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Lucy was in heaven. It was as if she had finally gotten the gift promised to her hours before by Ed, and she hung onto the pleasure like a greedy child. Nothing else mattered but that every moment was better than the last as the tremendous spasms of ecstasy shot through her. Her mind flashed over the sensations filling her body, the hard spewing column of flesh in her cunt sending out wave after wave of pleasure as the bursts of hot cum smashed into the base of her belly. Her nipples brushed sensuously across the soft fur of the rug as her breasts swung from side to side, and she yelled from the delight of the pleasure filling her being. She didn't want it ever to stop, her cunt sucked wildly at the jerking cock, milking it of all it had to give.

Loosening and tightening at the muscles in her inner thighs as her cunt contracted around her fingers, Sandy felt the pleasure of her own climax from deep within her belly. The middle finger of her left hand was shoved all the way inside her rectum, and she could feel the rippling walls of her cunt around the fingers buried inside it. It felt good, but she was staring at the writhing couple beside her, their bodies bucking together in the heights of ecstasy.

Lucy was flailing back and forth while she shoved her widespread buttocks back against the hard pounding penis buried deep in her pussy. There was only one thing that Sandy was missing, the hot blast of cum from a huge swollen penis, but she felt somewhat satisfied by the manipulations of her own fingers. Watching closely, she could see the white sticky mixture of their cum running down their tightly pressed bodies, and it splashed in glistening wet spots onto the tanned flesh of Jimmy's leg.

Lucy had really been fucked good, Sandy thought, and she would be next. As the spasms in her belly died down, Sandy again remembered where she was, and she stared out into the darkness surrounding the lights for a sign of life. Squinting into the brightness, she finally located the camera with Ed still pressing his eye to the viewfinder. Lucy and Jimmy collapsed together on the rug, and they were breathing so hard that Sandy couldn't tell if the camera was still running.

"Oh, man!" Lucy exclaimed as she lay flat on her belly with Jimmy still mounted on top of her. They were obviously exhausted from the extreme coupling, and Sandy smiled at their obscene position on the rug. Without waiting another minute, Sandy pulled her fingers from her cunt and rectum, the white liquid feeling sticky in her hand, and she got up off the rug. Screening her eyes from the brightness in front of her, she looked directly at the camera.

"Hey! So now what?" she asked in a sexy voice, and it sounded like she was asking for directions to be fucked. The lights suddenly went out, and a lamp in the corner of the big room was all that remained visible for a second. When her eyes had adjusted to the darkness of the room, she found Ed standing near a recorder, and she walked over to him. She was experiencing a new feeling in that she was completely unselfconscious over her nakedness as she approached Ed. "Was everything okay?"

"Yeah, just fine. I didn't shoot it all, but I got a good beginning to the dream," Ed lied. He had already calculated what he wanted next, but he wasn't going to divulge that information until the right moment.

Sandy rubbed her breasts seductively as Ed stood up from the recorder. "How did I look?" she whispered, her womb still burning with lewd excitement. She hoped that Ed would take her to bed that very moment, but she was to be disappointed.

"You looked beautiful, baby!" Ed said smiling. "I've never seen a girl as sensuous as you!" His compliment was intended to flatter Sandy so he could have her continued cooperation, but he was also telling her the truth. She really was the most sensual young girl he had ever seen.

"Jesus Christ, I'm tired!" Jimmy said suddenly. The other three burst out laughing at his obvious distress. He and Lucy fucked all last night – until the early morning hours of today, really – and then he had driven to San Diego and back. After his just-completed workout with Lucy he must really be dead, Sandy thought to herself. Jimmy stood up and yawned, his large penis now shrunken and still glistening from the mixture of cum. "I'm going to catch some sleep if you don't need me anymore."

He walked to the heavy drapes and pulled them apart slightly. Outside it was still daylight, but the curtains effectively kept all of the sunlight out. He felt as though it must be at least midnight. Without waiting for an answer, he walked wearily into one of the bedrooms and pulled the door shut after him.

As if in some sort of reaction, Ed began to yawn too. Sandy tried to keep the disappointment off her face and from her voice. "You're not tired, are you Ed?"

Ed smiled wearily at her and nodded his head. "I'm sorry, Sandy. I know how you must feel, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be much good to you as exhausted as I am!"

Oh well, Sandy thought bitterly, I did get some pleasure out of the filming – even it was only with my own fingers. She could understand Ed's logic. She didn't want a half-hearted fuck, she wanted a hard-driving cock ramming into her for a long time, and it would be worse than nothing if her excited pussy couldn't keep Ed awake long enough to make her cum.

"Okay, lover! But don't think I can wait forever!"

As Ed's lips brushed her forehead he quietly promised her that she would only have to wait a few hours. Then, he turned and followed Jimmy into the bedroom.

Sandy was disappointed, of course, but she told herself that she could wait that long. As her body sank down onto the rug beside Lucy, she cursed her friend's satisfied smile.


After Jimmy and Ed had gone to bed, Sandy and Lucy lay on the rug and argued about what to fix for dinner. When they finally had settled on a quick snack of hamburgers and Cokes, they couldn't make up their minds who should to the cooking. Ultimately, Sandy gave up and went into the kitchen to prepare their snack. Lucy was still lying on the rug when Sandy brought the tray with their food back into the front room.

"Come on and eat, Lucy," Sandy said to her naked friend, "you want to get your strength back for the next session!" They both ate hurriedly, hungry from their earlier activities. When they were finished, they once again stretched out on the rug.

"I wonder how Ed affords all this filming equipment," Lucy said, waving her hand around the room at the camera and lights.

"Oh, I imagine most of it belongs to the college," Sandy replied. She was still a little miffed about being left out of the afternoon's activities with Jimmy. It didn't seem fair that she should be the "star" of the movie if the blonde-haired girl was going to get all the fucking. And from the way Jimmy had watched her while he was balling Lucy, Sandy felt sure that he wished he had a different partner, too. It seemed strange to lie here with Lucy, both of them stark naked, discussing film equipment that had been used to shoot such candid movies of themselves. Less than two days ago they would have both been shocked at the suggestion of appearing in pornographic home movies. Despite Ed's protestations, Sandy could still not bring herself to believe all that he had told them about the movie being for any film festival. Still, she and Lucy had been given a choice and they had both decided to go ahead with the movie.

"Do you think the camera operates automatically so that all of us can be fucking at once?" Lucy asked. She felt a little guilty about this afternoon, too. Not that she would have traded places with Sandy. Jimmy was her boyfriend and he should be fucking her! But it would be nice if the four of them could be fucking at the same time for the movie.

"I don't know," Sandy replied, "all I know is that there's going to be one hell of an argument if I don't get some action soon!" She ran her hand through her short hair, feeling the tangled mess it was, and decided to do something about it.