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"I don't understand!" Lucy said, "aren't you two driving back together?"

"No. Ed wanted to have his own car there so he drove alone. He's up to something and I wanted to make sure he didn't get there before I had a chance to warn you!"

"Up to what?" Lucy asked impatiently. She wanted to get back to her own bed and wait for Jimmy there. Her busy hand had begun to concentrate on her clitoris and she could feel a warm glow spreading through her lower body. She hoped that Jimmy would not be too tired to help her quench the rising passion.

"Look – I'll tell you when I get there! Just make sure you stay awake until then! Okay?" Jimmy sounded irritated, and it was apparent that his patience was wearing thin. "Oh! Make sure Sandy is awake until then, too. She'll want to hear this!"

Jimmy hung up before Lucy could respond. She lay there for a moment with the dead phone in her hand before replacing it on the table. She was surprised by Jimmy's brusque attitude, but she didn't say anything to Sandy until she had cleared her head. "What time is it anyway?" she asked.

"A quarter to five. What did Jimmy want?" Sandy asked.

"Hell, I don't know what he wanted. It's too damned early to listen to someone babbling on the telephone. He said something about Ed Walsh being up to something. What did you do to Ed Walsh, anyway?" Lucy had gotten under the covers with Sandy and she pressed her naked warm body against her friend. They often slept together when they stayed at Lucy's house, and Sandy liked the feel of Lucy's flesh against her own.

"You know what I did to him! Or to be more precise, what he did to me!" Sandy laughed. Her loins were still tingling from the dream-fuck she had been about to receive when the telephone interrupted her sleep. "Didn't Jimmy say anymore than that? And why aren't they coming back together?"

"I don't know anymore about it than I've already told you! He said that Ed was up to something and that he wanted to warn us. He's going to be here in a few minutes and he wants us both to stay awake!" Lucy was beginning to worry a little, but she laughed to avoid alarming her friend. "Who knows? Maybe he just can't wait to get some more of my beautiful body!" Lucy continued, as her hands reached out and began to tickle the naked flesh of Sandy.

"Stop that!" Sandy pleaded, giggling as she fought to escape Lucy's fingers.

Lucy suddenly jumped from the bed and ran toward her own bedroom. "Let's get dressed and get something to eat before the boys show up. If Jimmy is as horny as I am, I may not get another chance to eat all day."

Sandy watched her friend's naked back disappear through the doorway. She was becoming a little concerned about Jimmy's mysterious words too. Her thoughts returned to the previous evening and the second time that she had been soundly fucked. She had really enjoyed her coupling with Ed, and she had nothing but pleasant memories of all that had happened. She hoped that he had enjoyed it as much as she had. She was looking forward trying out some of the things she had seen on the film, and she didn't want anything to happen to spoil that.

Lucy came back into Sandy's bedroom fully dressed before Sandy had time to slip into her own brief shorts and halter. The blonde girl was carrying a tray with two glasses of orange juice and several pieces of toast. Sandy could see that Lucy was also worried about the telephone call. The two girls ate quickly, neither willing to speak of Jimmy's warning.

"Christ, I hope he gets here soon!" Lucy said finally, her patience about exhausted. "How long does it take to drive twenty miles?"

"Why don't we go outside and wait for him?" Sandy replied.

They were just going toward the front door when they heard the sound of Jimmy's car coming up the forest drive. They almost tripped over one another in their rush to get to the door, and their scrambling only made them look ridiculous to Jimmy when they finally opened it.

"What's going on?" Jimmy said, stepping into the house.

"You tell us!" Lucy said, as soon as she was able to catch her breath. Sandy stood behind her, staring at Jimmy.

"I'm not sure, but we better sit down to discuss it," Jimmy answered, and his nervous composure made the two girls all the more curious. Somehow, Jimmy's arrival was reassuring, and they calmly walked over to the large couch and sat down before pressing him further.

"Okay, so tell us what this is all about!" Lucy said when they were all comfortably settled. She and Sandy were sitting on the couch together facing Jimmy, who had plopped down in an overstuffed chair.

"I'm only guessing, mind you, but I think Ed took pictures of our escapades last night," Jimmy announced to the astonished girls. The serious look on his face made Sandy burst out laughing as though appreciating a good joke. "I'm serious, damnit!" Jimmy said harshly.

"How do you know?" Lucy asked, sensing his real concern. Sandy had stopped laughing and was watching Jimmy.

"On the drive back to San Diego this morning he did everything but admit it. And he said that he had to go home to pick up some film and lighting equipment. He wouldn't tell me anything more than that except that he promised to tell me – and you two, all about it when he got back this afternoon," Jimmy replied, his worried expression softening as if the burden of passing on bad news had been lifted from him. "I've heard some weird stories about Ed from other kids at school, but he always seemed straight with me. I just don't know what to think."

Sandy looked at Jimmy and thought that he was being a little melodramatic. It was just too mysterious and menacing to be real. After all, she had spent the better part of the night with Ed Walsh. He just didn't seem to be such an ominous figure as Jimmy was making out. It must be some sort of practical joke.

"I think you're putting us on, Jimmy." Lucy looked directly into Jimmy's eyes as she spoke, but his only expression was one of anger.

"You can think whatever you want, Lucy, but I don't think you'd want nude photographs of yourself passed around anymore than I would! And are you forgetting what we were doing last night?" Jimmy's voice was tense as he spoke.

"But how could he have taken any pictures of that?" Lucy asked seriously, unable to forget just how wild and abandoned their fucking had been last night. She turned to face Sandy. "You were with Ed all night! Did he take any pictures?"

Sandy tried to remember every detail of last evening. The only time she and Ed had not been together had been when he had slipped out of the room while she was watching the film. He had been gone a long time!

"I wasn't with him all the time," Sandy announced sheepishly. Lucy and Jimmy immediately started throwing questions at her, and she was so confused that she could not understand any of them. "Just after you two went into the bedroom, Ed left the room, too. But I don't see how he could have taken any pictures of you. I mean, did you leave the lights on, or something?"

"No!" Lucy said quickly, and then she caught herself, as if trying to hide a secret of some kind. "I mean there wasn't enough light for a picture. Anyway, we would have seen him."

"Infra-red flash!" Jimmy announced suddenly, and he slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. "He could have taken pictures without any of us knowing it by using infra-red film and a flash. He's always boasting what sophisticated equipment he's got!"

Lucy looked nervously at Sandy and Jimmy, and the full impact of Jimmy's statement hit her. "God, Jimmy, you've got to stop him somehow. My father would kill me for sure if he found out about it!"

"Take it easy, Lucy!" Sandy pleaded, her own mind racing with the thought of what her parents would do if they even suspected that she was involved in anything like this. "We've all got to calm down and try to figure out what to do."

"Right. There's no point in getting hysterical over nothing. At least we don't know yet what Ed plans to do with the pictures… if he even really took any. I can't be sure he was telling me the truth. He may have just been joking!" Jimmy's voice was reassuring and suddenly more calm than it had been. It put Lucy and Sandy a little more at ease.