198—200 and Military Revolutionary
Committee, 245 in October uprising, 249, 269 Latsis, Martin
and defeat of Kornilov, 135 in July uprising, 13 and Lenin's campaign for
insurrection, 200, 201 and Military Revolutionary
Committee, 233—34 and obstacles to an uprising, 209,
217—18 in October uprising, 268 and reaction to July days, 63 —66 Lazimir, Pavel, 234, 237, 241, 242, 249 Lebedev, Vladimir, 5, 6 Left Socialist Revolutionaries, 24, 168, 209
and Congress of Soviets, 291—93,
296—98, 304 and Democratic State Conference,
176, 183 and district soviets, 77 in garrison crisis, 246, 247 and Lenin's campaign for
insurrection, 205 in Military Revolutionary Committee, 237
and new Soviet government, 308-10, 356n
in October uprising, 250, 251, 254,
257-61, 268, 352n in preparation for uprising, 213-15 and reaction to July days, 24, 25 and seizure of power, 306 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 233, 325n and Bolshevik competition for influence in Petrograd Soviet (Sept.), 175 calls for insurrection (Sept.), 178-82, 187, 188, 313
calls for revolution (April), xxxix, xli,
316n—17n campaigns for insurrection, 191-208,
344n-45n charges against, 55-56 and defeat of Kornilov, 132-35,
167-71, 173, 180, 204, 205, 337n and garrison crisis, 234-36 as German agent, 14-19, 28, 31, 37-38
and government crackdown on
Bolshevik Party, 26, 27 July theses of, 59-60, 66-70, 326n and July uprising, li, 1, 3, 6, 7, 9-14 Kornilov on, 109 leadership of, 311-12 leftist regime sought by, 246-47 manifesto by, as ultimate source of Soviet political authority, 303-4 Martov and, 24 Military Organization and, 75 in new Soviet government, 306, 309, 310
in October uprising, 251, 256,
263-67, 272, 353n party concept of, xxxix political biography of, xxxv-xxxviii in preparation for uprising, 209-12, 216, 220-24
and reaction to July days, 23, 30,
32-38, 44, 54, 57, 168, 312, 323n reactions of, to Central Committee conference of July 13-14, 61-62 renews slogan "All Power to the Soviets," 169-74, 342n, 344n in seizure of power, 274-76, 278-81,
290-91, 294-96, 303, 306, 314 situation confronting (April), xli-xliii Sixth Congress and, 83-90, 329n Stalin compared with, 66 "Letter to Comrades" (Lenin), 256 "Letters from Afar" (Lenin), xxxvii, 181
Levitsky, Gen. B. A., 271-72 Liber, Mark, 44, 163, 165, 292 Listok pravdy (newspaper), 47 Livshits (Left SR), 215-16 Lomov, Georgii, 88
and Lenin's call to insurrection, 181 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,
195, 203-4 in new Soviet government, 306 in October uprising, 249, 250 Loos, Avgust, 227-28 Ludendorff, Gen. Erich F. W., 5 Lukianov, Fedor, 295 Lukomsky, Gen. A. S., 109, 125, 335n Lunacharsky, Anatolii, 312 and Congress of Soviets, 292, 297-98,
303, 304 and defeat of Kornilov, 131, 134 and new Provisional Government
(Aug.), 158 in new Soviet government, 306 and reaction to July days, 31-33, 46-48
in seizure of power, 279 Sixth Congress and, 83 Stalin compared with, 66 Lvov, Georgii, xxxix, xl, 28
and Bolsheviks receiving money from
Germans, 15, 17 resigns, 21, 22, 55 Lvov, Vladimir Nikolaevich, 121-26, 150, 335n, 336n
Maklakov, Vasilii, 40, 112, 126, 165 Malenkaia gazeta (newspaper), 18, 26, 30
