“What is it?” responded the platoon commander, a Lieutenant, who up until a week ago had been a manager at a small warehouse.
“Airborne, Soviet airborne. Watch out for their BMDs.”
“Are you staying?” asked the lieutenant, feeling exposed suddenly. Thirty men in his command and two Carl-Gustavs as their defence against armour, the pressure was on.
“We’ll keep an over-watch. I have two more units on the way.”
“Thank God for that,” the lieutenant replied, smiling. “I need to deploy my men.”
The two Lynx helicopters hovered about 300 metres apart watching for signs of enemy movement that might interrupt the activity going on below. The TOW anti-tank missiles, two each side, were waiting to be unleashed should any Soviet armour appear. They were fully aware that a Soviet airborne regiment had parachuted in some fifteen kilometres away to the east, and the BMDs could prove to be a serious threat should they manage to evade the lookout posts deployed in the local area. If a small airborne force managed to bypass allied forces on the ground between their landing zone and Kirchhorsten, it would disrupt the groundwork going on below and delay the preparations for the defence of the Stop-Line Black Raven. Ahead, a Gazelle acted as a spotter. On the ground, elements of an airmobile company had been put into position. A rifle company, complete with eight Milan firing posts, deployed by Lynx helicopters earlier, was providing a security screen as the Forward Armament and Refuelling Point for the 24th Airmobile Brigade was being set up. They were in turn defended by elements of the Air Defence battery. A full AD section had been deployed, providing four Blowpipe teams to help defend the group from attack by the Warsaw Pact air force. High above, two Phantom Interceptors were providing a Combat Air Patrol, Higher Command recognising how vulnerable the airmobile brigade was during the initial stages of its deployment. Once the FARP was complete, stocked with pre-positioned ammunition, fuel and supplies, it would be available to support the next phase. Next would come more air defence and two of the Royal Artillery’s gun batteries, with sixteen 105mm light guns. Artillery ammunition and more infantry would follow them. One kilometre away, the Gun Position Officer had already been dropped off and was in the process of measuring their planned positions, marking out the points where the Brigade’s helicopters would drop the 105mm guns.
On a relatively open piece of ground, a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer completed the final touches to his marking card, ensuring he had made a note of the grid for the drop-off point and the pick-up points where the helicopter would need to return to pick up the rest of the platoon’s stores. He checked that the information regarding the current load, a machine-gun section, had the correct number of personnel. There were no under-slung loads.
The platoon sergeant looked back to where the machine-gun section of nine men was formed up behind him, waiting on his signal to be called forward. The SNCO in command at the front, knelt on one knee, his Self-Loading Rifle, SLR, resting on his left knee, pointing forwards. Behind him, a soldier carried a General-Purpose Machine Gun. The third soldier in the line was crouched down with a tripod slung over his shoulder. Behind them, two more GPMGs and two tripods were carried between the rest of the section. Once in place, this fire support unit, with their weapons in a sustained-fire format fitted with the C2 optical sight, could provide effective fire out to 1,800 metres. They were just one of the elements of the airmobile infantry battalion that were preparing to deploy. The majority would first fly into the FARB, but this section would deploy straight to their positions as part of the Aviation Company.
24th Infantry Brigade was highly mobile. With its two permanent battalions — 2nd Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, and the 1st Battalion, the King’s Own Royal Border Regiment — along with the regularly attached 1st Parachute Battalion, it could pack a punch that any attacking force would find difficult to counter. General Cutler, commander of 1st British Corps, was depending on these 2,000-plus men to provide a blocking force from the Mittellandkanal in the north, to the south of Stadthagen; hold a key part of Stop-Line Black-Raven; put a halt to the rapidly advancing Soviet Operational Manoeuvre Group that was threatening to outpace the general’s attempts to form a solid stop-line on the Weser; blunt the attack; and hold while reinforcements continued to arrive on the Continent. Two infantry battalions would be deployed initially, the parachute battalion being held in reserve. The Paras could either be used to prevent a latent breakthrough or, if it was feasible and the opportunity arose, to assist in any counter-attack against the Soviet forces. This element of the Brigade, the RRF battalion of 700 men preparing to deploy, would first move to the FARB. But, one company, the Aviation Company, including a separate machine-gun section, would go directly to Nienbrugge, and dig in next to the southern bank of the canal. A Territorial company was out in front, providing a screen and waiting for elements of the retreating British units to pass through. The rest of the TA battalion was west of Niengraban, north of the canal.
The entire German frontline in the north was on the move as the Soviets slowly inched their way west. The Bundeswehr would only fall back as far as the Weser where they too had been ordered to dig in, along with 1 Netherlands Corps. Nienbrugge would be the northern anchor point. The rest of the battalion would be stationed along the road that ran south to Stadthagen. The KOBR Battalion was also preparing to move out. It was responsible for defending the southern side of Stadthagen down to the Forst Brandshof, north of the high ground of the Buckeberge.
The Gazelle reared up as the pilot brought the nose of the helicopter higher to ensure they cleared the tall, densely populated hedge line. The Gazelle dropped back down on the other side with a lurch, hugging the ground, the pilot banking it left and right to avoid obstacles. The engine strained as the pilot again jockeyed between the collective and cyclic, the craft shuddering as it whipped past a tree, the branches barely a metre below. The pilot dropped his craft again.
“Standby,” he informed his passenger, an Intelligence Corps Sergeant who was conducting a reconnaissance of the area.
“Ready.” Sergeant Tait clicked the toggle and responded, lifting his gyro-stabilised binoculars ready to do a complete scan of the area they had been tasked to recce. His stomach heaved slightly, and he very much wished he’d not eaten the egg-banjo thirty minutes before the flight. Had he known he was going on this flight, he would have been a little more selective about his choice of breakfast. The Gazelle, a five-seat helicopter and a scout from one of the aviation regiments from 24th Airmobile Brigade, vibrated heavily as the Army Air Corps pilot brought his craft into the hover, just behind what appeared to be a row of trees that crossed their front, lining each side of a minor road.
“Here we go.” The pilot, Lieutenant Sheppard, manipulated the cyclic and the helicopter rose slowly up from behind the cover that was masking their presence. He took a quick sweep of the terrain ahead, searching the skies for any signs of enemy air activity, the glazed cockpit giving him a clear 180-degree field of view.
Tait placed the vibrating binoculars to his eyes, the gyro-stabiliser ensuring a clear and steady picture. He did a sweep left to right of the foreground before repeating the sweep further out. It appeared clear. He zoomed in to a couple of likely places where the enemy might be hiding, conducting a reconnaissance of their own, searching out the territory and route the advancing Soviet division would need to cross. Nothing. Not a sign of the Soviet airborne regiment they knew was on the ground not far from here, anything between three to five kilometres east. The road in front of them that ran from the canal in the north to the town of Stadthagen in the south was to be defended by the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. Stop-line Black Raven had finally been decided upon as the only option if they were to hold the Soviet 12th Guards Division back long enough for 2nd Infantry Division to continue improving its defences along the River Weser. Black Raven continued to the south of Stadthagen, following a staggered line down to Hessich Oldendorf situated on the northern bank of the River Weser where a long stretch of the river ran from west to east.