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• Emery, R. ‘The Black Death of 1348 in Perpignan’, Speculum, Vol. XLII, 1967, No. 4, p. 611.

• Feiling, K. G. ‘An Essex Manor in the 14th Century’, Eng. Hist. Rev., Vol. XXVI, 1911, p. 333.

• Fisher, J. L. ‘The Black Death in Essex’, Essex Review, Vol. LII, 1943.

• Fletcher, J. M. ‘The Black Death in Dorset’, Dorset Nat. Hist. Ant Field Club., Vol. XLIII, 1922, p. 1.

• France, R. S. ‘A History of Plague in Lancashire’, Trans. Hist. Soc. Lanes and Cheshire, Liverpool, 1938, Vol. 90, p. 1.

• Hamilton Thompson, A.* ‘The Pestilences of the 14th Century in the Diocese of York’, Arch. Journ., Vol. 71, 1914, p. 97.

• Hamilton Thompson, A.* ‘Registers of John Gynewell, Bishop of Lincoln, for the years 1347–50’, Arch.Journ.,Vol. 68, 1911, p. 302.

• Harvey, P. D. A. A Mediaeval Oxfordshire Village; Cuxham, Oxford, 1965.

• Herlihy, Dr.* ‘Population, Plague and Social Change in Rural Pistoia’, Econ. Hist. Rev.,2nd Series, 1965, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, p. 225.

• Hewitt, H. J. Mediaeval Cheshire, Manchester, 1929.

• Hill, I. W. F. Mediaeval Lincoln, Cambridge, 1948. Hilton, R. H. The Economic Development of Some Leicestershire Estates in the 14th and 15th Centuries, Oxford, 1947.

• Hoskins, W. G. Devon, London, 1954.

• Jessop, A. ‘The Black Death in East Anglia’, The Coming of the Friars and other Historic Essays, London, 1894.

• Levett, A. E.* ‘The Black Death on the Estates of the See of Winchester’, Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History, Vol. V, Oxford, 1916.

• Lopez de Meneses, A.* ‘Documentos acerca de la peste negra en los dominios de la Corona de Aragon’, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Escuela de Estudios Mediaevales, Vol. VI, 1956, p. 291.

• Lopez de Meneses, A. ‘Una Consecuencia de la Peste Negra en Cataluña: El Pogrom de 1348’, Sefarad, Vol. 19, 1959, p. 92.

• Mollat, M. ‘La Mortalité à Paris’, MoyenAge,Vol. 69, 1963, p. 505.

• Nathan, M. The Annals of West Coker, Cambridge, 1957.

• Page, F. M. The Estates of Cropland Abbey, Cambridge, 1934.

• Porquet, L. La Peste en Normandie, Vire, 1898.

• Prat, G. ‘Albi et la Peste Noire’, Annalesdu Midi, LXIV, 1952, p. 15.

• Raftis, J. A. Estates of Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957.

• Reincke, H. ‘Bevölkerungsverluste der Hansestädte durch den Schwarzen Tod’, Hansische Geschichtsblätter, Vol. 72, 1954, p. 88.

• Riley, H. T. Memorials of London and London Life, London, 1868.

• Robo, E. ‘The Black Death in the Hundred of Farnham’, Eng. Hist. Rev., Vol. XLIV, 1929, p. 560.

• Roucaud, J. La Pesteà Toulouse,Toulouse, 1918.

• Saunders, H. W. An Introduction to the Obedientiary and Manor Rolls of Norwich Cathedral Priory, Norwich, 1930.

• Smyth, J. ‘The Lives of the Berkeleys’, Bristoland Glos.Arch. Soc, Gloucester, 1883.

• Wickersheimer, E. ‘La Peste Noire à Strasbourg et le Régime des cinq médecins strasbourgeois’, Proc. 3rd Int. Cong. Hist. Med., Antwerp, 1923, p. 54.

• Williamson, R. ‘The Plague in Cambridge’, Med.Hist., 1957, I (1), p.51.

It would be absurd to attempt to list all the general works on the period which have contributed something to this book; equally it would be churlish not to mention at least:

• Bennett, H. S. Life on the English Manor, Cambridge, 1956

• Bridbury, A. R. Economic Growth: England in the later Middle Ages, London, 1962.

• Cambridge Economic History, Vols. 1 to 4. In particular Professor Postan’s and Professor Glenicot’s contributions to the second edition (1966) of Vol. I.

• Cambridge Mediaeval History, Vol. III, Cambridge, 1932.

• Huizinga, J. The Waning of the Middle Ages, London, 1924.

• Jusserand, J. J. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages, London, 1891.

• Knowles, Dom. D. The Religious Orders in England, Vol. II. Cambridge, 1955.

• Lea, H. C. A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, New York, 1887–8.

• Levett, A. E. Studies in Manorial History, Oxford, 1938.

• Lipson, E. The Economic History of England, London, 1945. McKisack, M. The Fourteenth Century, Oxford, 1959.

• Pirenne, H. Economic and Social History of Mediaeval Europe, trans. I. E. Clegg, London, 1936.

• Rogers, J. E. Thorold A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, Vol. 1, Oxford, 1866.

• Six Centuries of Work and Wages, London, 1906.

• Simonde de Sismondi, J. Histoire des Républiques Italiennes du Moyen Age, Vol. VI, Paris, 1826.

There are a large number of additional studies which illuminate one aspect or another of the Black Death. It would in some ways have been desirable to sub-divide them further into groups such as ‘economic effects’ or ‘anti-semitism’ but this could only be done at the expense of a comprehensive and easily consulted list of authors and I have therefore decided to lump all the remaining texts, except those of the contemporary chroniclers and tractators, in a single category. This list does not contain books, cited in the notes, which deal with the Black Death only indirectly yet contribute something to the general picture.

• Allyn, H. M. ‘The Black Death. Its Social and Economic Results’, Annals of Medical History, Vol. VII, 1925, p. 226.

• Baehrel, M. ‘Épidémie et Terreur: histoire et sociologie’, Annales Hist de la Rev. Fran., XXIII, 1951, p. 113.

• Baehrel, M. ‘La Haine de Classe en temps d’épidémie’, Annales E.S.C, VII, 1952, No. 2, p. 351.

• Bean, J. M. W. ‘Plague, Population and Economic Decline in England in the Later Middle Ages’, Econ. Hist. Rev., 2nd Series, Vol. XV, 1963, p. 423.

• Beresford, M. The Lost Villages of England, London, 1954.

• Campbell, A.* The Black Death and Men of Learning, New York, 1931. Crawfurd, R. Plague and Pestilence in Literature and Art, Oxford, 1914.

• Cohn, N.* The Pursuit of the Millennium, London, 1957.

• D’Irsay, S. ‘The Black Death and the Mediaeval Universities’, Annals of Medical History, Vol. VII, 1925, p. 220.

• D’Irsay, S. ‘Notes to the Origin of the Expression: Atra Mors’, Isis, Vol. 8, 1926, p. 328.

• D’Irsay, S.* ‘Defence Reactions during the Black Death’, Annals of Medical History, Vol. IX, 1927, p. 169.

• Febvre, L. ‘La Peste Noire de 1348’, Annales E.S.C, IV, 1949, No. 1, p. 102.

• Gray, H. L. ‘The Commutation of Villein Services in England before the Black Death’, Eng. Hist. Rev., Vol. XXIX, 1914, p. 625.