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Shugrin, Konstantin, 330n Shumiatsky, Boris, 72 Sidorin, V. I., 146

Sixth Congress (Bolshevik Party; July 28-August 3), xxxviii, 62, 83-90, 132, 134, 173, 174, 198, 313, 329n, 340n

Skobelev, Mikhail, xlv, 5, 6, 163, 174 Skvortsov, Ivan, 306 Sladkov, Ivan, 280 Slavkin, Eliazar, 70

Slutsky, Anton, 67-69, 173, 327n, 343n Smilga, Ivar, 13, 66, 74, 168, 316n, 326n

in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

193, 199, 200 in October uprising, 272 in preparation for uprising, 210, 214 at Sixth Congress, 87-88 Smirnov, Sergei, 187 Smolny Institute, 129, 130, 266-67, 336n

Snodgrass, John Harold, xl Social Democratic Party, 36 Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs; Socialist Revolutionary Party), xli, xlv, 192, 209, 312, 313, 357n Battle Organization of, 99 Central Committee of, 117 at Congress of Soviets, 291-95, 314 and defeat of Kornilov, 132-35, 139, 141

and Democratic State Conference, 176

in district soviets, 76, 77 in elections to Petrograd City Duma, 92-93

in garrison crisis, 231, 232, 245 and July Bolshevik Central

Committee resolution, 60, 62 and July uprising, 6, 13-14 Kornilov affair and Lenin's shift in

thinking about, 169 -74 and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 204, 205 and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 153, 158, 159, 161-66, 341n and new Soviet government, 306, 352n

Petrograd Soviet and, 90, 174-75, 343n

popular opinion (June) and, lix, 330n and reaction to July days, 20, 43-44,

59-61, 64 See also Left Socialist Revolutionaries Society for the Economic Rehabilitation

of Russia, 96, 115, 146 Sokolnikov, Grigorii, 57, 74, 172, 326n and Congress of Soviets, 187 and defeat of Kornilov, 130 and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

192-93, 199, 200, 203 in preparation for uprising, 211, 212 at Sixth Congress, 87, 88 Soldat (newspaper), 74, 75, 91, 92, 136-37, 234, 248, 249, 318n, 337n, 340n

Soldatskaiapravda (newspaper), xlvi, 6,

29, 46, 70, 72, 318n Soldiers

Bolshevik strength among, xlv-xlviii,

90 and defeat of Kornilov, 139, 143, 144,

146, 341n district soviets and, 78—82 and February revolution, xliv in garrison crisis, 225—48 ineffectiveness of repression on,

52—53, 70—71 in July uprising, 1—3, 5—7, 9—11,

13—14, 16 Military Organization and, xlvi, xlviii; see also Bolshevik Military Organization and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 154—56, 159, 160, 167 in October uprising, 250, 254—55 political behavior of, xxxv, xxxviii, 343n

in preparation for insurrection,

215—19, 224 and reaction to July days, 28—29,

51—53, 70—71, 75—76, 78 and rise of Kornilov, 105—7 in seizure of power, 276 See also Soviets Soviet, see All-Russian Executive Committees; Central Executive Committee; First All-Russian Congress of Soviets; Northern Region Congress of Soviets; Second All- Russian Congress of Soviets Soviets, xlii, 187, 340n defended (Sixth Congress), 198 emergence of, xli future of (post-July days), 67—69 in garrison crisis, 227, 231, 236, 245 independence of, destroyed, 310 influence of, xliv—xlv July resolution of Bolshevik Central

Committee and, 60—62 July uprising and power to, 2, 3 Lenin on failure of ( July), 62

and Lenin's call to insurrection

(Sept.), 181—82 Lenin's shift on (Sept.), 169—74, 179 Martov and power to, 24, 25 and preparation for insurrection, 224—25

and reaction to July days, 20, 59—60, 312—13

Sixth Congress and future of, 85—90 See also Petrograd Soviet; and specific soviet institutions; for example: All- Russian Executive Committees Spiridonova, Maria, 292 Stalin, Iosif, 57, 60, 74, 92, 232, 316n, 326n, 344n, 353n

at Democratic State Conference, 176, 188

and Lenin's call for insurrection

(Sept.), 181 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

192—93, 203, 345n in new Soviet government, 306 in October uprising, 252, 253, 272 in preparation for insurrection, 225,

234, 341n and reaction to July days, 32, 33,

66—69 at Sixth Congress, 85—89 Stark, Leonid, 262 Stasova, Elena, 345n State Council, dissolved, 22 State and Revolution, The (Lenin), 35,

168, 323n Steklov, Iurii, 44, 161 Stepanov, V. A., 318n Strikes

hunger, 50, 153, 211 July, 5

Moscow Conference and, 111 political, 6—7 Sukhanov, N. N., 202 and Congress of Soviets, 292—94

on garrison crisis, 243

and Kornilov, 128, 132, 137

and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 165 and seizure of power, 280 Sulimova, Maria, 36-37, 323n Suny, Ronald G., xxxiv Sverdlov, Iakov, 57, 59, 60, 74, 75, 316n, 326n

and Congress of Soviets, 187 in garrison crisis, 231, 241, 242 and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 201, 202, 204 and Lenin's return to Petrograd

(Sept.), 182 in October uprising, 249, 250, 264, 327n

at Sixth Congress, 84 Sverdlova (Bolshevik), 219-20

"Tasks of the Revolution, The" (Lenin),

170, 171, 192-93 Tarasov-Rodionov, A., 281, 289 Teodorovich, Ivan, 306, 310 Ter-Arutuniants, Mikhail, 47, 153 Tereshchenko, Mikhail, xxxix-xl and July uprising, 14, 15 in Provisional Government, 26, 154, 187

and rise of Kornilov, 100, 101, 108, 127

and seizure of power, 301 "To All Workers, Soldiers, and

Peasants," 303-4 "To the Citizens of Russia" (Lenin), 274-75

"To Workers, Peasants, and Soldiers,"

194-95 Tolkachev, A., 277 Tolstoi, Aleksei, 263 Tolstoy, Leo, 7

Tovarishch (newspaper), 28

Trade Union Soviet, see Petrograd Trade

Union Soviet Transport system, xliii Tretiakov, S. N., 106 Trotsky, Lev D., xxxviii, 153, 173, 234, 312, 316n, 322n, 326n at Congress of Soviets, 187, 292,

296-98, 303 and defeat of Kornilov, 132 and Democratic State Conference,

176-78, 183, 186, 188, 192 during garrison crisis, 231-32, 237,

240-43, 248, 348n and July uprising, 12 and Lenin's call for insurrection

(Sept.), 181-82, 344n and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 192-93, 196, 201, 203

Military Organization and, 72 in Military Revolutionary

Committee, 240, 245 in new Soviet government, 306, 309 in October uprising, 249, 250-54,