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Ed was stirring in his sleep, his strong arms stretching out as his body shifted. Sandy slipped quietly from the bed and went into the bathroom to shower and dress. If she hurried she could go down to the cove and have a swim before anyone else was up. She needed to be alone with her thoughts before the day began.


When Sandy left the little cove and returned to the lodge the sunlight was bright overhead. She went into the front room and found the other three talking animatedly. They were seated on couches and in front of them the remains of breakfast lay on a large coffee table.

"Hi, Sandy!" Ed greeted her, getting up from the couch and coming over to her. "We were worried about you!" His face came down and his lips brushed against hers.

Lucy and Jimmy waved to her and continued to sip coffee. Sandy could see that Lucy looked satisfied and happy. She felt close to Lucy now, as close as she had ever felt to anyone. Their experience last night had been a shared pleasure; something that brought people together. She wanted to go over and throw her arms around Lucy and tell her exactly how she felt. She felt no jealousy at all now about the fact that Jimmy had fucked Lucy instead of her. She could have both of the boys for all Sandy cared. Anything to make her happy! As long as Lucy felt the same way about her and remained her friend.

Jimmy looked unhappy, his face scowling at Ed. Sandy wondered if they had been arguing.

"Come and have a cup of coffee, Sandy," Ed said to her, putting his arm around her waist and guiding her over to the couch. Lucy poured her a steaming mug of black coffee as Sandy sat down.

"Listen, Ed! You're not going to talk your way out of this!" Jimmy said in a harsh voice. "Making a dirty film is one thing if it only involves normal things! But that dildo is something else!"

Ed sat there staring at the irate Jimmy, a look of resigned patience on his face. He didn't want to prolong the argument or to do anything that would jeopardize filming the last sequence. Where the hell does Jimmy get off, he asked himself, to be so self-righteous now. And why should he care if I introduced something a little different last night. Ed felt put-upon by his friend. He was tempted to pack up his equipment and leave. By God, Jimmy, he thought, you'd better watch it if you want your share from this film!

Lucy could only smile at the argument. It was a little pointless to be arguing about how you got fucked before a camera. The important thing was that they had been fucked. For the first time since she had known him, Lucy wondered if Jimmy were a prude.

Ed suddenly got to his feet. "Come on Jimmy! Let's take a walk. I think you're upsetting the girls with all this argument!" Ed's voice was a little menacing, and Jimmy rose from the couch even though there was no evidence that either of the girls was upset.

Sandy and Lucy watched the two young men go out the door. They sat there for a few minutes, neither saying a word. Finally, Sandy put down her coffee cup and looked at her friend.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. Her eyes were taking in the lush body of Lucy. She could make out the pink nipples of her breasts through the thin material of her nightgown. She thought how she had fondled those breasts, and how Lucy had responded by putting her finger up Sandy's cunt. They had both seemed to enjoy it so much.

"Hey! What are you sorry for?" Lucy asked. She smiled understandingly at her friend as if to tell her that everything was all right.

"Well, I guess it's my fault that this whole thing happened… especially last night! I could have just said no and ended it!" Sandy blushed prettily as her blonde-haired friend became aware that she was staring so intently at her breasts.

"Come off it, Sandy!" Lucy said, still smiling. "All of us agreed to go through with it. And if you're worrying about what happened last night… well, I have to admit that I really dug making you cum with that thing!" She smiled again. "Not to mention having you do the things you did to me!"

"Honestly, Lucy?" the dark-haired teenager asked. It was comforting to have Lucy say these things. She hoped that the filming would soon be over and that things could return to normal. It was such a shame to waste having the lodge at their disposal by arguing about who did what to whom. The four of them could have such a good time together if only the filming didn't remain as an irritant.

Lucy went over and sat down next to her friend. "Listen honey! I don't really know what Ed is up to with the film! Maybe he's telling the truth… and then again, maybe he isn't. All I know is that my father would kill me if he ever found out about this! I could probably get around my mother… she doesn't really care what I do! But since my parents have been divorced, I only see my dad about once a year, and he does care!" Lucy paused for a moment, as if thinking about what her father would do to her. "But look at it this way! If it hadn't been for Ed and his camera we wouldn't have discovered how much pleasure we can bring each other! And… I'm sure Jimmy can handle Ed if any serious problems come up!"

Sandy felt so good she wanted to kiss her friend. It was so nice to have someone so understanding as Lucy. Of course Jimmy could handle any problems. He was a man, and that was what men were for! What Lucy was saying was true! She had gone from a virgin to an experienced sexual partner… well, that wasn't strictly true… but it had happened in just two days. Becoming a woman was never easy, she thought. And she was a woman now!

"You know, Sandy! I'm going to insist that Jimmy fuck you today. Just to show you that I'm not jealous. How does that sound to you?"

"Are you sure?" Sandy asked her friend. She didn't want anything to disturb their relationship now.

"Absolutely sure!" Lucy replied firmly. "I want to make sure that you get your share of the action around here!" She laughed. "Of course I may want you to reciprocate and give me permission to have Ed!"

Sandy looked at her friend squarely. "From the way Ed has been acting, that's probably what he's wanted all along!" Just as she finished speaking, the door opened and Ed and Jimmy came in. They were both smiling, and Sandy could see they had resolved their argument.

"Are you girls ready to go?" Ed asked, firmly in control of the situation again. Without waiting for a reply, he went around the room pulling the drapes tightly shut and moving his lighting equipment.

Jimmy made a little circle with his thumb and forefinger and signaled to Lucy and Sandy that everything was okay. He immediately began to take off his clothing. Both girls followed his example, Lucy throwing aside the thin nightgown, Sandy stepping out of her bikini.

While Ed was still fidgeting with his equipment, Jimmy came over to the girls. "I got it all straightened out," he told them in a soft voice, "this is going to be the last sequence! Ed and I are going to take the film back to San Diego tonight for developing. He's promised me that he'll show us the final copy and if we don't like it, he'll destroy the print and the negative! Okay?"

Sandy and Lucy both nodded in agreement, proud of Jimmy's handling of the situation. It was the perfect solution. Thinking back to her self-discovery this morning, Sandy could not repress a tingling feeling in her loins at the thought of seeing the finished print of the film. Her face flushed at the idea of sitting here watching herself on the screen, seeing herself manipulate her own pussy while Jimmy and Lucy fucked, and of replaying last night's wild scene with Lucy. Despite herself, the idea of performing for her own and someone else's eyes was tremendously exciting. She was getting goose-bumps just thinking about it. She could feel Jimmy's eyes running over her naked body, and the feeling was not one of embarrassment. Without meaning to, she stretched her arms so that her breasts became taut. She wanted Jimmy to admire her, and she felt no disappointment as his stare became more intense. Lucy was watching them both with a little half-smile on her red lips.