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Prince Bernhard supported Retinger’s proposal for an international meeting, and in 1952 Bernhard approached the Truman Administration and briefed them about the proposed conference. However it was not until the Eisenhower administration when the first American counterpart group was formed. From the outset the American group was influenced by the Rockefeller family, the owners of Standard Oil — competitors of Bernhard’s Royal Dutch Petroleum. From then on, the Bilderberg business reflected the concerns of the oil industry in its meetings.

Bilderberg took its name from the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, where the first meeting took place in May, 1954. The concept of Bilderberg was not new, although none attracted and provoked global myths in the way that Bilderberg did. Groups such as Bohemian Grove, established in 1872 by San Franciscans, played a significant role in shaping post-war politics in the US. The Ditchley Park Foundation was established in 1953 in Britain with a similar aim.

Around a hundred and fifteen participants attended the meeting, coming from government and politics, industry, finance, education and communications. Participants were invited to the Bilderberg meeting by the Chairman, following his consultations and recommendations by the Steering Committee membership. The individuals were chosen based on their knowledge, standing and experience — just like the members of Majestic Twelve.

LeMay heard voices approaching from outside the apartment and turned to face the door as it opened. A butler walked in, carefully holding the door open as a lone individual entered the apartment. LeMay remained silent and still as the door was closed by the butler and the new arrival looked him up and down appraisingly.

‘Director LeMay, what a pleasure to finally meet you.’

‘And you are?’ LeMay asked.

The older man smiled. ‘My name is Victor Wilms, and I represent Majestic Twelve.’

‘I thought that they would be coming here in person,’ LeMay said.

‘They are here in person,’ Wilms assured him, ‘but new developments have resulted in them being delayed elsewhere in the city. Right now, I’m here to brief you on those new developments. If you will?’

Wilms gestured to one of the plush leather couches, and LeMay obediently sat down as Wilms perched on the arm of a couch opposite and continued on.

‘The group have been concerned about the recent breaches of protocol at the FBI that you have endured, and of the increased risk of exposure.’

‘I’m aware of that,’ LeMay replied. ‘The Defense Intelligence Agency has embarked upon a mission to bring me down and perhaps to expose the members of MJ-12. General Nellis is spearheading the initiative and they’ve proven most efficient and derailing our plans. I’ve recently lost two valuable agents to their cause and narrowly escaped a jail sentence myself.’

‘Thanks to us,’ Wilms reminded him. ‘It was not a cheap venture to purchase the loyalty of a military court judge.’

‘I’m aware of that also,’ LeMay admitted. ‘What can we do to put this all right?’

Wilms watched the director for a long moment as though assessing him. Apparently satisfied, he decided to continue.

‘The Defense Intelligence Agency has begun an initiative to recover from orbit a relic of some kind that our members believe may hold the key to mankind’s origins. As you know, we have in the past made it a mission to recover similar objects and artifacts, but this one has always been beyond our reach.’

‘Do we know where it is?’

‘Oh yes,’ Wilms chuckled. ‘It’s some two hundred miles above our heads and it may soon be coming down to Earth. We would very much like to take possession of it.’

‘It’s in orbit?’ LeMay uttered in amazement. ‘Do you have a location for its landing area?’

‘Somewhere in the Antarctic,’ Wilms replied. ‘It’s only a matter of time before the CIA get word of the object, and when it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere everybody is going to be scrambling to get to the landing zone.’

LeMay rubbed his temples. ‘My biggest problem now is that with Aaron Mitchell out of the picture I don’t have a trustworthy agent to undertake this mission.’

Wilms nodded as he glanced out of the apartment windows at the sprawling city.

‘Mitchell began to question his place among the order of things, began to question Majestic Twelve’s mission. He started to act as though his opinion mattered in the grand scheme, which it of course did not. A shame, but he will no longer be an issue for us.’

‘Don’t underestimate him,’ LeMay warned.

‘I trained him,’ Wilms replied. ‘He is incarcerated in the Florence ADX Maximum Security Facility. There is no danger of his escape and no reason to concern yourself. I have no doubt that within just a few weeks the isolation and his impotent rage will cause Mitchell to suffer a tragic demise of which the rest of the world will know nothing. It is all in hand.’

LeMay considered Wilms for a long moment.

‘He’ll be after my head should that tragic event not occur.’

‘Your purpose is to ensure that Majestic Twelve’s bidding is fulfilled by the Bureau of Investigation,’ Wilms snapped.

‘That’s precisely what I do,’ LeMay shot back, ‘and it’s precisely what Mitchell did for thirty or so years, and look where he is now! What guarantees do I have that should I be met with failure, I won’t find myself incarcerated in a Black Prison somewhere?!’

Wilms’ anger faded and the calm smile returned.

‘Failure is not met with a price by Majestic Twelve,’ he replied, ‘only betrayal. Mitchell was in a position to complete his last mission and yet he deliberately failed to do so, for reasons that I myself cannot fathom. Combined with his age and apparent desire to subvert Majestic Twelve’s mission, it was decided that he should be disposed of as quickly as possible, a mission made far easier by his arrest by agents of the Defense Intelligence Agency.’

Wilms gestured the city outside and the country beyond.

‘You and I both know that this country is governed by its administration only to give the people the impression that they have some kind of control over their futures, some sort of influence on the politics of their day. It is an illusion that has served this country well, and many others, since the end of the Second World War. The people are not capable of self-governance and democracy is a poor means to effectively maintain peace and prosperity across the developed world. Far better to govern from behind the scenes, to allow business to dominate politics rather than the other way around — that’s where Communism went wrong.’

LeMay winced.

‘Nobody in this country’s going to take a socialist hard-line, Victor, least of all me. This is all about survival and prosperity, right? You want me to recover this object of yours, then I’ll need more resources than I’ve ever had before. It’s a major operation.’

Wilms nodded in agreement.

‘The funds will be at your disposal,’ he promised, ‘as will a reliable armed force of not less than one hundred men, with tactical support of whatever kind you and your connections are able to provide. Naturally, this must be done under the radar.’

LeMay was already thinking, names of people he knew popping into his head, former soldiers and specialists. Mercenaries.

‘I can arrange the deployment of your force, and support should be possible via private mercenary units. I won’t have the necessary power to enact a complete radio blackout of the region, however.’