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The most important contemporary or near-contemporary texts, listed under the country of the chronicler, are as follows:
• Cronica Senese di Agnolo di Tura del Grasso, Muratori, Return ItalicarumScriptores,15, VI, pp.555–7.
• Storie Pistoresi, Muratori, 11, V, pp.23 5–8.
• Gabriel de Mussis, Historia de Morbo s. Mortalitate quae fuit Anno Dni MCCCXLVII, ed. Henschel; Haeser’s Archiv, für die Gesammte Medizin, II, 1842, pp.26–59 (cf. V. J. Derbes, ‘De Mussis and the Great Plague of 1348’, J.A.M.A., Vol. 196, 1966, No. 1.)
• Chronicon Estense, Muratori, 15, III, pp. 159–64.
• Michael Platiensis, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Qui Res In Sicilia Gestas Retulere, Vol. 1, p. 562.
• Lorenzo de Monaci, Chronicon de Rebus Venetorum, Venice, 1758.
• Peter Azarius, Muratori, XVI, p. 16.
• Cronica Florentine di Marchionne di Coppo Stefani, Muratori, 30, I.
• Cronica de Giovanni Villani, ed. Dragomanni, Florence, 1845.
• Cronica di Matteo Villani, ed. Dragomanni, Florence, 1846.
• Monumenta Pisana, Muratori, XV (1729 edition), p.1021.
• Cronicon Gestorum ac Factorum Memorabilium civitatis Bononie, Muratori, 28, III, p. 43.
• Matthaie Neuwenburgensis, Cronica, Fontes Rerum Germanicarum (F.R.G.), ed. Boehmer, Stuttgart, 1868, pp. 261–7; cf. Mon. Germ. Hist., N.S., Vol. IV, Berlin, 1936.
• Henricus Dapifer de Diessenhoven, F.R.G., Stuttgart, 1868, IV, pp. 68–71.
• Hugh von Reutlingen, Weltchronik, ed. Gillert, Munich, 1881.
• Johannis de Winterthur (Vitodurani), Mon. Germ. Hist., N.S., Vol. III.
• Annales Engelbergenses, Mon. Germ. Hist., XVII.
• Kalendarium Zwetlense, Mon. Germ. Hist., IX.
• Annales Matseenses, Mon. Germ. Hist., IX.
• Henrici de Hervordia, ed. Potthast, Göttingen, 1859.
• Continuatio Novimontensis, Mon. Germ. Hist., IX, p. 675.
• Heinrici Rebdorfensis Annales Imperatorum, F.R.G., Vol. IV, pp. 532–8.
British Isles
• Robert of Avesbury, Continuatio Chronicarum de Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Ed. III., ed. E. M. Thompson, R.S. 93.
• Thomas Walsingham, Historia Anglicana, ed. H. Riley, R.S. 28.
• Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden, ed. J.R. Lumby, R.S. 41, VIII.
• Eulogium (Historiarum sive Temporis), ed. F. Haydon, R.S. 9, III.