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“And now Morning Whisker has died, but no other cats are sick,” Acorn Fur added.

“And One Eye isn’t here to tell us any more,” Clear Sky said, looking down at his paws, embarrassed.

“What happened with that cat isn’t your fault,” Thunder reassured him.

“I know, but if One Eye were still here, he might be able to advise us,” Clear Sky mewed desperately. “He—”

“Yes, but at what cost?” Lightning Tail interrupted angrily. “He’s killed one cat and nearly killed another. How many more would have to die, just so that we could listen to his words of wisdom—if he has any wisdom to offer?”

A murmur of agreement rose up from all the cats. Of course Lightning Tail is right, Thunder thought. We’d all be mouse-brained to have any more to do with One Eye. “Talking about One Eye is distracting us from the real issue,” he pointed out.

“But we need to keep our eyes open for him,” Clear Sky reminded them in a low voice. “He’s dangerous, and he has sworn revenge.”

“Everything in its time.” Tall Shadow spoke with her usual cool wisdom. “For now we need to figure out how to protect ourselves from the illness.”

“We need to separate.” Thunder gave a start of surprise as Gray Wing spoke for the first time.

“Make sure that our groups don’t mix. Set up boundaries and respect them.”

Disbelief flashed through Thunder at his kin’s words. “But we’ve spent so long defending unnecessary boundaries,” he protested. “And now you of all cats want to set them up again?”

“We’re vulnerable now,” Gray Wing pointed out. “It’s part of what I told you before—we have some good leaders, but too many for only two groups. If we split up, natural leaders can take their rightful places, and all cats will be protected.”

“I liked the swampy land beyond the Thunderpath.” A quiet voice spoke up, and it took a moment for Thunder to realize it came from Tall Shadow. More briskly she continued, “I think it would make the perfect home. Far enough away from other cats to safeguard whoever goes with me.”

Thunder blinked at her in disbelief. “You—you want to leave the hollow and go somewhere else?

What are we supposed to do without you? And how many other cats have been hatching big plans behind my back?” he asked, feeling the fur on his shoulders beginning to rise in anger.

Clear Sky looked down at him. “Thunder, this isn’t about cats deceiving you or betraying you.

Every cat is trying to do the right thing. We just want to save lives.”

Huh! Thunder thought. That’s a bit much, coming from you! But he had the sense to stay silent, and made his bristling fur lie flat again.

“Can we come to a decision?” Holly asked, an edge of irritation in her tone. “For the record, I’m expecting kits, and I’d prefer not to be moving about, trying to set up a new group.”

Her question sparked off a discussion, with every cat trying to have their say. There was no clear agreement. Thunder stayed silent, letting the arguments swirl around him, as impatient as Holly to have this settled so they could leave.

“Okay, this is what we’ll do,” Tall Shadow meowed at last. “I’ll stay on the moor with Thunder—for the time being, anyway. Clear Sky will take his group back to his camp, and Gray Wing will go with River Ripple. Agreed?”

“But that’s hardly any different from how we’re living now,” Gray Wing pointed out.

“Because this isn’t the time to be making big changes,” Tall Shadow retorted. Again her gaze raked the group. “Are we all agreed?”

Thunder didn’t object, though he would have preferred for Gray Wing to come home with him.

“What about Sparrow Fur?” he asked Clear Sky. “Will she return to the hollow when she’s healed?”

“I don’t know,” Clear Sky replied. “She’ll make the decision when the time comes.”

Gray Wing winced at these words, but didn’t argue. The meeting was clearly over. As the cats began to split up to return to their own camps, Thunder turned away, flicking the tip of his tail in frustration. The spirit-cats hadn’t visited, they were no better off in terms of understanding the illness, and he was unsettled by the thought of the cats dividing into more groups. It hasn’t happened yet, but it’s clear that’s what Gray Wing and Tall Shadow want, he thought bitterly. Unite or die—that was the message, wasn’t it? he said to himself. So much for unity!

Then he noticed that the strange she-cat had risen to her paws and was weaving among the others until she reached Thunder’s side and brushed her pelt against his. Thunder’s whole body shivered at her touch, though he tried not to show it.

“My name is Star Flower,” she purred, her voice rich and sweet as the scent of honey. “I was named after the white flowers that glow at night with their five petals. If you look closely at my eyes, you’ll see the five petal shapes.”

She stood in front of Thunder, nose to nose with him, as if she was daring him to gaze at her.

With a huge effort of will, Thunder turned away. A fox-length away he spotted Lightning Tail. The black tom was watching him intently. Thunder felt even more awkward.

“I told you before, I’ve heard a lot about you,” Star Flower continued.

Thunder felt surprised and a bit uneasy. Which cats have been talking to her about me?

The golden tabby’s glance dropped to his paws and she reached out to give one of them a quick pat. “They’re not as big as some cats said,” she told him, “but I could train you to fight with them.”

With a last, teasing glance, she padded away.

Thoroughly flustered by the encounter, Thunder turned and, seeing most of his own group close by, caught their attention with a wave of his tail. “In the future,” he began, “if we meet any strange cats, can we let each other know? It doesn’t feel right, letting them slip into our meetings without knowing who they are.”

“Oh, Thunder,” Tall Shadow meowed. “Stop being so grumpy and hostile.”

Thunder’s eyes widened, though he didn’t respond. Is that Tall Shadow talkingthe cat who wouldn’t let any strangers join our group, or even visit for more than a few heartbeats?

By now full darkness had fallen, and the departing cats melted into the night. Thunder realized that Tall Shadow was padding along by his side. “Did you really like what you saw on the other side of the Thunderpath?” he asked.

Tall Shadow shrugged. “I told you when we were there. I just find it… so beautiful.”

“But to live there?” Thunder protested. “It’s marshland!”

“Some of it, yes,” Tall Shadow agreed. “But there are flowers growing there, and trees. I loved the misty air. It felt special, somehow. As if it was a secret place, just inviting me to explore it.” She shook her head, looking slightly confused. “I can’t explain it. I felt at home.”

“But what would I tell the others if you went?” Thunder asked. Though he’d often disagreed with Tall Shadow, there was an ache in his heart at the thought of losing her calm and watchful presence.

I’ve lost so many who were dear to me… and now Tall Shadow too?

Tall Shadow gave her pelt a shake. “Oh, stop worrying!” she exclaimed. “I’m here, aren’t I? I’m going back to the hollow with you.”

Thunder didn’t feel at all reassured by her words. Things were changing, and not in a good way.

To take his mind off his worries, he thought back to his meeting with the beautiful she-cat, Star