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Why doesn't she just let it out; he thought. Oh, hell, we can't prosy for miracles, and not wasting any more of his valuable time, Jack seized his hard, ready cock in one hand and scrambled between his wife's sleek, wide-spread thighs. He worked the swollen tip up an inch or two into Pam's tight vaginal opening and then, when he sensed the first part of the shaft was wet enough, slowly slid it the rest of the way up inside. As her hot slick tunnel closed around his throbbing penis, Jack couldn't help moaning. Well, one of us is getting something out of this, he thought bitterly.

What he couldn't know is that, deep inside her body, Pam was experiencing a full range of sexual delight – right up to the point where it threatened to snap her iron control, and then she would clamp down, holding her reaction inside where it was safe. Behind her closed eyes she was in a dream-world of sensual ecstasy, her whole body thrilling to every movement of Jack's rigid cock inside her eagerly accepting cunt. A vague fear that if she let her tremendous inner response show on the outside, she would somehow be punished for it constantly, Pam held back from acceptance of the full possibilities of sex. She had orgasms, quiet orgasms that happened somewhere inside herself, in a vaguely defined area near her genitals, but it was a private thing that she kept to herself, afraid to let it show in the fear that it might be taken away from her. One was building now, a growing pressure that she knew how to defuse, so that instead of exploding the way it had done that first time when Jack had thrust his finger into her unexpecting vagina so long before, it would wash over her nerve ends in a controlled wave of pleasure. The closer to orgasm she got, the stiller her body became on the outside.

Raising himself up on stiffened arms, Jack stared down at his lovely wife. Christ, what's happening? he thought as she grew completely still beneath him. Did I do something to turn her off? Redoubling his efforts, he watched his long thick cock flashing in and out of Pam's cunt, moving the soft flesh with each hard stroke, wet and glistening with her hot inner juices, her soaked blonde pubic tendrils clinging wetly to the gleaming white shaft. I feel like I'm doing this all by myself, he thought bitterly.

An innate desire for power, the same force that drove him at work, made Jack want to force a reaction from his wife. He stared again at where his cock was burying itself rhythmically and, apparently, unavailingly in Pam's seemingly unresponsive cunt. Only her copiously flowing cuntal juices gave evidence that her body knew that he was there at all. Desperate, Jack suddenly tore his cock from Pam's vagina, and glared down at her sex-slippery loins.

Christ, she's so beautiful! he thought, his gaze lingering over her softly curved hips and thighs. He ran one hand lovingly over her fleshy outer pussy lips, slipping the edge of it inside the hot wet valley between, opening her inner depths to his gaze. He saw at once that Pam's normally button-like clitoris had swollen larger during their love-making and now stood up tremblingly, like a miniature penis.

I know what the hell she needs! Jack thought excitedly, and without any more hesitation he bent forward and buried his head between his wife's obediently open thighs, taking her erect clitoris between his lips and sucking hard on its tiny sensitive shaft.

There was one long moment when Pam made no response at all. She was far away, letting her husband's gratifyingly hard penis bring her closer and closer to inner orgasmic release. She was trembling on the edge, about to let herself drift away on a tide of inner bliss, when she felt Jack unaccountably jerk his cock out of her vagina. She waited, confused, and then felt his hand probing uncomfortably hard at her genitals. Holding her breath, not wanting to break her mood of inner ecstasy, Pam said nothing, but a moment later she felt his bristly cheeks against the inside of her sensitive thighs and then something hot and wet was moving over her sex organs.

My God, he was licking and slavering at her genitals like an animal!

With a feeling of sudden revulsion, Pam reached down and tried to pry her husband's head from between her shuddering thighs.

"Stop it!" she shrieked in horror. "Oh, God, Jack… don't!" She wrapped her fingers in his dark hair and tried to tug his head free, at the same time struggling to close her straining thighs.

Jack looked up in surprise. At first he had thought that Pam had accepted his new and bold advance when she made no immediate response. True, he'd never before gotten away with anything like this with her, but there was always a first time. Maybe she was growing up. When she began to struggle and cry out he thought she was reacting in passion and felt that he had at last unlocked the key to her sexuality. But quickly enough he realized she was begging him to stop, and her painful tugging at his hair left him little choice.

"What the fuck's the matter with you?" he spluttered, his face glistening obscenely with her cunt-juices. Pam's eyes were wide and filled with horror.

"Oh, Jack… How could you do such a horrible thing?" she managed to gasp.

"What do you mean horrible thing?" he demanded angrily. "Most girls would love to have their cunts eaten."

"I-It's disgusting!" Pam said with a shudder. "I-I think I'm going to be sick."

"Sick?" Jack said with sudden rage, humiliated by Pam's unexpected response. "You think you're going to be sick? Shit… I'm the one who should be sick… from the dead way you make love. It's like making love to a corpse… Sometimes I feel like I'm jacking off…" Insults that had been festering in him for months began to bubble up from his guts and he had to make a conscious effort to stop himself, knowing he was going too far. The stricken look on Pam's face quickly sobered him, and he fell silent, but he knew both he and Pam were far past the point of no return. He had said things to her that no woman could for give. He felt an overwhelming urge to get out of the bedroom and out of their Goddamn new dream-house. He wanted to go to the office and to its endless conspiracies and counter-conspiracies, a world he knew much better than this hopeless attempt to understand his beautiful but fucked-up wife.

With a smothered curse he rolled off the bed and stalked into the bathroom. He barely took time to wash and shave, and when he came back into the bedroom, Pam was still lying where he had left her, staring blankly up at the ceiling. Thank God there are no tears, he told himself, but sensed it might have been less ominous if there were. Pam still hadn't moved when he finally strode from the room and left the house.

As soon as she heard the front door slam, Pam began to cry. She lay there for a half-hour, the tears streaming down her grief-distorted face. The open break had finally come, the one she had dreaded, and now their sexual differences lay out in the open, no longer a silent wall of misunderstanding, but naked and threatening, like an unexploded artillery shell.

Well, maybe it's better, she thought. Now at least we have something concrete to deal with. As she remembered what had happened, Pam began to get angry.

So he thinks I'm a corpse, she thought bitterly. Just because I don't want to make love the same way he does! With a shudder she thought back to what he had tried to do to her. Ugh! Filthy! Revolting! Disgusting! she thought in revulsion. She knew that what he wanted was wrong… depraved… and how could he insist that she join him in such a disgusting act? She remembered how she had looked up in horror to find his head buried between her thighs and the horrible sounds as he licked and sucked at her violated genitals. And he'd had the gall to shout at her when he was the one who should have been ashamed!

Well, she'd show him! There would be no more sex from her until he begged her pardon!

Pam buried her deeper misgivings under this new resolve, but almost immediately a practical problem arose. What about herself? Wouldn't she be punishing herself, too, if she refused to make love? Despite the limitations on her outward sexual reactions, Pam had grown to love it. Since a year before their marriage, she and Jack had been making love regularly, although it had begun to happen less and less frequently in the last few months. This morning she had been really horny, she admitted to herself, and she was even hornier now, since Jack had cheated her of her orgasm with his disgusting behavior.