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He stared at me. “Are you sure?”

I almost smiled. “Now you’re giving me a choice?”

“No. Yes.” His eyes were intent on mine. “I want you. I can’t think. What do you want me to say?”

Apparently want, for a vampire, was pretty intense. “I don’t want you to say anything.” I grabbed him by the ears and kissed him.

His big mouth covered mine. His tongue pushed inside me at the same moment his glans spread my labia. He groaned deep, went to his elbows to kiss me to my tonsils, his hands shaping my hair. His cock sank in another inch. I wriggled, felt my vagina open a little, swallowing another inch of shaft. A little thrill burst in my belly.

He was kissing me like he meant it, but he’d always done that. Should have listened to my mouth.

But this time he was also loving me like he meant it, trembling with his restraint, holding back when he obviously wanted to slam himself in to the hilt. I had no doubt his huge body could generate quite enough power to ram that monster cock past my cervix. I was ready, wetter than I’d been my whole life, but even fully aroused he filled me, stretched me. I wrapped my ankles around his hips and snaked a hand between us, around the root of his cock to keep him from hitting too deep. I couldn’t quite close my fingers.

He sank in another half inch, sweating now. “Heracles’ teeth, Twyla. You’re like an oven.” He was practically panting. “When you’re stretched, I’m going to take you like a bull. Like a locomotive.” Another half inch. “Fuck.” He stopped, swelling inside me, stretching me until I gasped. “You’re so hot…so tight…I’m coming.” He sucked in a couple breaths. “Damn me, I’m coming now.”

He arched back until all I could see were the sinews standing out on his arms and the muscles of his chest, clenched so tightly they were almost white. Hot fluid filled me in a rush. I felt each hard spurt from his tight balls, several inches back on my buttocks. He still hadn’t fully sheathed himself. It went on and on, until the fluid splashed out onto my thighs. He groaned and purred the entire time.

When it was over he relaxed onto me, weight heavy but not crushing, and kissed me tenderly, almost lovingly. As he kissed me he stroked my hair. He eventually rolled off, continuing to stroke me, to lie raised on one elbow at my side.

Even tender, he assumed the superior position. Like a Spartan general. If this relation went long term, I’d eventually have to deal with that natural machismo.

Long term? I’d thought that Nikos might be Mr. Long-term Affair but that was when I just guessed, didn’t know. Now…now I was in New York for some excitement. For pushing boundaries, testing limits. Not for anything domestic. I’d sort out LTA later.

His hand stopped. “What?”

“Nothing.” Or nothing I wanted to deal with now. “Can we talk about my crazy cousin? We only have until midnight.”

He frowned down at me. “Why midnight?”

“ Aylmer said vampires are going to be brainwashed into attacking humans in Times Square tonight.”

He sat up, eyes cool and clear. “Tell me everything.”

The taciturn general was back. I should have seen it before. Probably part of why I wasn’t totally freaking out at the two-and-a-half-millennia thing. A Spartan vampire. Incredible, unbelievable. But it fit beautifully with the Nikos I’d experienced. And it sure beat the scenarios I had been dreaming up.

He let me talk without interruption. As I finished he arrowed off the bed for the dresser. The mattress got several inches higher. “I want to meet your cousin.” He dressed quickly, efficiently. Oh yeah, definitely military.

Bruce drove us back to the brownstone. In the lobby of Aylmer ’s building I sorted through the keys he’d given me, but none of them got us in. That giant key ring and we were reduced to flathanding again. I guess with guys it wasn’t size but how they used it. Aylmer ’s huge ring got us nothing.

Nikos’s huge palms got us half a dozen buzzes.

Aylmer ’s apartment looked the same as when I’d left it, a disaster. Smelled the same too, unfortunately. Nikos’s nostrils flared.

I said, “It’s just month-old garbage.”

“No. Blood. Fresh.” His eyes narrowed and he prowled into the apartment, unnervingly like a beast of prey.

I ran after. Fresh blood could mean anything from a paper cut to a bad wound to…dead bodies. “How much blood?”

“Enough.” He caught sight of my face, which must have been pale beneath my perpetual tan, and hooked my chin with gentle fingers. “Not that much.” He kissed me.

“Oh. Good. Where?”


“Probably just bandaging a scrape then, right? Probably…oh, no.” The bathroom was a door off the kitchen.

Through it I saw blood.

A lot of it.

Chapter Four

“Don’t look.” Nikos blocked my view by shifting his massive body. “It’s not as bad as you think.”

“That much blood?” My memory splashed drying brown all over the peeling floor, spattered it down one thick plaster wall. “Let me see him, maybe we can still help.”

“ Aylmer ’s not here.”

“What? No, that can’t be. He never leaves his loft.” And with all that blood…my vision wavered.

“Twyla.” Nikos took me by both arms. “I know this is shocking to you, but it’s really not so bad.” He waited while I took a deep steadying breath, then released me to move into the bathroom.

I followed to the doorway. “So Aylmer walked out of here on his own? It only looks like a gallon of blood?” I managed to peek around Nikos’s massive frame, saw he was right. No body lay anywhere in the tiny bathroom.

“He lost one, maybe two pints. Made him dizzy, but didn’t kill him. Ah.” A tink told me Nikos had picked something out of the shower base. “Bullet.”

“ Aylmer was shot? That’s bad. A bullet in the heart…or the brain… Oh, God.”

Hands caught my shoulders, pushed me to the floor. Tucked my head down. “Easy, Twyla. Not the brain. No gray splatter. And pumped blood is a different spray. Leg, probably, or arm. Shh, it’s all right. I’ve got you.”

I shook with cold and shock, my only thought being how damned chatty my vampire got when he thought I was losing it. Personal problems? Relationship woes? Monosyllabic grunts. But get me an inch from crying… I rubbed my prickly eyes and realized I was closer than an inch. I turned my face into his warm chest, let him hold me and rub my back.

When I could sit without embarrassing myself I took a deep breath. Gathered a very tattered cloak of my normal competence around me. “So. What does this tell us?”

“That’s my girl.” Nikos sat cross-legged on the cheap kitchen linoleum, pulled me into his lap and cuddled me close. “Two men were here.”

“Two men? How can you tell? Although…maybe that means it wasn’t Aylmer who was shot. Maybe-”

“Smell tells me there were two. But the blood is your cousin’s.”

“How can you know that-” I remembered that he drank blood for a living. “You tasted it? Oh, yuck. But how do you know it’s Aylmer…wait. It tasted like me?”

A little purr started. “You’re smart.”

“If I’m so smart what am I doing aiding a madman?” I was shaking again. “Why do haughty rich women look down on me? Why is my sister a happily-married brain surgeon and my brother halfway to Marine general while I’m only a glorified secretary?” I covered my mouth. Where had that come from?

“Shock,” Nikos said, answering my thoughts. “And breaking some boundaries automatically felled others.”