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“Ordering table four: one foie gras, one crab cake, pronto,” Fiona said. Then to Adrienne, she said, “What’s the kid eating?”

“He’s not eating. But they would like a plastic cup with a top. I know Caren already asked, but…”

“Sippy cup, Paco,” Fiona shouted.

Seconds later, a plastic cup with a bright blue plastic top whizzed through the air. Fiona caught it and handed it to Adrienne. “Go get him.”


“The kid. Go get the kid and bring him in here.”

Adrienne thought she had heard wrong. The kitchen with the grill and the fryer and four sauté pans going and the fans running was loud.

“You want me to bring William in here?”

“If you think it would help the parents enjoy the meal, then yes,” Fiona said. And-surprise!-she smiled. “I keep some toys in the back office. I love kids.”

Adrienne popped into the wine cave for a bottle of Ponzi. By the time she reached the podium, she noticed the dining room was not only cooler, but quieter. She looked at table four. Thatcher was standing by the table with William in his arms, William was chewing on the top of his fire truck. Adrienne felt a surge of tenderness and awe and whatever else it was a woman felt when she first saw her lover holding a small child. She hurried to the bar, where her champagne glass was waiting. She took a drink, then she set down the sippy cup.

“Orange juice, please,” she said.

Duncan filled it without a word, and Adrienne took the sippy cup and the wine to table four. She handed the sippy cup to Mrs. Yannick who brightened, then Adrienne presented the Ponzi to Mr. Yannick.

“Juice!” William said.

Mr. Yannick nodded at the wine, visibly relaxed. Adrienne uncorked and poured, he tasted.


“I put a rush on your order,” Adrienne said as she poured a glass of wine for Mrs. Yannick. “Your appetizers should be out any second.”

“Would it be all right if I took William into the kitchen?” Thatcher said. “I know our chef would love to see him.”

“She has some toys in the office,” Adrienne said.

“All right,” Mrs. Yannick said. “You’ll bring him back if he’s any problem?”

“This guy, a problem?” Thatcher said. William was resting his head on Thatcher’s shoulder, sucking noisily on the cup. Thatcher winked at Adrienne and vanished into the back.

Mrs. Yannick collapsed in her wicker chair. “I love this place,” she said.

Fourth of July. Two hundred and fifty covers on the books, the maximum. Prix fixe menu, sixty dollars per person. First seating was at six; the guests were to eat then move out to the rented beach chairs in the sand to watch the fireworks. Second seating was at ten; those guests would watch the fireworks first, then sit down to dinner. Duncan was working the bar outside, and Delilah took over the blue granite, her first solo flight.

Everything was different and Adrienne was anxious. Thatcher asked her to arrive early, and she was there at quarter to four, but the front of the house was deserted. When she poked her head back into the kitchen it was 182 degrees-the deep fryers were going full blast with the chicken, and Fiona had the ribs in enormous pressure cookers. Adrienne checked in pastry to find Mario up to his elbows in fruit. He wasn’t listening to music, and he didn’t smile when he saw her.

“I have fifty pounds of peaches that need to be skinned. Everybody else gets a prep cook and I get left in the shit. One hundred twenty-five peach pies I have to make. I spent all morning with the blueberries. Look at my hands.” He held up his palms. They were, of course, impeccably clean. “My nails are blue. I can tell you one thing. I’m gonna have nightmares tonight. You ever have a nightmare about stone fruit?”

“No,” Adrienne said.

“Where you have a bushel of peaches looking as gorgeous as Playboy asses and then you break one open and it’s brown and rotten inside? And the next one? And the next one? They’re all that way?”

“I never had that dream,” Adrienne said.

“Yeah, well, lucky you.”

In the kitchen, Adrienne heard Fiona yelling about deviled eggs. She wanted five hundred deviled eggs.

Adrienne retreated to the empty dining room just as a man with a clipboard walked in saying, “I got two hundred and fifty folding chairs, sweetheart. Where do you want them?”

Some help would be nice, she thought. She had never done the Fourth of July thing on Nantucket before and she didn’t know where on the beach Thatcher wanted the chairs or even which direction they should face. If she told this man the wrong thing then two hundred and fifty chairs would have to be moved. (Adrienne pictured herself slogging through the sand in her Jimmy Choo heels.) So better get it right the first time.

Adrienne called Thatcher’s cell phone.

“Where are you?” she said. Then thought: Try not to sound like a wife.

“At Marine. I wanted to get flags for the tables.”

“The gentleman is here with the chairs. He would like to know where to put them.”

“On the beach.”

“Right, but where?”

“Let me talk to the guy.”

“Happily,” Adrienne said. She handed off the phone to the chair man, then surveyed the dining room. What could she do to help? Set the tables? A roll of red, white, and blue bunting sat on top of the piano along with a book of music, 101 Patriotic Songs. Deviled eggs, bunting, patriotic songs. These people really got into it.

A moment later, Caren walked in. It looked like she’d been crying.

“It’s over,” she said. “I’m finished with that rat bastard.”


Caren glared at her. Adrienne tried to think: He had been there that morning. She’d heard them in the kitchen, though as a rule, she and Thatcher didn’t fraternize with Caren and Duncan. Too much like work.

“What happened?” Adrienne asked.

“He’s been cheating on me during the day,” Caren said. “This morning? He says he has golf at ten with the bartender from Cinco. Fine. I decide to do something different because of the holiday so I set myself up with a gorgeous Cuban sandwich from Fahey and then I go to the beach at Madequecham. And lo and behold, whose car is there? Who is lying on the beach with the hostess from 21 Federal?”

“The hostess?” Adrienne said. “You mean Phoebe?”

“Phoebe!” Caren spat. “So I saunter up to the happy couple and Duncan doesn’t even blink. But I could tell he thought I followed him there or was spying on him or something. However, he pretended like it was no big deal and therefore I had to pretend like it was no big deal. He asked me to put lotion on his back, and I said, ‘No way, motherfucker.’ So then Phoebe pipes up and says she would love to put lotion on his back-and I have to sit there and watch.” Her eyes filled up. “What am I going to do?”

Adrienne put her arm around Caren, awkwardly, because Caren was so much taller. Duncan was a woman magnet; Caren had to learn to accept it. Before Adrienne could find a way to say this, Thatcher walked in, clapping his hands.

“Good, good, good,” he said. “The two of you can hang the bunting. All the way around and try to make it even, okay? Joe’s coming in at four thirty to set the tables-and look! I got flags.” He waved a small flag in the air and his smile faded. “Is something wrong?”

Caren tucked in her shirt and sniffed. “I can’t work with Duncan,” she said. “Either he goes or I go.”

Thatcher groaned. He yanked at his red, white, and blue necktie to give himself some air. Then, slowly, he said, “I told you…”

“I know what you told me!” Caren snapped, and she burst into tears.

Thatcher’s hands hung at his sides. He gazed at Adrienne with longing. But what about Caren? Adrienne tried to make her eyes very round.