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11–12 Vertinsky: ON, Oct. 2, 1921, 3. New venture, Maxim: B, Nov. 21, 1921, 2; Karay, 104–5; Hildebrand, 280; Argus. “very special amusement”: ON, Oct. 8, 1921, 2; JO, Dec. 18, 1921, 3. Carter: CPI 344. “greatest artistic event”: B, Nov. 21, 1921, 2.

13–14 “Thomas, the founder,” “heart of gold”: Sperco, 144. less worldly Turk: Karay, 104–5. Adiclass="underline" Adil, 8–10. I am indebted to Dr. András J. Riedlmayer, of the Documentation Center of the Aga Khan Program at the Fine Arts Library, Harvard University, for calling Karay’s and Adil’s recollections of Maxim to my attention, and especially for his kindness in translating them into English (I have rephrased his translations).

15–16 “going very well”: CPI 354. Valli bombards diplomats: CPI 352; Valli about Frederick to British embassy, Constantinople, Feb. 14, 1922, FO 782/15. merchants’ complaints: CPI 338, 354. provision in Carter contract: CPI 344. crime: Zia Bey, 159; “Turk Capital Inert Under Enemy Rule,” NYT, June 26, 1922, 18; “Constantinople Crime City,” WP, Oct. 24, 1920, 66. Ravndal’s watch: CPI 320. Italian count: Reynolds, 52. cocaine addicts: B, Aug. 26, 1921, 2.

17–18 State Department’s review of passport application, Randolph’s letter, Randolph informs Berlin, Carr: CPI 348. Department of State Personnel, 25. Dunn: Dunn 420–21; “He Knew the Country,” Kingston (New York) Daily Freeman, Oct. 24, 1922, 3.

19–20 American tourists: ON, March 2, 3, 8, April 2, 1922, 2; Beatty, 705–6. Farson: Farson, 442–43. Mrs. Lila Edwards Harper: “Constantinople Cafe Owned by Southern Negro,” Columbus (Georgia) Daily Enquirer, Oct. 7, 1922, 7; spelling normalized.

21–22 Mannix: Mannix, 275.

23–24 Adil, “Champion Osman”: Adil, 37–38. I am indebted to Dr. András J. Riedlmayer, of the Documentation Center of the Aga Khan Program at the Fine Arts Library, Harvard University, for calling my attention to this source, and especially for his kindness in translating it into English (I have rephrased his translation).

25–26 “as wicked as you like”: Mannix, 270; Vertinsky’s “La Rose Noire”: Duke, 77. camel fights: ON, March 4, 1922, 3. procession of sultan, dervishes: Dwight, 304–7; Sperco, 87, 113; Mannix 271–73. cockroach races: “Tarakan’i bega,” Zarnitsy, May 8–15, 1921, 28–29.

Chapter Nine

1–2 Turkish offensive: Lewis, 253–54. Bristol’s memorandum: Sept. 23, 1922: Hoover, Frank Golden Papers, box 36, file 15, Turkey/Americans in Constantinople; CPI 472. 650 Americans: “List of Americans in Constantinople,” Nov. 15, 1922, Pence, MSS 144, box 7, folder 7. Mehmet VI: Zürcher, 142; Lewis, 251–53, 257–59.

3–4 Frederick’s rush to consulate, diplomats’ reaction: DF; CPI 151, 363; Moore, Digest, 927, 936. Paris as haven: Lloyd, 74–75, 91, 95–96, 101–2, ff. Frederick’s note, Washington’s response: CPI 363.

5–6 Bristol’s involvement: March 4, Nov. 13, 1923, MLB. Rue to Bristoclass="underline" DPT 470 (typos corrected). Turlington: http://www.scribd.com/doc/45752619/Rhodes-Scholars-Roster [1911]; TT. Brist asked colleague: DF.

7–8 vacillation on prohibition: Vp, Oct. 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 24, 25, 1923, 3; Hoover, Fisher, Oct. 30, 1923, 3-4; Ravndal to World League Against Alcoholism, Dec. 1, 1923, CPI 370; S, March 19, 1924, 1; May 25, 1925, 2; March 6, 1926, 2; Jan. 11, 1927, 2. epochal historical changes: Shaw, IV, 1963–1964; Lewis, 261–62; American present: Hoover, Fisher, Oct. 7, 1923, 3–4. crowds on streets: Hoover, Fisher, Oct. 30, 1923, 4. shop signs: Vp, Oct. 9, 1923, 3. Mikhail leaves for Prague: Interview, Nov. 8, 2006; Andreyev and Savický, 41, 53, 65; Keeny.

