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184, 185 and garrison crisis, 247 and October uprising, 258—60

Government, see Constituent Assembly; Council of People's Commissars; Preparliament; Provisional Government; Soviets Groza (newspaper), 43 Guchkov, Alexander, xxxix, xlv, 96, 156 Gvozdev, K. A., 287 Gzhelshchak, Frants, 295

Helsingfors, 30, 143, 146, 157, 168, 273 "Heroes of Fraud and the Mistakes of

the Bolsheviks" (Lenin), 191-92 Holy Russia, 43

Iakovleva (Bolshevik), 203-4, 346n Ilin-Zhenevsky, Alexander F., 46, 47, 72 on Central Committee (post-July), 57-58

in October uprising, 261, 347n at Sixth Congress, 84-85 Interdistrict Committee, 77, 81, 83, 84, 316n

Interdistrict Conference of Soviets, 77,

78, 80-84, 138-40, 328n Ioffe, A. A., 181, 200 Iudenich, Gen. Nikolai, 106 Iurenev, Konstantin, 86, 88 Iurenev, Petr, 115, 125 Ivanov, Vasilii, 67 Ivashin, Anton, 47 Izvestiia (newspaper), 202, 227, 228 and July uprising, 3 and Kornilov, 105, 111, 129 and reaction to July days, 19-20, 43, 45

Izvestiia Kronshtadtskogo soveta (newspaper), 157

July uprising, 1-82

ineffectiveness of repression following,

51-82 reaction to, 17-50

June 10 demonstration, xlviii, 3 June 18 demonstration, lviii-xlix

Kadets (Constitutional Democrats; Party of People's Freedom), xxxix, 170, 175, 192, 310 district soviets and, 82 in elections to City Duma, 91, 93 general policy position of, 95 in July uprising, 2-3, 318n-19n and Kornilov, 103-5, 112, 139, 333n and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 200, 205 and October uprising, 259 in Provisional Government, 25, 151-54, 159, 162-66, 183-86 and reaction to July days, 19, 21, 22 and a Soviet government, 292 Kadlubovsky, Karl, 269 Kaganovich, Lazar, 327n Kaledin, Gen. Aleksei, 106, 112, 114, 304

Kaliagin, P. S., 269 Kalinin, Mikhail, 12, 135, 136, 218, 219

Kamenev, Lev, xli, 239, 312, 325n at April Conference, xlii, 316n and Congress of Soviets, 187, 188,

293, 298, 301, 306 and defeat of Kornilov, 132, 134 and Democratic State Conference,

176-78, 184, 188 and garrison crisis, 242 general views of, xxxviii, 173, 317n, 320n

and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181, 187

and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 192-93, 196, 199, 203-8, 345n, 346n Military Organization and, 72

and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 159-65, 341n in new Soviet government, 309, 310 in October uprising, 250-51, 272 and preparation for uprising, 212-14,

216, 217, 221-23, 347n on Presidium of Petrograd Soviet, 175 and reaction to July days, 30-33, 37,

47-49, 57 in seizure of power, 289, 303 Sixth Congress and, 83, 85 Stalin compared with, 66 Kamkov, Boris, 183 and Congress of Soviets, 292, 296-97, 304

and October uprising, 257, 258, 351n and preparation for uprising, 213-14 Kapelinsky (Menshevik-

Internationalist), 302, 303 Karinsky, N. S., 29, 32, 55-57 Kartashev, Anton, 187 Katkov, George, xxxiv Kaurov, V. N., 323n Kedrov, Mikhail, 72 Kerensky, Alexander F., xxxv, 5, 44 becomes prime minister, 21, 25-28,

55, 322n and defeat of Kornilov, 129-50 and Democratic State Conference,

177-78, 185-86 fall of, 274-78, 284, 287, 300-6,

308, 314, 355n in formation of a new government

(Aug.), 151-67 and funeral of cossacks, 40-41 and garrison crisis, 225-31, 244 ineffectiveness of repression under, 76 internal policies of, 51, 52 and July uprising, 2 Kornilov vs., 110-28, 334n Lenin and, during Kornilov affair, 169-70

and Lenin as German agent, 14, 28 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 191-95, 201, 203, 205 military dictatorship and, 99 new coalition government under

(Sept.), 186-87, 343n and October uprising, 249, 253-61,

265, 266, 268, 270-72 preparation to overthrow, 210, 211,


in Provisional Government (April), xl, xlv

and reaction to July days, 30, 68, 323n

and rise of Kornilov, 100-108

seeks soviet's support, 35

social disintegration alarms (Aug.),


soldiers and reintroduction of death penalty by, 75 Kharash, Iakov, 293, 294 Kharitonov, Moisei, 67, 68, 199, 218 Khaustov, Flavian, 30, 48, 277, 327n Khinchuk, Lev, 293-94 Khopor (mine layer), 274 Khovrin, Nikolai, 30, 48 Kishkin, Nikolai, 216 in formation of new government

(Aug.), 151, 343n, 355n during seizure of power, 285-87, 299, 300

Klembovsky, General, 100, 120, 127, 149

Kokoshkin, F. F., 125, 165 Kolchak, Adm. Aleksandr, 96 Kolbin, I. N., 158 Kollontai, Alexandra, 202 and Congress of Soviets, 292 and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

203, 206 and preparation for uprising, 210

during reaction to July days, 30—31,

48, 55—56, 325n Sixth Congress and, 83 Kolmin, G. F., 173 Konovalov, Alexander, 187, 201 and rise of Kornilov, 106 and seizure of power, 270, 284, 287, 299—301 Kornilov, Gen. Lavr, 90, 305 biography of, 96—100 defeat of, 129—52, 183, 187, 312, 313, 355n

effects of defeat of, on Lenin, 132—35, 167—71, 173, 180, 204, 205

formation of new government

following defeat of, 159—67, 340n garrison crisis compared with affair

involving, 228—29 Kerensky vs., 110—28, 335n, 336n on Lenin, 109 rise of, 94—109 Kotsiubinsky, Iurii, 47 Kozlovsky, Mechislav, 17 Krasnov, Gen. Petr, 305, 306, 308, 309 Krasnovsky (commissar), 227 Krestinsky, N. N., 325n Kronstadt naval base, xliv, 28, 273—74 Kronstadt sailors, see Sailors Kronstadt Soviet, 30, 90, 144, 158, 262, 330n

Krupskaia, Nadezhda, 32, 182, 265, 345n

Krylenko, Nikolai, 47, 153, 209, 327n and Congress of Soviets, 305 in garrison crisis, 242 in new Soviet government, 306 and preparation for uprising, 221 in seizure of power, 302 Krymov, General, 109, 305 and defeat of Kornilov, 131, 142, 146,

148—51 removal of, 118

and rise of Kornilov, 116, 120, 128

Kshesinskaia, Mathilde, 8—9, 35 Kshesinskaia mansion, 8—9, 26, 27, 53, 62

Kuchin, Georgii, 293—95 Kudelko, I. U., 47, 153 Kuzmin, A. I., 26, 276

Land reform, 4—5, 22, 169, 172, 303, 306

Larin, Iurii, 84—85, 223, 322n Lashevich, Mikhail in garrison crisis, 242 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,