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in garrison crisis, 234-36 and July uprising, 13 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 201 in preparation for insurrection, 211-12, 217, 224, 348n, 350n and repression, 72, 74, 75, 327n New York Times, xxviii-xxix Nicholas II (Tsar), xxxi, xxxvii, 8, 43, 99

Nikitin, Aleksei, 154, 301 Nikitin, Boris, 32 Nogin, Viktor, 316n, 320n, 326n and Congress of Soviets, 292 and Democratic State Conference, 188

fears coup (Aug.), 111 and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181, 187

and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 206, 345n opposes Lenin in July, 60 in new Soviet government, 306, 310 in October uprising, 250 in preparation for uprising, 222 and reaction to July days, 33-34, 36, 329n

at Sixth Congress, 88 Northern Region Congress of Soviets, 209-16, 233, 235, 345n Noulens, Joseph, 40 Novaia Rus' (newspaper), 248 Novaia zhizn (newspaper), 19, 56, 93, 1

33, 202, 215, 222, 223 Novoe vremia (newspaper), 104

Officer corps, military dictatorship favored by, 95, 96, 331n; see also Kornilov, Gen. Lavr Okopnaiapravda (newspaper), 6, 29, 30 Olminsky, 326n

"On Compromises" (Lenin), 169-73,

176, 178, 182 "On the Current Moment" (Stalin), 66,

158, 329n "On the Current Political Situation"

(Stalin), 85 "On the Government Question"

(Kamenev), 159-60 "On the Political Situation," 132 "On Slogans" (Lenin), 61, 69, 85, 88 "On Unification," 132, 133 "One of the Fundamental Questions of

the Revolution" (Lenin), 170, 171 "Order Number One" (March 1), xliv, 317n

Ordzhonikidze, Sergei, 33-35, 59 Osipov, Gavril, 70 Osipov, Ivan, 70 "Our Triumph and Our Tasks" (Zinoviev), 177

Palchinsky, Petr, 283, 285, 286, 299

Panina, Sofia, 290

Pankratov, V., 15, 17-19, 21, 320n

Paradelov, Gen. Nikolai, 285-87

Pavlov, I., 277


and defeat of Kornilov, 148 and preparation for uprising, 217 Sixth Congress and, 87 and socialism in Russia, xxxviii Soviet regime (Sept.) and, 172 See also Soviets Pereverzev, Pavel, xlv, 14, 15, 21, 55, 320n

Peshekhonov, Aleksei, xlv, 3 Pestkovsky, Stanislav, 262

Peter the Great (Tsar), 7 Peter and Paul Fortress in July uprising, 2, 11, 26, 27 reserve headquarters in, 251 and seizure of power, 274, 282, 285,

286, 288, 289, 299, 301 taking of, 245-46, 249 Petersburg Committee, see Bolshevik

Petersburg Committee Peterson, Karl, 294 Petrograd, 7-9, 315n

effects of reaction to July days in,


why study, xxxiv-xxxv Petrograd City Conference, see First City Conference; Second City Conference Petrograd City Duma, see Duma Petrograd district soviets, xl-xli, xlvi, 308

and defeat of Kornilov, 138-40, 143 and ineffectiveness of repression, 76-82

Petrograd garrison, see Garrison

conference; Soldiers Petrograd Soviet, 312

Bolshevik competition for influence

in (Aug.; Sept.), 90, 174-75 capital punishment and, 105 and defeat of Kornilov, 138, 139, 339n

district soviets and, 77, 80 dominant elements in, 76, 343n emergence of, xl-xli extreme left strengthened in (Sept.), 189-90

and formation of new Provisional

Government (Aug.), and garrison crisis, 227, 228, 230-48,

348n, 349n influence of (April), xliv-xlv in July uprising, 2-5, 7, 9-13

Kornilov and, 97, 98 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 194, 198—99 and October uprising, 249, 250,

254—55, 263 and preparation for uprising, 212, 216, 221

and seizure of power, 274—76, 278, 279, 288, 313—14 Petrograd Trade Union Soviet, 83, 139,

141, 153, 218, 221, 308 Petrogradskaia gazeta (newspaper), 26—27, 32, 35, 36, 43

Petrogradskii listok (newspaper), 18 Petropavlovsk (battleship), 146, 157 Piskunov, Ivan, 47 Plehve, Viacheslav, 99 Plekhanov, Georgii, 18—19 Podvoisky, Nikolai, 71—72, 74, 326n, 327n

in garrison crisis, 234—37 in July uprising, 13 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 201 in Military Revolutionary

Committee, 245 in October uprising, 249, 265, 268 and preparation for insurrection, 212,

224, 234 in seizure of power, 274, 280—82, 290—91 Poletaev, Nikolai, 323n "Political Situation, The" (Lenin), 69 Polkovnikov, Gen. Georgii and garrison crisis, 226, 241, 243, 244

and October uprising, 251, 272 and preparation for insurrection, 216 and seizure of power, 284, 285 Polovtsev, Gen. Petr, 2, 53, 54 Pravda (newspaper), xlii, xlvi, 318n closed, 29, 59, 72

and July uprising, 6, 12, 16 offices of, raided, 25, 53 and reaction to July days, 17, 19, 47, 66

Preobrazhensky, Evgenii, 329n Preparliament (Council of the Republic) function of, 185—86, 188, 189 and garrison crisis, 225—26, 246, 248 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 192, 196, 198—202 and new Soviet government, 306 in October uprising, 255—62, 271 and preparation for uprising, 215 in seizure of power, 274, 276—78, 284, 285 Prokhorov, Sergei, 218, 219 Prokopovich, Sergei, 284, 290, 298, 299 Proletarii (newspaper), 74, 91, 92, 318n Proletarskoe delo (newspaper), 46—47,

210, 252, 324n Pronin, Aleksei, 262 Provisional Government, xlii

capital punishment issue and, 77—81,

91, 100—106, 322n composition of, in Feb., xxxix—xl; in May, xlv; in July, 26; in Sept., 186—87

and defeat of Kornilov, 130—50 and Democratic State Conference, 185—87

fall of, xxxiii—xxxv, 273—90, 293,

295, 296, 298—306, 310—14, 355n formation of a new (Aug.), 151—67 garrison crisis undermining, 225—48 generals' demands made, 97, 101; see

also Kornilov, Gen. Lavr impotence of (Aug.), 94—95 ineffectiveness of repressive policies of

(July—Aug.), 51—58 and July uprising, 2, 3, 10, 13—16 and land reform, 4—5

Lenin's call for insurrection against

(Sept.-Oct.), 178-82 Lenin's campaign for insurrection

against, 191-208 and Lenin's July theses, 59-60, 66-70

Moscow Conference and, 110-17,

133-35, 175 plans to overthrow ( June), l-li prime ministers of, see Kerensky,

Alexander F.; Lvov, Georgii reaction to July days under, 20-41,

51, 52, 312, 322n Sixth Congress and, 83-85 soldiers' and sailors' view of, xliv Soviet support for, xxxvii, xxxviii, xli,

xlviii-xlix, 35, 36 Stalin's view of (July), 67 uprising against (Oct.), 249-72 Pskov, 55, 229, 230, 233, 271, 272, 305 Public Safety, Committee of, 288 Pulkovo Heights, 308 Purishkevich, Vladimir, 45-46, 80-81, 114, 156

Putilov, Aleksei, 96, 114, 115, 146 Putilov factory, 64, 83, 154