9–10 Frederick’s boasting: Sackett. Krotkov, Frederick’s “broad” Russian nature: Argus (a band’s percussion instruments are more likely than Krotkov’s “pots and pans”). Fourth of July: “Gallant Yanks Organize a Klan to Rescue Pearl,” CDT, July 27, 1924, 16.

11–12 Bebek, downpours and destruction: S, June 14, 15, 22, 24, 26–28, 1924; Jan. 20, 1925, 2. La Rose Noire: S, June 26, 1924, 3; July 19, 1925, 3; Le Moscovite: S, April 30, May 7, 1925, 3.

13–14 tourism increases: S, March 2, 5, 10, 1925, 2; July 3, 1926, 2; Hoover, Fisher, March 20, 1925. the most audacious plan: S, Aug. 25, Nov. 27, 1925, 2; S, July 2, 1926, 2. Serra’s financial deaclass="underline" S, April 29, 1927, 2; Yildiz; DPT 539. Hagia Sophia: Interview, June 16, 2009. American companies write to consulate generaclass="underline" CPI 398. “American Association of Jazz Bands”: “Would Jazz in St. Sophia,” NYT, Jan. 12, 1927, 6; “Sophia Mosque for Dances,” NYT, Dec. 16, 1926, 10. Maxim’s entertainments: S, July 2; Aug. 5, 25, 31; Nov. 7, 11, 13; Dec. 24, 1925, 3; Jan. 28, 1926, 3; Feb. 11, March 10, 1926, 2; La République, Nov. 26, 1925, 3.

15–16 caliph leaves: Shaw, IV, 1965; S, March 10, 1924, 2. fez abandoned, Soviet Union takes over embassy: Hoover, Fisher, Sept. 26, 1925; Lewis, 253, 283–84. new laws: S, March 12, May 25, 1924; May 25, 1925; Feb. 28, March 6, 11, 1926, 2; Hoover, Fisher, Feb. 1, 1924; Vp, Feb. 2, 1925, 3. restrictions on foreign workers: Hoover, Anna V. S. Mitchell Papers, Stokes to Bouimistrow, Feb. 18, 1926, box 1. Turkish language mandatory: S, Jan. 18, 1926, 2. Nansen: Nansen, 36.

17–18 “Villa Tom”: S, May 6; June 24; July 14, 21, 27, 1926, 2; June 10, July 1, 1926, 4; Aug. 19, 1926, 3. Olga: CPI 393. waiter at Maxim, flower merchant: CPI 403.

19–20 Yildiz Municipal Casino: DPT 539; Greer, 318–20. Frederick tries to continue: S, Dec. 18, 1926; Jan. 2, 10, 11, 1927; Feb. 17, 1927, 2. Englishman: “Finds Trade Dull in Constantinople,” NYT, July 31, 1927, E2. new restrictions: S, Jan. 2, 11, 19, 1927, 2. Greer: Greer, 319–20.

21–22 Frederick flees to Angora, city character and population, “Villa Djan”: S, May 5, 1927, 2; Ahmad, 91. competition: Argus; “Angora Made into a City of Jazz Bands,” CDM, Oct. 6, 1926, 14; “Life Is Less Hectic in Constantinople,” NYT, July 8, 1928, 50. French consul generaclass="underline" French Consul to American Consul, June 18, 1927, DPT 660. creditors seize Maxim: S, May 18, 19, 21; Dec. 19, 1927, 2; June 17, 1927, 3. “ex-Villa Tom”: S, June 17, 1927, 3. job in Angora: “Mr. Thomas de Maxim invite ses créanciers à Angora,” P’st, April 26, 1928, 3; the note is dated April 1 and mentions that the report of Frederick’s sighting in Angora was “delayed”; other evidence also suggests that the encounter was during the last half of 1927.

23–24 in Angora prison: “Dancing Negro in Angora Jail for Old Debts,” Milwaukee Journal (The Green Sheet), Monday, Jan. 16, 1928, n. p.; Allen to USSS, Nov. 1, 1928, CPI 409; Elvira to Allen, March 8, 1933, CPI 443; Argus. demise of Yildiz Casino: Crosby to USSS, Sept. 28, 1927, DPT 539; Grew to USSS, Oct. 24, 1927, DPT 539.

25–26 Constantinople prison: “Sultan of Jazz Dies in Poverty,” Boston Post, July 9, 1928, 10. prison conditions: Constantinople To-Day, 336–43; S, Nov. 20, Dec. 22, 1927, 2; “Prison Life Is Easy in Constantinople,” NYT, Feb. 2, 1930, 53. illness: Allen to West, July 20, 1928, CPI 409. death and funeraclass="underline" S, June 13, 1928, 3; Sperco, 144; SE; FC. “Sultan of Jazz”: W. G. Tinckom-Fernandez, “Life Is Less Hectic in Constantinople,” NYT, July 8, 1928, 50.