up in time to block the attack.

Magewrought steel rang with the force of Ner’s blow and a jolt of pain shot through Geth’s arm. Ner gave him no respite, but rained blows down on him, each one sending numbing waves vibrating through the gauntlet and Geth’s bones. The shifter struggled to scoot back and away. Ner stayed right on top of him. Geth’s lips drew back in alarm. If this was how the man fought when he was old, Geth wouldn’t have wanted to face him in his prime!

He twisted and kicked out sharply, aiming for Ner’s knee. The hunter jumped back to avoid the blow. In the slim instant of that opening, Geth scrambled back to his feet. He swallowed a gulp of air and reached deep into himself, letting a shifting spread through him. Invincibility burned in his veins and across his skin. He hurled himself back at Ner with a growl. This time he ripped his sword low. Ner stopped the blow with his own sword, the two blades clashing together as the Bonetree hunter deftly slid Geth’s attack aside-then twisted his weapon free and brought it around to slice at Geth’s hip.

The edge of the sword skated across his shifting-toughened hide, cutting cloth and creasing skin, but not drawing blood. Before Ner could pull back, Geth reached down and closed the fingers of his gauntleted hand around the shining blade. Ner tried to jerk the weapon away. Geth moved his body with the force of the hunter’s jerk, letting Ner pull him close. Shoving himself up on the balls of his feet, his entire weight behind him, he bashed his heavy-browed forehead into Ner’s face.

The old hunter grunted and staggered back. Geth staggered a little, too-he could feel blood from some small cut starting to trickle down his face-but he managed to stomp after him, swinging his sword and jabbing with his gauntlet. Now Ner was on the defensive, forced to give ground and parry as Geth hacked at him. The other Bonetree warriors shouted and crushed in. The tall woman with the pierced lips loomed close, pushing her way through the press of hunters. She towered over them-and over Geth, too.

“Get back!” he snarled, swinging his metal-sheathed arm wide. She rocked back in time to dodge it, but quickly moved forward again.

Rage flared in Ner’s eyes. “Ashi!” he shouted at the big woman. “An atit!”

The woman-Ashi-fell back. Ner’s sword rose high. Geth brought his gauntlet up to block it again, but the hunter dropped and spun around, lashing out with one leg to sweep Geth’s feet out from under him. The shifter hit the ground heavily. His breath exploded out of his lungs. Ner came back to his feet, whirled his sword around, and, for a moment, held it poised to strike.

Before the fatal blow could fall, the ground under them shook hard, then rose and fell like a wave passing through water. Ner swayed. Many of the Bonetree hunters stumbled. In the shocked silence that followed, Geth could hear Adolan chanting.

The soil of the clearing behind Ner and the other hunters heaved, groaned, and rose, rumbling into a thick column. No, Geth realized in shock, not a column. A body, one that towered three times the height of a tall man. Thick legs tore clear of the earth, arms of grinding stone swung free, and a gaping mouth opened in a rough and primal face as it let loose a savage bellow. An earth elemental!

The thing’s voice was like an earthquake. The hunters, even Ner and Ashi, jerked like puppets as they fought to keep their balance. For a moment, Geth was glad he was already down. But only for a moment-with the speed of a landslide, the elemental swung its arms down at the fragile beings around its feet.

A Bonetree hunter died on Geth’s left. Another died on his right. Over the crash of tumbling rock, Geth couldn’t even tell if they screamed. They were simply gone, buried abruptly under a cascade of stone that raised a choking cloud of dust and sent pebbles singing through the air. When the elemental’s fists rose, they left behind bodies that had been broken like crushed insects.

The surviving hunters yelled and scattered. His challenge to Geth forgotten, Ner raised a hand to his mouth and gave a fluting call, then whirled and led the Bonetree savages in a stumbling, frantic retreat into the woods. Still on the ground, Geth stared at the flattened corpses of the elemental’s victims and scrambled to his feet. Blood streaked his bare left arm where flying shards from the stone monster’s attack had punctured even his tough skin. His hands curled tight-one around the hilt of his sword, the other inside a metal shell that felt all too delicate.

The elemental was staring down at him.

“Ado!” he croaked.

The druid was beside him. “Easy, Geth!” he rasped. His voice was raw, strained by whatever magic he had summoned. “It’s the spirit of the Bull Hole!”

“Twelve moons,” breathed Singe as he and Dandra joined them. The Aundairian’s side was bloodied and his face was coated in a sheen of sweat.

In contrast, Dandra seemed almost fresh and relaxed. The only blood about her was what clung to her spear, staining the crystalline head and spattering the pale shaft. She tilted her head back and looked up at the elemental. “It’s trembling,” she said. “Why?”

“Because it’s not here to fight the Bonetree hunters.” Forcing his voice deep into his chest, Adolan spoke a command in some primal, ponderous tongue that Geth didn’t recognize, but that tugged at his soul.

The elemental let out another roar and turned by simply flexing its entire body so that its rugged back became its front. One massive leg swung forward, then the other, as the creature stomped away in the direction of Bull Hollow. “Follow it!” shouted Adolan. He raised his spear and charged after it. Dandra and Singe followed without hesitation, the kalashtar still darting through the air as the wizard stumbled over ground broken by the elemental’s passing.

Geth glanced up at the sky. The smoke of Bull Hollow’s burning seemed to blot out half the night, the red of flames taking the place of moonlight. The shifter drew a ragged breath. Just like Narath …

No, he reminded himself. Not like Narath. Not yet. Bull Hollow still had a chance. Sword held low, he ran to the fight.

The effort of moving the stone, followed by the sudden, desperate fight against the Bonetree hunters, had taken more out of Dandra than she expected. It took an effort to will herself after Adolan and the elemental he had summoned from the Bull Hole-even so, she found the gentle force that held her feet above the ground faltering only halfway across the clearing. Abruptly, her feet were once more on the ground and she was stumbling. Singe was there, though, and caught her arm.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“Just tired,” she told him. She pressed a hand to her forehead. She had a horrible feeling she knew why she was feeling so drained. Tetkashtai, she called silently, reaching in her mind through her connection to the crystal around her neck. Tetkashtai, I need you!

The presence only held herself away, aloof and cold. Dandra shivered. Tetkashtai!

“Dandra?” Singe asked again.

She forced herself to stand straight, relying on the purely physical strength of her body. “I just need a moment to recover.”

“I don’t think we have a moment,” Singe said. He was staring ahead of them. Dandra followed his gaze.

As it approached the dark line of the trees ahead, the great earth elemental was shrinking with each lumbering step. No, Dandra realized, it wasn’t shrinking. It was sinking back into the ground as if walking down a flight of invisible stairs. In only moments, it was gone entirely. Geth caught up to them as they reached the edge of the forest. The knuckles of the hand that clutched his sword were white with tension. “Where did it go?” the shifter growled at Adolan.