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9–10 Bolsheviks strike: Riasanovsky, 511–12, 528; Merriman, 1033–37; “The Fall of Kerensky,” 305; Pitcher, 238-39. Englishman: Monkhouse, 61.

11–12 November 10 and 20, horrified city dweller: Okunev, 99–100, 104, 106; Van Riper, 176–78. Kremlin damaged: Rzh, Nov. 19, 1917, 7; Okunev, 106. American described: Van Riper, 183. anxious time: Monkhouse, 62. Maxim’s old repertory: Rzh, Oct. 8, 22, Nov. 19, Dec. 3, 16, 1917, inside front cover; Jan. 1918, 1. Aquarium’s high-minded fare: Tg, Nov. 21, 1917, 6.

13–14 Bolshevik cease-fire, Brest-Litovsk: Riasanovsky, 528–29; Merriman, 1037. American visitor, Bolsheviks hated Americans: Van Riper, 177, 182.

15–16 Valli’s lover: Frederick to Ravndal, American Consul General, Constantinople, 10 May 1921, CPI 337. Germans in Odessa: Papers Relating, 1918, 676. Frederick’s application denied, permission for Elvira: Sackett. Frederick’s acquaintance: Dunn, 421. Frederick’s near-murder: Frederick to Ravndal, 10 May 1921, ibid. (Frederick’s spelling preserved). revision of family laws: The Marriage Laws, 5, 42, 36, 55. Frederick divorces, remarries: TT, Frederick to Ravndal, 10 May 1921, ibid.

17–18 Whites: Riasanovsky, 532. anarchist groups: Okunev, 168. Russians hoped Germans would occupy: “Making Allies Out of Enemies,” Independent, May 31, 1919, 312; Kenez, Civil War 1918, 162. Frederick’s maneuvers: Rzh, Feb. 19/6, 1918, 6–7, 1, 10; Tg, March 3, 1918, 3. Frederick’s new lease, Evelinov: Ti, Jan. 14, 1918, 24; Sa, Jan. 23, 1918, 2; Tg, Jan. 28, 1918, 3; Rzh, Feb. 1918, 1; Ti, Feb. 17, 1918, 50; April 21/8, 1918, 129. Frederick’s hopes unrealized: Rzh, Feb. 1918, 1; Tg, March 3, 1918, 3; Rzh, March 30/17, 1918, 2, 11; Kazansky, 110. Aquarium situation ends badly: Sa, Feb. 15, 1918, 4, 12; Ti, Feb. 17, 1918, 50; Rzh, Feb. 21/6, 1918, 9; Ti, May 5/22, 1918, 148–49. prohibition against “bourgeois” farces: Ti, May 5/22, 1918, 148–49, 150. classical ballet: Rzh, June 2/May 20, 1918, 8.

19–20 Bolsheviks’ changes: McMeekin, 35–38; Riasanovsky, 529–30; “The People’s Commissariat of Finance,” 219. property expropriated: Okunev, 160.

21–22 robberies: Okunev, 138, 164. police ineffective: Klement’ev, 5. Sukhodolsky: Tg, March 3, 1918, 6; about the Sukhodolsky brothers’ business dealings with Aquarium, see Rzh, May 4, 1914, 10. bank seizures, $100 billion to $150 billion: McMeekin, 17, 19, 20–21, 50. Tsarev in Kiev: Rzh, June 29/16, 1918, 8. June announcement of ban on theater middlemen: Tg, June 9, 1918, 6; Kazansky, 120. cholera: Okunev, 202. Socialist Revolutionaries: Holquist, 168–69. Nicholas II murdered: Okunev, 202. Frederick’s remaining livelihood: Sackett. “sackers” (“meshochniki”): Ponafidine, 101; Okunev, 150; Dolgorukov, 103–4.

23–24 Frederick’s escape: Valli to State Department, Jan. 16, 1921, DV; Sackett. cost of a passport, German behavior at border: Dolgorukov, 113–16. trains blocked: Klement’ev, 6. conditions on trains, pillaged stations, young women in danger: Kostrova, 20–26.

