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“Sir, I’ve passed your command on to USS James K Lankusi. We have a communication from CINCUSNAVEUR NAVAL FORCES EUROPE.”

“Just read out for me the core message.”

“Sir, message is: The Russian Black Sea Fleet is still in the Black Sea but is gathering and is expected to make a push south into the Aegean Sea soon. Sixth Fleet vessels and air assets are on their way to your area. Hold until relieved.”

Hillson wore a faint smile.

“Principal warfare officers’ report.”

“Surface, no contacts.”

“Underwater, no contacts.”

“Air, no contacts.”

The Destroyer and her sister ship lay offshore in the afternoon sunshine, separated by a mile or so. They waited for reinforcements. Out there off Italy, Malta and Crete, the 6th Fleet gathered.

* * *

FOUR STRIKE AIRCRAFT screamed south towards The Aegean Sea over green rolling forested hills.

“Vixen one to flight, report.”

“Vixen two, go.”

“Vixen three, go.”

“Vixen four, go.”

Four Su-24M strike fighters of the Russian 43rd Independent Naval Shturmovik Air Squadron flew low over the Arda River in Southern Bulgaria.

Six minutes later came the call. “Vixen one, feet wet.”

“Vixen two feet wet.” Soon, all four aircraft were over the Aegean, heading south.

“Vixen flight, come to one six zero.” The four strike aircraft flew at 500 feet and 400 knots; their direction was just east of south. Their destination; the southern mouth of the Dardanelles.

“Vixen flight, master arm on. Select Kh-31.”

All four armed the Kh-31 air to ship missile, and the targets were well within its 60 mile range.

“Vixen flight we are clear with weapon release. Vixen one, missile is go.” The missile left its hard point, lit its release rocket, and then the ramjet started as the speed climbed.

“Vixen two release.”

“Vixen three release.”

“Vixen four release.”

The Kh-31 missiles dropped to 30 feet for the run in at 1,400mph. After 30 seconds the flight leader calculated it was time to update the missile’s terminal course. “Vixen flight engage radar, climb to one thousand feet.” Radar returns from the Su-24Ms were transmitted to the missiles, correcting their terminal attack course.

Eight supersonic birds streaked in towards the two ships with just one thing on their minds.


Washington DC.

A TV STUDIO BACKDROP of a Russian flag and a warship framed the large expensively dressed grey-haired man and a woman. The female TV presenter sat to one side.

“… If you look at what’s really happening Marcia, you’ll see. We have confidential information that NATO is behind this. Just look at the gathering of NATO forces in the Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey, then you’ll see.”

“Where is this confidential information from, Yuri?”

“You can’t expect me to divulge that. I’m the deputy Russian Ambassador. We have our private sources, like all governments. I’m sure you understand that; you won’t give away information about NBC’s private sources.”

“So Yuri, what you’re saying is that NATO started this whole thing?” Yuri smiled. “What came into Sevastopol? What sunk our Kilo submarine? Was this a sea monster? Is that what you say?”

“Yuri, why did this happen? Why are you involved in a de-facto occupation of Eastern Ukraine?”

“These people are Russian speakers and support Russia, this is their wish. And many of them wish to be part of Ukraine.”

“So you say. But many do not.” The presenter leaned forward. “Mr Ambassador, do you support the idea of Greater Russia?”

“I support the right of Russians to be Russian.”

“We’ll leave it there,” said Marcia to the camera. “Thank you to my guest tonight, Yuri Komarov, the deputy Russian Ambassador. I’m Marcia Goldforli. This is NBC, and our Eyes are on the World tonight.”

The picture faded, the program theme music started.

* * *

YURI LEFT THE STUDIO, had his make up removed and left the building. He walked to his car; he always drove himself if possible. He was entitled to a driver but that wasn’t his style. His cell phone made a brief drum roll sound, and he looked at it. A text message; he recognised the number and opened it.

“Yuri, meet me at Luca’s place now. 21st and 9th streets. Y.” He opened his mouth, then smiled.

Luca’s was an Italian restaurant. It was decorated with mock but convincing fruit and vegetables. Greenery was everywhere, hanging from the rustic wooden partitions. He walked in and saw her sat in a secluded area to the rear. She was young, blond, beautiful and smiling at him. What man could resist?

He sat at her table.

“Yana. I didn’t expect to hear from you just now.”

“I had to. That safe house we met in, it’s so antiseptic and cold.”

The waiter passed them two menus. “Here you are. Tonight, we have offer, house dry white and house full red wines are on offer. Just $12.50 a bottle. Can I get you one?”

He nodded and looked to Yana questioningly.

“I’d like the white please.”

“Bring us one,” said Yuri. He’d never imagined he’d be sat here with Yana Borisova, a woman he’d recently considered an enemy of Russia. Her spiteful and cutting remarks about his country made her a foe. Every time a TV channel wanted someone to take and anti-Russian, pro Ukraine stance, it was her. He smiled at her. She smiled back with her beautiful eyes framed by her blond locks. What a change it had been.

It had come as a surprise. Yuri hadn’t expected it at all. A week ago at the Embassy, he’d heard a knock at his office door. He’d opened it. Stood there was Yulia. She worked in trade and development, but he knew her real job. She was SVR. Yulia’s job was intelligence and state security.

She gave him news he never expected to hear.

“You’re serious?”

“I don’t lie, Yuri. Not to Embassy personnel like you. You can be assured, it’s true. That bitch Yana is actually on our side.”

“But she’s been saying things about Russia that are meant to harm us.”

“She’s been making the USA think that she hates us to get their sympathy and trust. She’s got it now. She’s been learning things from the US. Plans and plots they have drawn up.”

“It’s hard to believe it,” said Yuri.

“That’s what she wanted. She needed their trust. She’s even been invited to Langley. Can you believe that? Yana’s actually been inside the CIA Headquarters. She’s met one of their Directors. They sent her by submarine on a mission to contact the Ukraine resistance.” Yulia spat. “Yana was taken by submarine to the Sea of Azov. She landed ashore in Eastern Ukraine.”

Yuri was open mouthed. “They did this, Yulia?”

“Yes, the US Navy landed her to spy for the CIA. She contacted our people in secret and told them of the American’s plans. I’ve confirmed this from my other sources.”

Yuri grinned. “So Yana is really a Russian agent, playing a double game?”

Yulia nodded.

“She works for us, even though she appears not to?”

“Yes. Yuri, I want to find out more. I want you to get close to her. That won’t be hard for you will it? She’s not exactly ugly, is she?”

“I’ll do what I can, Yulia.”

He’d contacted Yana, with surprising results. After some hesitation on her part, it had gone much further and faster than he’d expected.