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For believing in this book, for sage advice on how to present it, and for skillfully guiding it to a hospitable port, I would like to thank my literary agent, Michael V. Carlisle of InkWell Management, and his able assistant, Lauren Smythe. I am deeply grateful to Joan Bingham, my editor at Grove/Atlantic, for her enthusiastic embrace of The Black Russian and for her wisdom and skill in shaping its final version.

Finally, thanks to my wife, Sybil, my children, Nicholas and Sophia, my father, Eugene A. Alexandrov, and my late mother, Natalia Alexandrov, for their support and their patience during the years that I worked on “FT.”



CADN — Centre des Archives Diplomatiques de Nantes, France.

CC — Coahoma County Courthouse, Chancery Court Records, Clarksdale, MS.

CCD — Chancery Dockets Books (plus volume).

CCI — Index Land Deeds Books (plus volume).

CCM — Chancery Court Minutes Books (plus volume).

CCR — Deed Record Books (plus volume).

Cemetery — “Cherry Hill Cemetery, Coahoma County, MS,” and “Cheairs Cemetery,” typed registers of burials compiled by Judy Flowers and Graydon Flowers, Dublin, MS.

CP — Consular Post Records (plus city and box or volume number), Department of State, Record Group 84, NARA II.

CPI — Consular Post Records Istanbul (plus volume number), Turkey, Department of State, Record Group 84, NARA II.

DF — Frederick Thomas Dossier, Passport Correspondence (Cutter File), 1910–1925, box 322, file 130 T 3675, RG 59.

DP — Diplomatic Post Records (plus country or city and volume number), Department of State, Record Group 84, NARA II.

DPT — Diplomatic Post Records Turkey (plus volume number), Department of State, Record Group 84, NARA II.

DV — Valentine Thomas Dossier, Passport Correspondence (Cutter File), 1910–1925, box 321, file 130 T 3671, RG 59.

FC — Farikeuy Catholic Cemetery, Record Books, Istanbul.

FO — Foreign Office Records, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England.

GARF — Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Moscow.

Hoover — Hoover Institution Library, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. Fisher: Edgar J. Fisher Papers.

Interviews — Bruce Thomass, November 8, 2006; June 16, 18, 2009; November 15, 2010; Paris.

LC — Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Mabry — Mabry Malcolm, editor, “Hopson Bayou Neighborhood,” 1996. Compilation of articles by Olive Edwards from Here’s Clarksdale, 1980–1983, and others; plus additional materials. North Delta Museum, Friars Point, MS.

MLB — Mark Lambert Bristol Papers, War Diary, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

NARA — National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC.

NARA II — National Archives and Records Administration II, College Park, MD.

North — North Delta Museum, Friars Point, MS.

Pence — Harry Pence Papers, Mandeville Special Collections Library, University of California, San Diego.

RG 59 — Record Group 59, Department of State, NARA II.

RG 84 — Record Group 84, Department of State, NARA II.

RGIA — Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Istoricheskii Arkhiv, St. Petersburg.

SE — Saint Esprit Catholic Cathedral, Record Books, Istanbul.

Serpoletti — A. Z. Serpoletti, “Moskovskie uveselitel’nye sady. Ocherk, 1928, okt. 4.” F. 533. Sobranie vospominanii i dnevnikov. Gosudarstvennyi tsentral’nyi teatral’nyi muzei imeni A. A. Bakhrushina, Moscow.

TsANTDM — Tsentral’nyi Arkhiv Nauchno-Tekhnicheskoi Dokumentatsii Moskvy, Moscow.

TsIAM — Tsentral’nyi Istoricheskii Arkhiv Moskvy, Moscow F. 1476: Records of the Saints Peter and Paul Lutheran Evangelical Church, Moscow.

TT — Edgar Turlington’s transcript of Frederick Bruce Thomas’s autobiographical statement; in Turlington to George L. Brist, 8 February 1924, 7 pages, Passport Correspondence (Cutter File), box 322, 130 T 3675, DF, RG 59.


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