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Gill put a hand on his arm. ‘Um . . . far be it for me to tell you how to do your job – but shouldn’t you leave that to the other team?’

Pat straightened up and scowled. ‘But they clearly aren’t doing their job, are they? I owe it to Wendy.’

He’d called Carmella as soon as he woke up. She hadn’t been able to find anything useful on the OnTarget forum yet. No strange gaps in conversations, no signs that someone had been through and deleted evidence that they’d chatted with Wendy.

‘I didn’t realise you were that close to her,’ Gill said.

‘I wasn’t.’ He hadn’t told Gill about the Valentine’s card. He was going to, but didn’t know how she’d react. Would she be suspicious, think he’d led Wendy on? In the end, he’d decided not to risk it. ‘But she was part of my team. And I told you about the phone call . . . I fucked up, Gill. I need to make amends.’

‘As long as you don’t do anything that could potentially harm your career.’

‘Especially now mine’s the only income we have?’

She flinched like he’d slapped her and he instantly regretted his words. How easily his resentment bubbled to the surface. He and Gill needed to talk . . . about everything. But now wasn’t the time.

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean . . .’

‘It’s fine. I’ll be back at work soon anyway.’

‘I know. I have to go,’ he said, gathering Bonnie up in his arms, tipping her upside down and kissing the soft podgy underside of her chin until she squirmed and giggled. ‘Bye, then, monster. Be good for Mummy.’

Then he kissed Gill politely on the cheek – ‘Bye, Gill. Text you later’ – and let himself out of the house before he could see the expression of disappointment that he instinctively knew was on her face.

The private messages that Graham Burns had emailed Patrick – which he’d forwarded on to DCI Strong, explaining they came through a contact on Operation Urchin – had confirmed to Patrick what he suspected. Wendy had gone to the Rotunda to meet someone who’d contacted her on the OnT forum: a user called Mockingjay365. The 365, Patrick guessed, was a reference to the OnTarget song, and the room in which Rose was murdered.

Frustratingly, Burns had only been able to find Wendy’s side of the conversation. Mockingjay365 had deleted his own messages; indeed, he had deleted his entire account.

‘It was set up using an anonymous Gmail account,’ Burns explained. ‘No real name given. I knew you would ask me about the IP address, so I already looked it up. It was set up in an Internet café in Soho.’

Patrick knew DCI Strong would ask one of her team to visit this café, but had little hope it would lead anywhere. Which was why he was doing this. Risking the fury of both DCIs: Laughland and Strong. But he didn’t care. If he found Wendy’s murderer, it would all be worth it.

The basement bowlplex at the Rotunda was swarming with teenagers even though it wasn’t yet noon. Patrick was momentarily perplexed by this, until he remembered it was half-term. A short, barrel-shaped security guard leaned on the railing halfway up the curving staircase leading back to the ground floor, looking as though he’d been standing there for about a week. Patrick stood next to him in silence for a moment or two, both of them surveying the alleys and café below, until the man spoke.

‘Looking for someone?’

Patrick arranged his features into a sorrowful, bitter expression – without much difficulty, he realised. It was pretty much his default expression these days. But the bouncer wasn’t looking at him anyway.

‘Kind of.’ He tried to emulate the cadences of Wendy’s Black Country accent, just slightly, hoping that he didn’t sound like he was channelling Noddy Holder.

The bouncer grunted uninterestedly. ‘You ain’t a journalist, are you?’

‘No. No way.’ He paused. Lying did not come naturally to him, never had – but this was for Wendy. ‘I need to talk to someone about what happened in the car park round the back . . .’

The guard rolled his eyes. Patrick noticed that the man’s stubble, crew cut, uniform and skin tone all seemed the same shade of grey. Perhaps it was the lighting. ‘If you’re a journalist, mate, you can sling your hook right now. I got a job to do here.’

‘I’m not, mate, honest. Thing is – that cop – she was my sister. Wendy. My kid sister . . .’

That got his attention. For the first time he looked sharply at Patrick, taking in his stained Vans and stubble, and the beginnings of the tears that Pat found no difficulty in summoning. ‘Oh. Right. Um . . . sorry to hear it. My condolences.’

Patrick scrubbed his sleeve across his face. ‘Thanks,’ he said in a cracked voice. ‘I heard she was in here before it happened. Meeting someone, but I don’t know who. The fucking police don’t have a clue and I can’t sit at home another day waiting for them to update me when they can’t seem to pull their fingers out. I mean, someone must’ve seen something!’

‘I feel for you . . . cock,’ said the guard. Two teenage boys loped down the stairs, one of them with his arm inside the front of his jacket. ‘Oi! You! No alcohol brought in, you know the rules. Give it here!’

The boy scowled and withdrew his arm to reveal the two open beer bottles he had hidden, which he handed reluctantly over.

‘If I catch you smuggling booze in one more time, you’re barred, you little toerag,’ the guard said.

Patrick watched the boys sulkily march down to the bowling lanes minus their contraband. ‘So, were you here that night?’ he asked the guard, who shook his head.

‘Nah, mate. Day off. Came in yesterday morning, all bleeding hell had broke loose. Manager handing over the CCTV. Cops interviewing all the staff.’

‘What about kids like those two?’ Patrick jerked his head down the stairs. ‘Obviously regulars, aren’t they?’

The guard leaned his elbows on the rail again and gestured down. ‘Cops identified one or two from the CCTV who were here when your sister come in. They’ve had a chat, apparently, but no-one had seen her before. Them two weren’t here at the time.’

‘Mind if I have a word?’

‘With them? Good luck to you. They’re so thick they probably don’t even know their own names.’

‘Could you, er, introduce me?’

Patrick had decided in advance this was the necessary level of obsequiousness. He didn’t want to plough in, in case the guard or the boys realised he was a cop – ‘the feds’, as kids called them these days. The feds! Like they lived in downtown Detroit, not suburban south-west London . . .

The guard appraised him, then shrugged. ‘If you want.’ They walked down the stairs together and over to the café area, where the two boys were examining a notice on the wall, which was advertising for part-time staff here at the Rotunda. They turned and looked up suspiciously at Patrick and the guard. The taller of the two held up his hands.

‘We don’t want no trouble. We’re just hanging out. Thinking of applying for a job here, actually.’

The guard rolled his eyes. ‘Good luck with that. This gentleman here wants a word. Show me you’re not both a waste of space and I might put in a word for you.’

A small, fascinated gaggle of teens had formed around them, bowling and flirting temporarily forgotten.

‘This is the brother of that cop that got murdered. So do something useful for once in your lives, and help him out, eh?’

Six or seven faces gaped in fascination and horror at their proximity to tragedy.

The taller of the two boys scrunched his nose like he’d smelled something nasty. ‘She was a fed. Why should we help someone catch the killer of a fucking cop?’

It took all Patrick’s willpower not to grab the kid by the front of his jacket and shove him against the wall.

‘Listen,’ he said, addressing the boy. ‘I’m not a huge fan of the police either. But Wendy wasn’t just a fed, as you call them. She was a human being. She was my sister.’