Maliantovich, Pavel, 55, 287, 294, 300 Malkin (reporter), 298 Manuilov, Alexander, xxxix, 318n Manuilsky, Dmitrii, 33, 81, 87 Martov, Iulii, 24-25, 31, 56
capital punishment opposed by, 90 in Congress of Soviets, 292-96, 298,
302, 303 and Democratic State Conference,
182, 183 on directories, 130 district soviets and, 82 and new Provisional Government
(Aug.), 163, 165 and October uprising, 257-58 and preparation for uprising, 215-16 and seizure of power, 302, 303 Sixth Congress and, 85 Martynov, Gen. E. I., 96-98 "Marxism and Insurrection" (Lenin), 179-80
Maslenikov, A. M., 45, 46, 80-81 Maslenikov, V., 157-58 Maslov, Semion, 290 Maslovsky, S. D., 67 Maximalists, 209, 214 Mekhonoshin, K. A., 241, 242, 327n Melgunov, Sergei, xxxiv Menshevik-Internationalists, 24, 176, 83, 209, 214
in Congress of Soviets, 292, 304, 306 in district soviets, 77
and new Provisional Government
(Aug.), 158, 159, 164 and new Soviet government, 308-9 in October uprising, 257-61 in preparation for uprising, 215 Mensheviks, xxxvi, xli, xlii, 192, 312, 313
and Congress of Soviets, 291-96,
302, 314 and defeat of Kornilov, 132-35 and Democratic State Conference, 176
in district soviets, 76, 77 in elections to Petrograd City Duma, 93
in garrison crisis, 231, 232, 245 and July Central Committee
resolution, 60-62 and July uprising, 6, 13-14 and Lenin's campaign for
insurrection, 205 Lenin's revised stand on (Sept.),
169-74 lose in Petrograd Soviet, 90 lose ground among workers, xlv-xlvi and new Provisional Government (Aug.), 153-54, 164-66, 341n Menzhinskaia, L. R., 57, 75 Menzhinsky, V. R., 74 Metallist factory, 63-64, 154 Michaelis, George, 5 Mikhailov, Mikhail, 46-47 Military League, 95, 117, 156, 331n Military Organization, see Bolshevik
Military Organization Military Revolutionary Committee, 232 creation of, 232-34 defends new Soviet government
(Oct.), 306-8 in garrison crisis, 236-48, 349n, 350n
Military Organization and, 234-36
in October uprising, 249-72, 353n in seizure of power, 273-304, 313-14 Miliukov, Pavel, xxxix, xliv-xlv, l, 40, 91
drifts rightward, 95 in formation of new government
(Aug.), 151, 165 on Kerensky, 113 Kornilov and, 106, 112-15, 169 and military dictatorship, 99 Miliutin, V. P., 74, 316n, 325n and Democratic State Conference, 176
and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181 in new Soviet government, 306, 309, 310
in October uprising, 250, 272 and preparation for uprising, 222 at Sixth Congress, 88 Mogilev Kerensky in, 55, 100-2 Kornilov in, 103, 105, 107, 108, 118-20, 122, 124 Molotov, Viacheslav, 326n
in Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 200
and Lenin's July theses, 60 and reaction to July days, 67-69 in seizure of power, 289 Moscow Bolsheviks, 60, 88, 89, 111,
133-34, 181, 203-4 Moscow Regional Bureau, see Bolshevik
Moscow Regional Bureau Moscow State Conference (Aug. 12-14),
110-17, 133-35, 175, 344n Moskvin, Ivan, 200 Mstislavsky, Sergei, 213, 292, 352n Muralov, Nikolai, 111 Muralov, M. K., 325n-26n
Nabokov, V. D., 91 Napoleon I, 96, 239
Narchuk, Viktor, 69-70 Nekrasov, Nikolai, xxxix, 318n—19n and July uprising, 14, 15, 320n in Provisional Government, 26 and rise of Kornilov, 108, 125 Nevarovsky, Nikolai, 228 Nevsky, Vladimir I.