25–26 American entering German territory: by analogy with an Englishman, see White, 298. Austrian and German occupation, Bolshevik guerrilla warfare: White, 300; Bagge to Clark, February 4, 1919, FO 371/3963. Bolsheviks throw open prisons: Tumanov, 69. prominent lawyer: Margulies, 159. Frederick in newspapers: Savchenko, 196, and e-mail from Boris A. Savchenko, May 2, 2010. feast in time of plague: Tumanov, 68–70; Lobanov-Rostovsky, 330. Moscow entrepreneurs, performers: Savchenko, 195–96; Utesov, 78–79. private banks: Xydias, 301–2; Gurko, 147; Jenkins to USSS, 22 April 1919, CP Odessa, box 1, RG 84.

27–28 excited crowds: White, 309. magnificently equipped army, exotic appearance of soldiers: Kantorovich, 254–55, 259, 261–62; Brygin, 432; Xydias, 186; Silverlight, 107; Munholland, 55. Estimates of the number of troops vary from thirty thousand to eighty thousand. Allied troops around Odessa: Lobanov-Rostovsky, 329; Kantorovich, 258–59. French occupation invigorated Odessa: tumanov, 78–79. speculators busy, situation deteriorates: Papers Relating, 1919, 751–54; Munholland, 49–50, 53; Xydias, 261–62.

Chapter Seven

1–2 Galata quay, Pera Palace Hotel, Frederick and Codolban: Bareilles, 4; http://www.perapalace.com/en-EN/history/64.aspx; Kazansky, 120–22.

3–4 Pera’s mixed population: Constantinople To-Day, 18; Criss, 21. Frederick saw similarities: Kazansky, 122. soundscape, “Allahu Akbar”: http://islam.about.com/cs/prayer/f/adhan_english.htm. city’s noise and appearance: Armstrong, 72–73; Frank G. Carpenter, “Colorful Life Along the Bosporus,” LAT, April 13, 1924, J11, J22. Armstrong: Armstrong, 73–74. Galata Bridge, Stambuclass="underline" “Turk Capital Inert Under Enemy Rule,” NYT, June 26, 1922, 18; “City of Minarets and Mud,” NYT, Nov. 5, 1922, 4, 13; “Constantinople, Where East Met West,” AC, Aug. 5, 1923, 21; Carpenter, above; Reshid, 75, 86–87; Dwight, 4–10, 14, 16–17; Andreev, 192.

5–6 Allied occupation: Shaw, I, 144–45. dismember Ottoman Empire: Criss, 1, 8–9, 14; Zürcher, 138–39, 145–46, 149–53. foreigners in Pera: “British Constantinople,” NYT, June 19, 1921, 35.

7 Turks on race: For this information I am indebted to Dr. András J. Riedlmayer, Documentation Center of the Aga Khan Program at the Fine Arts Library, Harvard University, e-mail Aug. 6, 2010. no special word for “Negro”: Redhouse, 217. Baldwin: Campbell, 210.

8–9 little Western entertainment: Teffi, 566; Editorial, ON, Aug. 14, 1919, 1. a few European-style establishments: e.g., advertisements: CM, Nov. 10, 1918, 2; Dec. 18, 1918, 335; March 22, 1919, 340; April 6, 1919, 341; S, Nov. 22, Dec. 13, 1918, 4; ES, March 22, May 2, 1919, 2; Galata port area, traditional Turkish habits: Constantinople To-Day, 356–57, 261–63; Armstrong, 74; Teffi, 567. moneylenders, usurious interest: Rue to Bristol, Aug. 24, 1923, DPT 470. Reyser and Proctor: Note by Burri, Nov. 26, 1920, CPI 327. 3,000 Turkish pounds: the sum paid by a new partner for Reyser and Proctor’s half share (Note by Burri, above). The exchange rate from 1920 to 1922 was approximately seventy American cents to one Turkish pound: ON, Dec. 1, 1920, 3; March 11, 1921, 3; Feb. 7, 1922, 3. Ltqs: common abbreviation for “livres turques,” French for “Turkish pounds.” Proctor, “top limey spy,” “political whispering gallery”: Gilbert, 47–48; Mackenzie, First Athenian, 331–33; Mackenzie, My Life,119–20; Rowan, 147; Dunn, 282–83, 288, 299, 420; Lawford, 130; White, 317.