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"Of course not!" Ed said from the bar, but his voice was not too convincing. "Oh, I have a reason for taking the pictures, all right, but it's not what you think it is!"

"So what the hell is it?" Lucy asked, still a little angry and embarrassed.

"Call it a screen test, or at least that's part of the reason!" Ed said casually, and he sat down taking a sip from his drink at the same time.

"What do you mean screen test?" Sandy asked, a frightening idea already forming in her mind. She remembered that Ed was a film student or something, and she wondered if he really meant what his statement implied.

"Well, I want to make a film with all three of you in the parts, and I was afraid that you wouldn't do it without being reassured that you're all photogenic. The pictures prove that you all look good in the nude!" Ed was acting like everything he wanted was already settled, and as far as he was concerned, it was only the first rehearsal for his production.

"You're crazy!" Lucy said, waving some of the photographs over at him. She still didn't understand what Ed was driving at, as she was far more interested in the pictures of herself than what Ed was a film student or something, and she wondered if he really meant what his statement implied.

"Well, I want to make a film with all three of you in the parts, and I was afraid that you wouldn't do it without being reassured that you're all photogenic. The pictures prove that you all look good in the nude!" Ed was acting like everything he wanted was already settled, and as far as he was concerned, it was only the first rehearsal for his production.

Sandy understood immediately, and she couldn't contain her anger. "You mean you want us to play parts in a dirty movie. That's what the equipment is for, right?" She tried to keep her voice calm, but the unexpected shock of what Ed was saying, on top of the wine she had drunk, made her almost hysterical. She was suddenly very afraid of the smiling Ed.

"Now, wait a minute, Sandy!" Ed pleaded. "I've already admitted that I had an ulterior motive in taking the pictures… but it isn't what you seem to think! I've been working on a film for the New York Film Festival all year, and there's a dream sequence in the film that calls for some uninhibited sex. But the film isn't dirty or pornographic in any way! And, I really think I can take the ten-thousand dollar first prize with my film." Ed was lying smoothly, and he was proud of the way that the expression on the faces of Lucy and Sandy had changed from anger to uncertainty as he talked. "Look, I'd be happy to tell you all about my movie if you'd like!"

"I think you'd better!" Sandy said. She only half-believed Ed, but she kept her voice on an even level.

"A character in my film has a dream, and I want to film this dream using the three of you in the parts. I use special lenses that make the picture blurry, your faces won't even be recognizable. Believe me, these technical things are hard to explain, but I can tell you the film has to do with the psychology of sex. It's about the secret fears and wishes of a young girl. I've already made most of the film in San Diego. The dream sequence is all that's left," Ed lied. He was making up the whole thing as he went along, off the top of his head, but his voice was assured and convincing. He looked at Sandy and judging by her expression he knew that he had to go on.

Sandy wanted to believe Ed's story, but she was still concerned about the possibility of him lying. At first, the idea of being in a pornographic movie appalled her. But this was somehow different, if Ed was telling the truth. If their faces were not clear in the film, then it would present no real danger to them. And, the idea of strangers watching her cavorting naked on the screen lent a good deal of excitement to Ed's request. Sandy knew that she had to keep her head about this business. She waited for Ed to go on.

"The dream sequence will really be the most artistic in the whole film. It will keep changing colors, go to negative instead of positive, all kinds of very special effects to show the girl is having a special dream. How about it? Will you do it for me, Sandy?" Ed was smiling broadly, his eyes slightly moist to convince them that he was sincere – even though he wasn't.

"You mean you want me to be the star of your movie?" Sandy asked incredulously. She was almost sober now, the effects of Ed's startling proposal overcoming the wine she'd drunk. Despite her misgivings, she was flattered that he wanted her in the movie. And if she would really be anonymous, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. After all, they were all friends. She looked at Jimmy and Lucy to see their reaction. Jimmy's face was impassive, and Lucy was once again staring at the pictures of herself being fucked. Her pink tongue was lightly licking her lips and her eyes were boring into the prints, as if to memorize every lewd detail.

Ed knew it was time for his final argument. "Look!" he said, pulling another envelope from his pocket. "These are the negatives of the pictures I took last night." He got up quickly and went to the fireplace, hoping that no one would ask to see the negatives. "I'm going to burn them," he went on, hurriedly lighting a match and touching it to one corner of the negatives, and they watched them go up in acrid smoke. He turned around to face the three of them, the picture of sincerity. "Now do you believe me?"

"What do you think, Lucy?" Sandy asked, preferring to put the onus on her friend. She had been impressed with Ed's performance just now, the idea of them being bogus negatives never occurring to her. There was almost no question in her mind that it would be tremendously exciting to be in the movie, but she insisted that the decision be unanimous.

"It's okay with me, if Jimmy agrees!" Lucy said, giggling a little with lewd anticipation and mild drunkenness. She turned around to face Jimmy. "Do you think it's all right, honey?"

Jimmy was in a real quandary. He knew that Ed's story was a lie, that he intended to use the film for other than legitimate purposes. But he also needed the money Ed had promised him for helping to convince Sandy and Lucy to appear in the movie. For a few moments he was almost tempted to expose Ed and throw him out of the lodge. But then, he suddenly decided to go along with the scheme. Ed had also promised that Jimmy would have an opportunity to fuck the lovely young Sandy while the movie was being made, something that he felt was probably impossible under any other circumstances.

"I think it's okay," Jimmy heard himself saying. "What the hell, it might be fun!"

"I vote to go ahead," Lucy said. She was really feeling the effects of the wine, and she didn't really care about anything now but being fucked good and hard. She was having a difficult time putting her thoughts together, her pussy was burning so fiercely with anticipation.

Ed was on his feet, as if the argument were over and the decision already made. "Great, kids! I really appreciate this. To show you just how much I appreciate it, I'm going to split any prize money with you three! How's that?"

"What do you want us to do?" Sandy shrugged, and she felt herself yearning to get on with it. To hell with it, she thought to herself, I'm going to get fucked soon and that's the important thing. She could already feel the warmth spreading through her hungry loins.

"I'm going to use this room for a studio. Everything is perfect just as it is." Ed was moving about the room like a master director, shifting a piece of furniture here, moving a lamp there, until he was satisfied with his arrangements. "Jimmy, give me a hand with this equipment, will you? You girls have another drink of wine and take it easy until we get everything ready!"

Sandy and Lucy sipped another glass of wine and watched the two men set up the equipment. They were both impressed by the fancy array of gadgets Ed assembled from the cases of equipment he had brought up. Sandy found herself wanting to believe Ed's story about the film. At the very least, she was excited by the idea of being fucked silly or whatever in front of a camera. It was like having her talents recorded for posterity, even though she wasn't quite sure what those talents might be.