“It’s not those fools who matter. It’s what the Americans plan that does. I had to take the risk, I had to try to contact you. Ustyugov. The Americans see an opportunity. The Ukraine unrest gives them a pretext. It gives them a pretext to carry out something. Something that will be of great harm to the Motherland.”
Ustyugov could see this was an opportunity; the Kremlin would be pleased with him. If her information was critical enough.
“What is their plan?”
She told him at great length of the American plans. All the details. She left nothing out.
Ustyugov smiled, this would be of great interest to the Kremlin. Vital interest.
“You must come to the Kremlin with me.”
“No. Ustyugov. I must return to the Americans. They must be convinced that I made contact with the resistance. You have the information now, you can visit the leadership alone.”
“Yes, Yana. That’s good, I’ll see to it that you return to them.”
“We will speak again Ustyugov.” She hung up.
She looked at him.
Outside she knew Nathan would be trying to rescue her. He needed help.
“Now Gorevoy. Ustyogov told us to keep an eye out. Put a guard outside, you’ve enough men. Do it.”
Gorevoy turned to one of his men. “Outside. Do as she says.” The man walked to the door and left.
“I’ve got what I wanted, I spoke to Ustyogov,” she smiled. “Now I want something more.”
“I’ve lived in America for a long time. I’ve come to like things. Things only men can give me. Pull up my shirt up again and pull down my jeans. Hit me.” Gorevoy hesitated. “I said hit me, now.”
He hit her with his fist.
“Now the shirt, jeans and panties,” she nodded to one of the men, “he can do it.”
Two men pulled up her shirt, roughly pulled down her jeans and panties. They started their rough work on her, beating, slapping.
“Harder. Hit me Harder.” They hit her again. “Hit me again, hard.” Gorevoy couldn’t believe she wanted this, but she obviously did.
“Now fuck me. Come on, do it.” The men looked at him. With her eyes wide and nostrils flared, she spread her legs.
“I want cock.”
“You heard what the slut wants. Give it to her.”
NATHAN CROUCHED AMONG thick evergreens eight yards from the cabin, it was quiet. He couldn’t hear sounds from inside, no one seemed to be outside either. She was in there he knew it, but how the hell was he going to get her out? She’d been captured by the Russians or their Ukrainian minions. God only knows what they’d do with her. He had to get inside, but how?
There were three in there with her and at least one was armed. He’d no gun, how could he do it? First, he’d have to carry out a recce, find out more about the place. He set off clockwise, skirting the undergrowth. A sound, it was a car approaching. The headlights played over the cabin. He lay among the bushes for concealment. Three men got out and went inside. Damn, thought Nathan, there were six of them now. He circled the cabin trying to hear what was going on, searching for a way in. He found a pile of large rough sticks, it was the best he could do, so he picked one up. A distraction, it was all he could think of. Could he start a fire?
He searched what seemed like a storage area. He heard a sound, a door. The front door? He was almost back to the front door when a man emerged and walked counter-clockwise towards him. Twigs under the man’s feet snapped. Nathan pulled back into the bushes by the first trees. Keep quiet, he mustn’t be seen. The man drew level, he’d a dark coat on and a woolly hat. He passed just yards from Nathan, he was now five yards away with his back turned. This may be his chance. Nathan rushed him and hit him with the stick. The man groaned and rolled onto his back, and his hands reached up for Nathan’s neck. Nathan pushed back, but the man was too strong, and he felt the hand gripping his throat. He felt himself choking and pushed against the hands that were gripping, gripping the life out of him. Desperate, he still had the stick. He did the last thing he wanted to, he took his hands away from his neck. He let the man squeeze his throat. Nathan pulled down the stick hard across the back of the man’s neck and pulled him in towards him. He pulled and pulled as hard as he could. The man’s hands couldn’t squeeze as hard. Nathan pulled the stick and crushed the man’s neck against his shoulder. Harder, longer. The man struggled. He was weaker now, finally, the struggle left him. Nathan pulled and pulled when he knew it wasn’t needed. The man was dead, choked. Still Nathan pulled, his blood was up. Finally, he stopped. His breath was ragged, his arms ached. He went through the man’s pockets. In a jacket side pocket, he found a pistol. He took it, stood and brushed his hand through his hair. This was it.
YANA HATED IT. SHE was hit and bitten. They roughly rubbed and slapped her boobs and pussy. One of them started to take off his jeans, and his eyes had one thing in them. Brutal rape.
There was a thwack of wood, and the door burst open. Nathan came in holding up a pistol. A Makarov noticed Gorevoy, he must have taken it from his man outside.
“Freeze, motherfuckers.” Gorevoy and his underlings took a chance and ran out of the back door.
Nathan didn’t shoot, he knew it might provoke a firefight.
“Jeez, Yana.”
She sat there; her bra, jeans and panties had been pulled off. There were bruises on her face.
He walked over to her, brushed the hair from her eyes and stroked her cheek. She noticed the concern in his eyes.
“Come on. Let’s get you back to the boat.” He untied her and helped her to dress. “It’s over now Yana. You’re safe.”
She sobbed. “Thank you, Nathan. Thank you.” She held him and sobbed. “Thank you.”
They made their way outside to a waiting car.
“IT’LL BE DAWN SOON Nathan. We must stay in the forest until tonight. There are several hunting lodges around here, we’ll look for one and stay until nightfall.”
An hour or so later she spotted a cabin in the forest; there were a few snacks inside. They helped themselves. Nathan got the stove going, it would provide some heat.
Yana hadn’t gone through an experience like that one before. The rough abuse, the hate. It was… she shuddered. She needed tender compassion.
“Nathan. There’s a bunk with just two blankets.”
“It’ll do for you. I’ll sleep in the chair.”
Yana smirked. “No. there’s not much heat and nothing to do until dark.” She started to undress.
“Yana, what…?”
“Come on, we’ve all day; what are you waiting for?” She smiled as she dropped her panties. “We can keep each other warm.”
He considered for a second or two whether he should climb in with this naked siren. It was fourteen hours or so until dark and it seemed the right thing to do. That was his excuse anyway.
After dark they were soon back in Novoazovs’k. All was quiet. There was no one about. They entered the alleyway by the car dealership. Nathan found the torch still hidden behind the paint cans. He waited until the time and then signalled. Nothing. He signalled again.
“There, that’s it.” There was a light out at sea. Soon they were picked up by the inflatable boat.
“All well sir?” asked Seaman Tamingly. “Did you get what you were after?”
“He did,” said Yana smiling, “he got more than he expected.”
Back on board the NYC, she asked permission to transmit an encrypted message to the CIA.
“Of course,” said Franks.
After Yana sent the message, she looked at him. “Is it possible to link up with the phone system?”
“What? The regular phone system?” She nodded. He shrugged, Franks didn’t know.